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sonnet Beispielsätze
1. We did the Pre-Raphaelite poets at school, but we concentrated on a bloke called Swinburne and that put me off … Ozymandias is one of my favourites … that and a sonnet by a bloke called Drayton … and of course, Wilfred Owen
2. The gentle sonnet that she sang stirred a haunting emotion within Brock's heart, but eventually even this image flickered and faded, until it had disappeared along with the rest
3. Yes, here I stand, but here you stand also along with me, for you have proved once more to the world that this is a village ready to break molds, to cut open new paths, as our good friend from Bembibre, Héctor Blanco Terán, has made evident in his sonnet For a Gesture of Fuentes Nuevas
4. Similarly, as a student in Poughkeepsie, New York, he enjoyed reading English poetry, though not as much as French poetry, and he wrote in French a sonnet to the Virgin Mary, which appeared in the monthly magazine published in Marian College, now Marist College, in Poughkeepsie
5. composed in Spanish the following sonnet, which is no more than a composition of disheveled reflections of a young
6. Roger translated this sonnet into English, preserving the main literary characteristics of the classical sonnet, including its rhyme
7. Since then, this sonnet can be found on the Internet through the International Library of Poetry
8. It would be most appropriate to conclude here this chapter, as indeed the whole work, with a sonnet on the present book expressing the author’s wishes for the readers
9. Sonnet: "I said I splendidly loved you; it's not true"
10. Sonnet (Suggested by some of the Proceedings
11. I’d written a solitary sonnet about a vampire toying too long with a
12. Based on that sonnet, a fellow writer told me he’d like to hear more
13. in a sonnet form? Was there any specific themes or atmosphere
14. A: I’ve always been partial to the Shakespearean sonnet, specifically because it tells a story within itself in fourteen lines, and the final couplet is like the resounding click of a box as it closes
15. that not only employs traditional verse forms such as the sonnet
16. Look round you this fine spring weather and tell me, for instance, what April is doing up your way, and whether as you go to your work through the park you too have not seen heavy Saturn laughing and leaping--how that sonnet has got into my head--and do not every day thank God for having bothered to make you at all
17. Tussie was sitting at the other end of the table very limp and sad after a night of tiresome tossing that was neither wholly sleep nor wholly wakefulness, and sheltered by various dishes with spirit-lamps burning beneath them worked gloomily at a sonnet inspired by the girl he had met the day before while his mother thought he was eating his patent food
18. The girl, it seemed, could not inspire much, for beyond the fourth line his muse refused to go; and he was beginning to be unable to stop himself from an angry railing at the restrictions the sonnet form forces upon poets who love to be vague, which would immediately have concentrated his mother's attention on himself and resulted in his having to read her what he had written--for she sturdily kept up the fiction of a lively interest in his poetic tricklings--when the servant came in with Fritzing's leaf
19. years of his life is ofinterest; either he wrote the sonnet in his
20. (6) The soneto (sonnet) is formed of fourteen 11-syllablelines
21. This famous sonnet hasbeen ascribed to Saint Theresa and to
22. We sat on the granite bench and read the sonnet Beau had written for the child and A
23. “Beau wrote this sonnet for our dead brother
24. That he was still in Seville in November 1598 appears from a satirical sonnet of his on the elaborate catafalque erected to testify the grief of the city at the death of Philip II, but from this up to 1603 we have no clue to his movements
25. He opened it, and the first thing he found in it, written roughly but in a very good hand, was a sonnet, and reading it aloud that Sancho might hear it, he found that it ran as follows:
26. The Knight of the Rueful Countenance was still very anxious to find out who the owner of the valise could be, conjecturing from the sonnet and letter, from the money in gold, and from the fineness of the shirts, that he must be some lover of distinction whom the scorn and cruelty of his lady had driven to some desperate course; but as in that uninhabited and rugged spot there was no one to be seen of whom he could inquire, he saw nothing else for it but to push on, taking whatever road Rocinante chose--which was where he could make his way--firmly persuaded that among these wilds he could not fail to meet some rare adventure
27. "Even did she know her," returned Lothario, "I would hide nothing, for when a lover praises his lady's beauty, and charges her with cruelty, he casts no imputation upon her fair name; at any rate, all I can say is that yesterday I made a sonnet on the ingratitude of this Chloris, which goes thus:
28. "There is no doubt of that," observed Anselmo, anxious to support and uphold Lothario's ideas with Camilla, who was as regardless of his design as she was deep in love with Lothario; and so taking delight in anything that was his, and knowing that his thoughts and writings had her for their object, and that she herself was the real Chloris, she asked him to repeat some other sonnet or verses if he recollected any
29. Is there any need to say that Don Lorenzo enjoyed hearing himself praised by Don Quixote, albeit he looked upon him as a madman? power of flattery, how far-reaching art thou, and how wide are the bounds of thy pleasant jurisdiction! Don Lorenzo gave a proof of it, for he complied with Don Quixote's request and entreaty, and repeated to him this sonnet on the fable or story of Pyramus and Thisbe
30. "Blessed be God," said Don Quixote when he had heard Don Lorenzo's sonnet, "that among the hosts there are of irritable poets I have found one consummate one, which, senor, the art of this sonnet proves to me that you are!"
31. But he never succeeded in getting a rhyme for the second verse; and at last ended by copying a sonnet in a "Keepsake
32. They all parrot Professor Jefferson’s remarks, spouting his theories about how a machine that can’t write a sonnet or compose a concerto because of emotions actually felt can’t be said to have true human intellect
33. How can we ever tell that the loss of a loved one affects someone else as intensely as it affects us? We must assume it, as you assumed my hurt after Chris passed, when you brought me along to Gibraltar although I’d never composed a sonnet, and although tests had never been done on my brain to ensure how deeply I felt
34. It was what is said in the bower, a prelude to what will be said in the chamber; a lyrical effusion, strophe and sonnet intermingled, pleasing hyperboles of cooing, all the refinements of adoration arranged in a bouquet and exhaling a celestial perfume, an ineffable twitter of heart to heart
35. He had his chin down and was frowning at the big green bracket, as if trying to compose a sonnet about it and not finding the proper words
36. But the decision was correct, and the unanimity of the judges had its justification in the excellence of the sonnet
37. sonnet in the purest Parnassian tradition, and through it there wafted a breath of inspiration that revealed the involvement of a master hand
38. The author of the essay did not doubt that the writer of the sonnet was in fact who he said he was, and he defended him in a straightforward manner, beginning with the title itself: “All Chinese Are Poets
39. On his death, the press recalled the forgotten incident of the Poetic Festival and reprinted the sonnet with a Modernist vignette of fleshy maidens and gold cornucopias, and the guardian angels of poetry took advantage of the opportunity to clarify matters: the sonnet seemed so bad to the younger generation that no one could doubt any longer that it had, in fact, been composed by the dead Chinese
40. The first folded his soul in a sonnet and laid it at her feet
41. How could she help it? Was he not her ideal? Who could resist those glorious dark eyes, and that pleading voice? Were not half the Redmond girls wildly envious? And what a charming sonnet he had sent her, with a box of violets, on her birthday! Anne knew every word of it by heart
42. Gilbert would never have dreamed of writing a sonnet to her eyebrows
43. The eccentric Skelton, who wrote about the close of the 15th century, in a sonnet, says: