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    1. Attracting and trapping snails is one of the most effective natural snail controls

    2. The best way to do this that I have found is through use of a natural snail bait and using snail trap that attracts ‘em

    3. Plant the proper planting for the season Planting the wrong type of vegetables and flowers in your garden at the wrong time will encourage snail activity

    4. This will severely reduce the snail population almost immediately, and should be done several times before planting

    5. This information will come in handy when determining how many snails your property has, and whether the snail population is growing or dying back

    6. The cost to build a Snail Cafe is minimal

    7. Lopez is also the founder of the ClubIG which he started in an effort to raise the consciousness of all those concerned with their environment The club publishes a newsletter every month on website or yearly via snail mail, which discusses new products new procedures, and a number of timely topics relating to planting and growing

    8. As I go into the kitchen, he gestures wordlessly to the table where there is a plate with lettuce leaf on which stands a little model of Brian, the snail from The Magic Roundabout …

    9. Jean had tried snail, olives, apples

    10. his seat like a trodden snail

    11. But the snail replied “Too far, too far!” and gave a look askance– Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the

    12. Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance

    13. "You can really have no notion how delightful it will be When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!" But the snail replied "Too far, too far!" and gave a look askance-- Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance

    14. The further off from England the nearer is to France-- Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance

    15. While my body moved in its own ways, in ways that Eileen was probably to thank for, I had all the time in the world to think about what had just happened, seeing as everything seemed to move barely a notch faster than a Jewish snail on a Sabbath

    16. snail butter, he said,

    17. Even so small a thing, so am27l and self-protected As a snail, fearing my fire

    18. to run with the snail and forget the course of the sun

    19. Walking at the pace of a snail, he walked into see the inside of the beautiful church being dominated by police officers

    20. between sloth and snail, it was about two hours before Derek

    21. There have been numerous mistakes made such as one identifying the snail darter which interfered with the construction of the Tellico Dam

    22. the information you need including e-mail, snail mail; it’s all there

    23. another flickering, the white of gulls and several times the crunch underfoot of red snail shells

    24. She dusts off her bottom and proceeds to walk out of the enclave, a snail trail of travelers follow behind at a distance

    25. Claims processing still depended on a hand-written claim form coming by snail mail to the claims processing office

    26. No one was in the habit of receiving snail mail these days,

    27. can be used as a snail or tube in the water to float

    28. Snail: Snails deal with steady footing and stability

    29. If I could’ve turned into a snail and crawled into my shell, I would have done so

    30. It would be like comparing the speed of a racecar to a snail

    31. We would be the snail, by the way

    32. Musafir huffed and tried again but this time he was moving at the speed of a snail

    33. speed was no more than that of a snail

    34. Just before the Smug came up, Fishmael retreated below to his cabin, like a snail illuminated with that star's salt, retreating back into its shell, and locked the door, having left orders for the navigation of the ship with Jerry, who manned the helm, and orders for Mungo to stay aloft in the crow's nest on the look our for anything pale and fish-like, be it tail-fin or dorsal

    35. I’ve heard of snail mail, but this is ridiculous

    36. In some areas, because of the heat and slow motion of the water, disease can be spread, such as river blindness, malaria and schistosomiasis, which is also known as snail fever

    37. A snail can sleep for three years

    38. I knew Sunita always rides her bicycle slowly like a snail pace

    39. The bus was running in very slow pace like the climbing snail, and it ran jog trot

    40. And over the sea wet church the size of a snail

    41. During the next few days, time passed about as quickly as twenty-yard snail race

    42. between a snail and a starfish

    43. Detection of early and single infections of Schistosoma japonicum in the intermediate host snail, Oncomelania hupensis, by PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay

    44. "Those," said Herr Dremmel, who in the lush meadows of dalliance had forgotten that what had first attracted him to her had been a certain bright baldness of brain, "would be pretty little nonsense sermons the small snail would produce

    45. "But what then, small snail?"

