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    Verwenden Sie „speedboat“ in einem Satz

    speedboat Beispielsätze


    1. His sons were both furious that the speedboat Byram was working on was not ready for them to go after it

    2. Just like a speedboat, the little wavelets lapped at the shore in regular succession

    3. Tomo was in a small speedboat heading to the Asian Symphony to have a second round

    4. The wave roared through the harbor, devouring a small speedboat and

    5. Rory stared after the rapidly diminishing speedboat, then dashed down to the jetty and jumped onto the remaining speedboat untying the mooring rope as he did so

    6. Approaching cautiously Rory ascertained that the other speedboat had indeed stopped

    7. ‘No time for that now – we’ve got to get away before that Semtex explodes – move quickly!’ Rory snapped cursorily, hacking away their plastic manacles with a fishing knife and then they all piled into the speedboat hastily

    8. Rory berthed the speedboat on the beach well away from, and out of sight of Wei’s boathouse and cottage and then led the party to where he had concealed his car

    9. The speedboat was a ‘Cobalt’ - sporting a cuddy, with a bimini configuration, probably a twenty-

    10. hundred) we saw the same speedboat that had delivered me, on the horizon, and on the starboard

    11. speedboat came in to tie up alongside

    12. With that, the speedboat untied, started up, and sped away at top speed

    13. He moored up alongside a speedboat that would be used by

    14. As they talked they heard the noise of a speedboat coming up the channel

    15. was a long, sleek speedboat which pulled alongside the port-side of the

    16. They made me fix their speedboat – real fancy machine it was too

    17. Once again, the speedboat shot out from between the quince trees and made an

    18. He pointed at the speedboat

    19. parallel to the trees he had seen from the speedboat

    20. Back at the speedboat, he reached

    21. the speedboat on the sand where it was out of view of the

    22. speedboat, signalling the passing of the ferry to Rhodes or back

    23. Marmaris had been dead calm, and this speedboat was not

    24. Well out to sea, the movement of the speedboat was starting

    25. aboard the speedboat, he started the engine and reversed

    26. that the speedboat was holed

    27. Nosing the speedboat onto the sand, he took off his t-shirt

    28. over his shoulder to see the driverless speedboat approaching

    29. Reaching over the side of the speedboat, he knocked it into

    30. approached the speedboat, his dangly bits dangling in the dark

    31. ‘Since he came ashore in a stolen speedboat an hour or two

    32. ‘At least we have a speedboat to escape on

    33. story of the speedboat from her perspective

    34. and move that speedboat, please

    35. burnt-out speedboat in the shallows, its silver windscreen frame

    36. the speedboat, but from his perspective

    37. The next day I stole a speedboat and crossed to

    38. If she stole one, it would have to be a speedboat

    39. Leslie went above decks to the waiting speedboat they’d called for yesterday

    40. It had its own dock on the channel and a speedboat, Cecilia Theresa, named after his first child

    41. Well, not quite: I had skillfully maneuvered a speedboat in a thrilling chase through the Puerto de Alicante

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