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    so many Beispielsätze

    so many

    1. "It may not fit into physics, but she is so much like Tdeshi in so many baffling ways

    2. It wasn't quite as bad on this world as it had been at Sol, but they could still be persistent and aggressive and there were so many more of them

    3. “Balance relies on so many things,” he observes

    4. Johnny had no idea how someone could show so many outward signs of emotion without seeming to feel them

    5. I’d never seen so many straight teeth in one mouth

    6. They took on two hundred bags of fuel, so many that one had to crawl over them to get to the one bed that was still open

    7. it had been unbelievably wonderful after so many years of not daring to believe we could possibly have a future together

    8. Johnny often wondered how his dad would feel if he ever found out that Johnny was a super spy and that he was concealing so many things from him

    9. So who was left to send starships? The Chinese space program fell apart after losing so many sleeperships on the Centorin run

    10. He has a mobile but doesn’t tend to give the number out to all and sundry, preferring to keep a bit of freedom from the perpetual messages that so many of his colleagues have to field as a result of being more profligate with their own mobile telephone numbers

    11. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver

    12. We started small, making improvements here and there across so many fields of the

    13. loved me, not in so many words, but I didn’t care

    14. so many tears! They streamed down my face and into my mouth so

    15. At one point the words which I had read so many

    16. So many people – men and women – become boring as they become older, you know

    17. having spent so many days alone

    18. The mental television screen on which I could see so many familiar outlines flickered violently through a swarming wall of static

    19. Still, so many of Talstan had died fighting the technology of the Americans, Chinese and Brazilians over the years

    20. If as it happens so many times, he/they own the property, begin a new congregation

    21. “Yes, but I work only six hours a day, whereas you work ten hours and you aren't paid any overtime! If I worked so many hours as you, I would earn more than 250,000 per month!” I reply and she shuts up

    22. And here I face what I've been trying to ignore for so many years: The hatred and contempt of the others towards me

    23. ‘Kate! Nice to meet you, I have heard so many good things about what you are doing at The Laurels

    24. " Her words and actions confound him on so many levels, he hardly knows which one to address first

    25. But today there was a message from that circuit and he almost missed it because it had been so many years since there was any new data from the old hulk

    26. Over time, and having passed through so many similar stages of emotional turmoil, Menachem had come to understand that giving way to these feelings was simply counter-productive

    27. Once again, Jesus asks how they are going to feed so many

    28. He started to speak, but found words hard to form having spent so many days alone

    29. They are so many and you so few

    30. Mankind used these genetically engineered pioneers to carry out so many of the dangerous tasks of empire building and thanked them with prejudice and anger

    31. With so many competitors that they could turn to in nearly any market or industry that your business is in, they decided to follow your company

    32. Initially she dismissed it, there were so many people around that it would be virtually impossible to detect someone following her … all the same, the prickly feeling in the back of her neck persisted and she started taking it seriously

    33. She met so many more interesting people sailing with the vagabonds of this basin and this woman was one of them

    34. It hadn't been active in so many years, he wondered if it would even work

    35. Twenty minutes later, and still reeling from the euphoria produced by so many expressions of Joris’s love for her, Kara was led back to the main gate of the compound and released

    36. He had survived the party, but mainly because so many other things had happened that day, the whole town had found out about his origins and Desa had scared him nearly to death with a song that made him believe she had been controlling his mind with RNAcid for generations

    37. So many would rather run a mile than contemplate this topic, while others are fascinated by it

    38. The tarrids were now almost ripe and there were so many that they ate some of those

    39. There were so many streetcars you had to dodge them; and the many passengers hopping on and off at this busy circle

    40. As he made his way through the darkness he kicked various buckets, pots and pans that had been left strategically placed to deal with the many leaks that the roof had sprung during so many years of neglect

    41. He tried to sound as light and as jovial as he could but his eyes spoke a different language, revealing a mix of concern and tiredness in the face of so many disappointments

    42. 'Why wasn't I told earlier? So many years

    43. They sat watching mindless garbage on the television late into the night while they consumed more alcohol and smoked so many cigarettes that they regularly exploded in apoplectic fits of coughing

    44. They were also yelling at her and abusing my mother on the phone, telling her what a mistake it was and what a mistake I was in so many words

    45. Sarah was beginning to get worried, there were so many of them

    46. She had, after all, met her husband at a banking conference in Switzerland many years before and the sight of so many white crosses immediately made her smell a rat

    47. dating and finding they have to face up to so many related issues they could never have had to

    48. We humans have made so many arrogant mistakes

    49. Sir John, aware that he had to make a strong showing in the midst of so many hawk-eyed, elected members, exclaimed, "Oh yes Sir, isn't it magnificent, so well argued, so concise, so irrefutably true

    50. For his part, the great politician broke off from his prepared text and brought his verbal guns to bear on the heckler, just as he had done with unfailing accuracy so many times before

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