    46. The Nassarius Snail is a saltwater snail that is used as part of a cleanup crew that sifts through

    47. There are two different varieties of the nassarius snail that you may come across

    48. The crabs may decimate your snail population

    49. Allow for 20 to 30 gallons of water per snail

    50. Turbo Snail Compatible Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them with some of the more aggressive

    1. As the cars sped past him, he snailed his way to town

    1. Attracting and trapping snails is one of the most effective natural snail controls

    2. This growth medium, called coir, was infested with the tiny snails

    3. The scientists found that the caffeine spray killed up to 95 percent of the snails

    4. In another experiment, the researchers showed that growth medium treated with the 2 percent caffeine solution had only 5 snails, when checked 30 days after the spray was applied

    5. That’s in contrast to the 35 snails that they found in growth medium that had been treated with a standard dose of metaldehyde, a common molluscicide

    6. Snails are prone to grow during the early spring, during which it would be unwise to plant anything unprotected that you did not mind the snails eating

    7. A good suggestion would be to flush the earth of snails in your area

    8. This technique is called that because you flush out the snails from any particular area and remove them

    9. Each day, go outside at night and collect as many snails as you can find

    10. This information will come in handy when determining how many snails your property has, and whether the snail population is growing or dying back

    11. A certain level of snails is preferred over complete elimination

    12. Attract birds and other creatures that naturally prey on snails and slugs

    13. It is a natural blend of iron phosphate found in the soil and a natural bait that lures slugs and snails away from their hiding places

    14. Pick a bird house that allows enough room for the snails to enter, and one that has a lid that can be opened and closed

    15. Slugs and snails enter and once inside will get caught in the solution

    16. Works on slugs and snails

    17. Dusting is best for crawling pests such as snails and slugs, spiders, snakes, rats, gophers (place into tunnels), ants, fleas (outdoors only), and will keep, rabbits, deer and coyotes away (sprinkle around property edge)

    18. It will keep caterpillars (and snails) from climbing

    19. ” It seemed to move at a snail"s pace at the foot of a mountain far away

    20. She laughed, “Actually, they put cockles inside a basket, which is a snail"s preferred meal

    21. When snails try to get the cockles the cockles stick out their long tongues and trap the snails

    22. ” Those final few seconds seemed to be going at a snails pace all I could think of though was be quick and get going and then we can be on our way

    23. Another cartoon depicted senior police as snails, slow to investigate an indigenous death in custody on Palm Island, which resulted in rioting that burnt down the only police station, barracks and court house on the island

    24. It harbored some newts, green turtles, snails and neon tetras

    25. Put the bread-dough pan on the top rack of the oven and the snails on the bottom rack of the

    26. Snail: Snails deal with steady footing and stability

    27. Snails carry their homes on their backs which is symbolic of carrying your security in your heart

    28. Later that evening when the last band The Snails were playing,

    29. I plucked weeds and removed snails

    30. It was necessary to dig canals to get the water out of the house and rid it of the frogs and snails so that they could dry the floors and take the bricks from under the bedposts and walk in shoes once more

    31. At first he told them that everything was just the same, that the pink snails were still in the house where he had been born, that the dry herring still had the same taste on a piece of toast, that the waterfalls in the village still took on a perfumed smell at dusk

    32. Let’s say that you’re passionate about eating bugs, grasshoppers, snails

    33. Boil the snails for about 45 minutes

    34. “Oh? What news is that then?” Natura asked as she scattered some food-pellets for the snails

    35. Chunt’s hand trailed out of her pocket at a snails pace revealing exactly

    36. Broken eggshel s can also be used as a deterrent for snails and slugs

    37. To repulse snails and slugs, col ect as many as you can, then place in a container and

    38. Put a lid on the container and put aside for 3 or 4 days, al owing the snails and slugs to ferment

    39. Strain, then spray where you don’t want slugs and snails to invade

    40. The garden was quivering in heat and light; rain in the morning had brought out all the snails and all the sweetness, and we were very happy, as we always are, I when I am knee-deep in flowers, and the babies when they can find new sorts of snails to add to their collections

    41. Sometimes the snails get out and crawl over the beds, but the babies do not mind

    42. They seized their baskets and their boxes of snails and rushed off into the bushes, calling for Seraphine with nothing but rapture in their voices, and French and the _diable_ quite forgotten

    43. If you don't have saltwater snails you'll need to use an algae scrubber to remove any algae that has built up on the front and sides of the glass

    44. Snails, Hermit Crabs and Sea stars are all fair game to the Hawkfish

    45. It is not a good idea to keep them with invertebrates such as shrimps, snails and

    46. control the pyramidellid snails that are known to prey on your prized saltwater clams

    47. problems with these snails and your clams

    48. snails that are parasites on tridacnid clams

    49. tank with snails and corals

    50. Then there is the larger, Super Tongan Nassarius Snails

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