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    small beer Beispielsätze

    small beer

    1. Nobody affects the character of liberality and good fellowship, by being profuse of a liquor which is as cheap as small beer

    2. In the country brewery for common country sale, a quarter of malt is seldom brewed into less than two barrels of strong, and one barrel of small beer ; frequently into two barrels and a-half of strong beer

    3. The different taxes upon small beer amount to one shilling and fourpence a-barrel

    4. ” The bartender poured himself a small beer and offered Alex a smoke

    5. “Would you rather have some small beer?” asked the barwoman with evident amusement, having seen the look on Ambrosius' face

    6. Ambrosius finished his fish and chips and stopped to buy a bottle of small beer from a grotty looking tyke of a street vendor who eyed his full pockets covetously

    7. He bought her a small beer and walked away to discuss the dyke at the end of the bar with his mates

    8. She paid her tab and got the barman to send a small beer down to Adam

    9. Sending the small beer back was just a reminder to him that she paid her own way

    10. songs and earn a few small beers

    11. It is of course the privilege of gods to control their apparent outward form, even to other gods; the Fate of the Discworld was currently a kindly man in late middle age, greying hair brushed neatly around features that a maiden would confidently proffer a glass of small beer to, should they appear at her back door

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