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    soap bubble Beispielsätze

    soap bubble

    1. My will power in firm control, I had debated whether a long bath or a stimulating shower would be the best course of action so, my priority being to use up time, I opted for the former; taking a book with me, I had spent an hour in the bath up to my ears in hot water and soap bubbles

    2. She liked to play with soap bubbles, just like little girls

    3. barefoot and dirty, blowing soap bubbles and laughing; they looked

    4. Jesse touched my face in a soft caress as he wiped the soap bubbles off my face

    5. “I have here a can of gas and I am going to blow soap bubbles with it

    6. As the soap bubbles float away Benjamin and Donald are going to light them with their torches

    7. When he pursed his lips and blew air through the wire loop soap bubbles formed and drifted away on the light breeze

    8. “As you can see, when ordinary soap bubbles are burnt absolutely nothing happens except a stink

    9. However, I have in the milk can that you see here a magical gas and I am now going to blow some more soap bubbles with it

    10. As he opened the petcock slightly the gas escaped and formed soap bubbles, which once again drifted away on the breeze

    11. Zygmunt knew that when the hydrogen and oxygen gases in the soap bubbles began to recombine as a result of the flame of the torch, a great and sudden amount of heat was released

    12. What other town had exploding soap bubbles to boast about?

    13. Among these exhibits I'll mention, just for the record: an elegant royal hammer shell from the Indian Ocean, whose evenly spaced white spots stood out sharply against a base of red and brown; an imperial spiny oyster, brightly colored, bristling with thorns, a specimen rare to European museums, whose value I estimated at ₣20,000; a common hammer shell from the seas near Queensland, very hard to come by; exotic cockles from Senegal, fragile white bivalve shells that a single breath could pop like a soap bubble; several varieties of watering–pot shell from Java, a sort of limestone tube fringed with leafy folds and much fought over by collectors; a whole series of top–shell snails—greenish yellow ones fished up from American seas, others colored reddish brown that patronize the waters off Queensland, the former coming from the Gulf of Mexico and notable for their overlapping shells, the latter some sun–carrier shells found in the southernmost seas, finally and rarest of all, the magnificent spurred–star shell from New Zealand; then some wonderful peppery–furrow shells; several valuable species of cythera clams and venus clams; the trellis wentletrap snail from Tranquebar on India's eastern shore; a marbled turban snail gleaming with mother–of–pearl; green

    14. The words, the information, the meaning in the woman’s questions and in Alice’s own answers were like soap bubbles, the kind children blew out of those little plastic wands, on a windy day

    15. Her sense of Alice—what she knew and understood, what she liked and disliked, how she felt and perceived—was also like a soap bubble, ever higher in the sky and more difficult to identify, with nothing but the thinnest lipid membrane protecting it from popping into thinner air

    16. Cohesion, experiments with soap bubbles on attraction of, J

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