speculative basis so they could appreciate my continued “normality”
Tatania dragged him from one VIP to another, introducing him before dominating the conversation with amusing epithets about speculative inappropriate behaviour from Sam
Glancing around the room apparently unconcerned, Chrissie noted that Chas was standing at one end of the table, his eyes speculative, a faint smile lingering on his lips
The speculative merchant exercises no
The operations of the speculative merchant are principally employed about
Mr Quesnai, who was himself a physician, and a very speculative physician, seems to have entertained a notion of the same kind concerning the political body, and to have imagined that it would thrive and prosper only under a certain precise regimen, the exact regimen of perfect liberty and perfect justice
A fine, even of twenty pounds, besides, though it may not, perhaps, be sufficient to discourage any man from entering into the Turkey trade, with an intention to continue in it, may be enough to discourage a speculative merchant from hazarding a single adventure in it
In all trades, the regular established traders, even though not incorporated, naturally combine to raise profits, which are noway so likely to be kept, at all times, down to their proper level, as by the occasional competition of speculative adventurers
Speculative systems, have, in all ages of the world, been adopted for reasons too frivolous to have determined the judgment of any man of common sense, in a matter of the smallest pecuniary interest
After about 10-11 seconds, the picture becomes less speculative, since particle energies drop to values that can be attained in particle physics experiments
One would be entering speculative territory by assuming that the Bible should be interpreted differently
The Bible also states that we will not even be able to understand the Earth completely - and how true this is - we know less about our deepest oceans, than we do about the surface of the moon - not to mention the mantle and core of the Earth, which are currently part of our speculative reasoning
His eyes grew speculative, and his fist relaxed
It remains, on a number of important levels, uniquely speculative
The allegations were never proven and from what I read the evidence is nothing but speculative
The thought was highly speculative and the family name common but, considering the situation, I did some checking
Of course all these prospective dates are at the least speculative, all that we can be relatively assured of by the many accounts, two of which I have used here, is that a flood of monumental proportions occurred somewhere north of the Mesopotamian landscape and probably sometime within the early organization of the farming communities that eventually were to attain the complexity of small city-states
Sometimes a speculative guess as to what that point of reality might be is the first step in putting the rest of the puzzle pieces together
Within that agglomerated wildly speculative synthesis there appear “Aeons” which apparently has its twin in the biblical angels
It also motivates the economic development, without need that the money stays at the financial speculative market
The following attempt to integrate the ideas of karma, rebirth, and the Christian perspective is speculative
This greatly changed the native people of that area making it rather speculative as to what they were really like at the time of the book
from speculative claims about internal versus external origins
hypothesize…’ mean nearly the same thing to me; both are speculative, theoretical assertions
material patterns, the unknown is not directly amenable to this sort of speculative identity
being discussed are at best speculative
This is the most important reason why traders should use only their speculative capital
Positivists regarded speculative thought as long on theory
sent her a speculative gaze that was utterly unnerving
Even if it was sudden and so very speculative,
and producing for a speculative
greatly speculative; it would seem to us that a written
So they could bleed off a certain percentage of those profits into their more speculative
That book turned out to be mostly of a speculative nature and never said that the World Council had been able to find the secret of time travel
#1: “Some speculative new physics theories suggest that time emerges from a more
submitted to a scientific journal and rejected as being too speculative, he showed the
Wheeler said, “Extremely speculative? Bah!” Then he reminded Tegmark that some of
speculative sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as
speculative sense, the theory suggests that the
In a larger and more speculative sense, the theory suggests that the
The drilling site intrigued her though, from what she knew from her earlier mission in the African jungle, the project could not have been entirely speculative; the operation of drilling was far too expensive for that
speculative about what Johnny-boy might have actually got up to with the two sexy
to make the investment in the mine or sell speculative claims without
Her thoughts were all speculative, based on the facts as she knew them
For example, a speculative run up in the stock would affect the
The more random and speculative
investing in a certificate of deposit which has zero volatility, there is no reason to invest in stocks except for speculative purposes
By recognizing the rationality behind the “ideal” business cycle, the investor can therefore be alerted to the danger of an exception - whether it be a speculative bubble or a more complicated supply and demand issue such as occurred with the price of
speculative bent, it is much better to take advantage of low interest rates and speculate
speculative, because it is based upon management’s judgment of the merger’s potential,
stock will be speculative at best
Within the church’s treatment of prophecy the speculative, and often ridiculous, naming of
The speculative excesses that helped fuel the economy encouraged the issue of massive
