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    some day

    1. Some day “whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there

    2. Some days later it was discovered that at least one brother was discouraging the making of such future plans and thus the whole plan fell apart

    3. It seldom happens to me but some days are full of satisfactions

    4. Marketeers would study here some day to upgrade their enticements

    5. He would get no more willing cooperation from these natives, why make the situation worse? Even though they were primitive, he respected some things about these people and hoped some day there would be contact with them, more successful contact than this had been

    6. maybe some day in the far-off future

    7. ’ She castigated me, learning that I have been having them for some days

    8. “And we are a seedship,” Ava said, “We will find a world we can inhabit some day, and we still have the means to populate it, even if it takes five thousand years to find one

    9. A sighting in a Spanish port and a copy of a ship's register, the Valentin, bound for Bideford, some days ago

    10. She wondered if there might be time some day for all those details

    11. had crashed on an asteroid some days ago, and there were still survivors on the Eidolon Spaceship, along with four crew members that were desperately trying to fix the

    12. “Some days more than others

    13. She felt so at home here in some ways, it would be easy to come back to this ancient hill town some day

    14. “I could marry some day and have kids of

    15. Some days are gloomy, the air thick with pain

    16. Some days you make inspired choices – and this was

    17. of his sport for some days, Pippi could tell that his

    18. He might want to get the old furniture to a furnace some day if he could find an easier route to get it out, but once he found all the clothing machinery and the knitting machine, that had taken all his attention and he had never been back to these upper floors

    19. She promised to return here some day also

    20. But in a household that honors Ares, shouldn’t its son have the chance to exercise, so he might prove a strong and fearless warrior some day?”

    21. maybe the poet would be invited back some day

    22. because some days he isn't ignored

    23. Some days he isn't

    24. When his mammalian meal was sadly limited or difficult to capture some days, he would have to diversify his diet, attempting to track down birds, snakes, lizards, and especially in the fall and winter months even complement his normal intake with a few fruit and vegetables

    25. When her vegetarian meal was sadly restricted some days due to dangerous conditions in her environment, she would have to limit her diet, attempting to locate whatever she could without overly exposing herself to the risks around her

    26. Her greatest hope was that some day she might read

    27. If he was lucky, some regulars would be about and inclined to offer information regarding a stranger whom they had noticed pass among them but some days earlier

    28. That they’d need a son and daughter to carry on some day

    29. hoped she’d have the chance some day to ask him

    30. He might some day grow bored with

    31. That girl will make a fine mother some day

    32. Some days had passed since the funeral

    33. Some days you never knew when you were going to eat again, but if what Walt said about our diminished need for food was true, then that should relieve some of the stress

    34. Some days, when the air was clear enough, we could see snow on the top of Mount Hermon

    35. I do hope they will be able to visit some day

    36. I hope you meet him some day

    37. During the first three months, the weather had changed constantly; some days were delightful with cool breezes and pleasant

    38. in that some days were very busy catching whales and

    39. “Some days I would stay in bed if not for the Healing

    40. He wanted her and he was going to have her some day

    41. Maybe some day she would have enough to start her horse ranch

    42. For some days thousands of natives had anxiously waited in eager expectancy, for a glimpse of that tyrant, whom they had dreaded so long

    43. ‘I’m okay, some days I get angry and confused

    44. Some days the floors and walls would vibrate from all the heavy machinery being used at the same time

    45. A summer so intense, so swelteringly hot, that it felt as though some days the earth was ready to explode

    46. But on some days this valley is crawling with rock hounds

    47. Not even in school, when it seemed every time you sat down at your desk and looked around the room, you started wondering in some day-dreamy way, ‘What would Brittany be like in bed?’ and, ‘I wonder how Ashley would look flat on her back with me fucking her?’

    48. Another side effect of having only eight inches of colon is that, no matter what I eat, I visit the restroom more than I ever did before and some days there are never enough bathrooms around

    49. It takes more than we have some days just to get the job done

    50. Some day he would have to replace me

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