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    slip-on Beispielsätze


    1. A soft blue shirt, gold cuff links, silk socks and shiny black slip-ons

    2. � She wore a rank slip-on with two light green bars on the front of her shirt, a nametag on her right chest and paratrooper wings over her left chest pocket

    3. � The group of pilots stared at Nancy as they passed near her table, but she stared herself even more: these were Canadian pilots!� One of the men, intrigued by her interest in them, saw the �CANADA� patch sewn on her rank slip-on and stopped dead in his track, with the result that the pilot following him bumped into him and swore

    4. He then handed Nancy a pair of epaulette slip-ons with the crown that was the symbol for the rank of major

    5. The captain directly facing Nancy looked at her rank slip-on and her low-slung pistol before looking back up into her eyes

    6. � There were even front and back epaulettes so that the wearer could bear his or her rank slip-ons

    7. The King, helped by his equerry, changed the shoulder rank slip-ons on Nancy�s parade uniform before congratulating her and shaking her hand

    8. jumpsuit and slip-ons, a man who had assaulted her for money she did not have, stood before her with a large tureen

    9. There he was – filling the screen now, grinning out into the cinema – with his dark hair and glasses, the black jacket and the green and orange tee-shirt, and the embarrassing fawn slip-ons

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