situation as it arose, avoiding some of the speculative excesses of its peers
In attempting to interpret this we are now heading into slightly more speculative territory, however if we continue with the understanding of prophecies concerning empires that we’ve gained so far
The rational connection between speculative gambling and probabilistic investing is
However despite a wide range of speculative views on where in the
In fact, it is typical that speculative cash goes into an acquiring firm’s stock if the purchase is considered a “smart” move, only to be
Those questions make for interesting speculative discussion, the answers to which are far
stochastic, may be on its way down because a speculative high may have been reached
It seems that we measured the stock as it hit a speculative high and then
In the case of a speculative
And his information was derived from Persian or other sources that may have been fragmentary and speculative at best
And topping things off, when the speculative bubble of the New York Stock Exchange burst in 1929, economies around the world went from bad to
Then, while the world was in the grip of the Great Depression caused by a collapse of speculative investing, desperate
speculative return on investment is gone, what are stockholders left with? Why, the very earnings the share value should have been based on in the first place, of course
upward price pressure was aided by easy money and speculative investment
Speculative real estate investing was fueled by the decline of the stock markets in late 2001, with investors seeking more profitable venues for their money
Midge cast a speculative eye at her
His suggestion that they adopted the gangster mentality as a means of population control and resource management is highly speculative at best
“It was purely speculative in its composition, an attempt to connect the dots, so to speak, without any hard data
The mix includes highly speculative resource stocks, high stakes
history and a somewhat speculative future
but this can be highly speculative
That comment only spurred on more questions and speculative comments from
Give me the religion of texts and hymns and simple faith, which satisfies thousands, rather than the dreary void of speculative philosophy, which thoroughly satisfies none
The speculative claims of theology and metaphysics, regarded as past history and should be discounted
That is the question we must pose to our age – this age of what if: what do we want all this imagining to result in; what institutions will we create to pursue imaginative living; what Earth will emerge from all this speculative play of mind? Will it amount to more than just a trillion iphone applications or Afterweb holographic sunglasses? Will our imagination usher in peace or a Renaissance of the Black Plague Virus?
” Information pollution is an environmental cause of ID; information dysplasia – the inability to frame and discern the distinction between trivial and significant, new and improved, speculative and substantiated data – is a symptom of ID
dominant speculative thought that came to mind on this night--after the wonder if I might be in the
This hypothetical new mind, Techine, is the speculative attractor of monergic and technological teleology that is drawing us up to serve in the creation of the environment that will be conducive to its emergence
Mutating beyond posited speculative teleologies, its ability to inquire rapidly eclipsing each invented mystery, paradox or technical impossibility, how will this bored demiurge, with nothing to occupy its ever increasing intelligence, look at the universe when it discovers its own internal laws of unlimited reconfigurations? We will have made it in our image, our brain, but what soul, what heart will it have as it recreates us to be the subjects of its ineffable and incomprehensible I'mage? Will we be the feeding servants, the domesticated pet, the annoying beast, the malignant tumor, the species under glass and specimen for evaluation? How many humans do you think will be needed? Any?
The concept was speculative until the 1980s, when it was corroborated by
Historic being, memory and learning, is integrated with speculative being, imagination and hypothesizing, in counter-factualizing the becoming projection: the imperturbably changing I
Was this GameWorld her dream or was her tangential, indirect conversation with me her speculative counterfactualizing?
ED was surprised to recognize the psychic signature of a speculative and
“I don’t want to expose you to their brand of harassment and speculative gossip
The band and band’s business had always come first and foremost! Ignoring the speculative expressions on his friend’s faces, Joel continued
As he addressed the teen, his expression was thoughtful and speculative
While the picture I have painted is obviously speculative, it
“Fifth,” he muttered, groaning inwardly, catching the speculative gleam in his twin’s eyes when he looked from one to the other
Kennedy said no more, but he had started my mind on a train of speculative thought
And this transparency would undoubtedly include such events as the speculative marriage of Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene and any conception and birth of any baby
I endeavored to keep a low profile, but it was apparent that I was the subject of a lot of speculative interest
I hesitated for a moment, but then I made the decision to carry this charade out to its conclusion and began to make the long journey across the room under the speculative stares of the many onlookers the hall contained
She turned back to him with a speculative look that took all of him in before she definitively said, “And you are a Prince of men
As we stepped free of the boat we were the subject of intense and highly speculative study that I found extremely uncomfortable to be under
The king looked speculative, “What is it you want of me?”
She glanced back up her blue eyes alive with a speculative gleam as she stated, “I guess you have this partnership going a lot further than a standard working relationship?