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    1. broke the dreaming spire, the cathedral, terraced high and lofty,

    2. Behind the northern part of the tallest wall, a pinkish-white pyramid with vegetation in every niche rises sharply above that, near an ornate black spire

    3. It wasn't really on a tower because this wing was a very old place that was once on a high rock spire

    4. Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, Spire books,

    5. Brice craned his neck upwards as their raft drifted closer, noting how the spire high atop the keep sparkled in the presence of the sun

    6. The not insubstantial figure of Mr Rudolph Snickerty was as familiar a landmark as the spire of St Jasper's to those various persons within the orbits of the little house at the corner of Bimini Square

    7. "It was originally built without a spire

    8. place in the scheme of things, without the spy in the spire part, the weird camera, and realised as he talked about her how little he knew himself,

    9. We moved on and we could now see the spire of the Cathedral upright above the uneven roof tops around it lifting itself up to heaven as though pointing the way

    10. says" - and for this part Bradlee put on a perfect South African accent - "'Bradlee, when did you last see a church spire with windows?'

    11. up in the spire on his own, the discussion down

    12. disgusted, and cast him upon the raven spire

    13. way of the raven spire at the last moment and landed on the relatively soft bed of waste that

    14. that escape impalement upon the raven spire are mounted upon it the following day by the elder

    15. The missile, after twenty minutes of their time, had moved about as perceptibly as a distant star against a spire

    16. treetops, beyond the church spire, higher even than the clouds

    17. " "All but one and it went over and bust up on the Methodist spire," said Carl

    18. The church was something of a local landmark, its spire visible from miles around, and I found out from the leaflet that I picked up out of habit that it was the highest point in what was once the county of Middlesex

    19. However, what amazed him most were the needle style main spire and other turrets

    20. The spire glowed with

    21. if that spire was real y the first part of creation, or how that myth jibed with the Big Bang, or with God creating the world in seven days, or whatever

    22. Smashed chest first into a spire that hit me with a punch so hard, I lost my breath, slid down the sheer face and hit the water only to vaguely hear the barge roll over me and into it

    23. It’s not an island, just a spire that sticks up out of the water

    24. She skirted the wall until she reached a certain point where the spire of the tower was visible above the battlements

    25. She scrambled up to the summit of the spire and looked toward the horizons

    26. Conan had seated himself on a rocky projection at the foot of the spire

    27. Not a light shone from spire or tower

    28. Finally, I had to land the birds and crawl over the ice field’s surface to find the base of the tower and only did so because I found the rock spire that marked the split in the ice

    29. The center spire seemed to grow to mammoth proportions as larger, business-like buildings surrounded us

    30. There was an oak-colored wooden spire in the middle, with a tripod of ornate, wooden crosses at the top

    31. In the middle of each spire were a group of metal pipes

    32. “To the left of the second spire

    33. line towards us and went up the spire in the medieval church in

    34. The stark lonely spire called Shiprock dominated the view in front of us

    35. down and engulfed the highest spire

    36. The side of the spire pressed any air he held in his chest

    37. into the adjacent spire taking out its small roof in the

    38. The tiny round room at the top of the spire housed many

    39. Reg's compound was atop a spire in the center of the parking dome, reached by a mile-high set of stone stairs

    40. The view was spectacular from where they sat, atop the very prestigious Observation Spire at Confederation Prime HQ on Bellabarabba

    41. A creature was skewered on the slowly turning spire; a relatively thin torso, with longish legs and arms trussed in to prevent their dangling into the flames licking up from below

    42. On the left was the Spyker Schloss, with the spire of Bobbin church behind it

    43. Kökensee lay three miles along the highroad between Meuk and Wiesenhausen, and they could see the spire of its little church over the fields on the left the whole way

    44. Despite a number of them being punished and in spire of his continual warnings as to what would happen if he and his soldiers were not obeyed the children committed act after act which he considered disrespectful

    45. In looking at the twisted spire and the way it ascends the air like a brisk hallelujah, Mary almost fails to notice the thing that separates the two of them by but a few thousand feet

    46. It could, she knows, be because she is small—because, in her current state of frame, she is but five feet tall—and because this twisted spire is an icon upon which all things were built, but something in her heart tells her that is not probable

    47. It seems too perfect, too convenient for the spire to simply appear bigger, and in this place called Wraethworld, there seems not to be a lack of superstition that could make normal things whole

    48. As she continues along the path, taking extra care not to trip over herself as to her sides there are now jagged and grey rocks, Mary begins to wonder just how long it will take after she enters the spire for her to get home

    49. It seems like the path is stretching ever forward and tempting her to stop and rest upon its surface, as it takes her seemingly all day and well into the night for her to break any real progress on her advance toward the spire

    50. Once again, lightning cracks overhead, spilling blue across the horizon and lighting the spire in a wicked glow that seems to exist even after it all but disappears in the sky

    1. Likewise shone the spired gold cap of the pinnacle, and the inscription which sprawled about the curve of the dome in golden hieroglyphics yards long

    2. There were five thousand of these, and Shupras rode at their head, his lean face moody beneath his spired helmet

    3. In the center space a marble pyramid was spired by a slim column, and on its pinnacle sat or squatted something that Conan supposed to be an image until his keen eyes detected life in it

    4. Leaving half a dozen men in the boat, he took the rest, ten mighty archers of Khawarizm, in spired helmets and tiger-skin cloaks

    5. In an instant the surge had ebbed back out of the gorge; there was a chaotic, confused swirl of fighting, horsemen wheeling and smiting singly and in clusters, and then the emir went down with a Kshatriya lance through his breast, and the riders in their spired helmets turned their horses down the valley, spurring like mad and seeking to slash a way through the swarms which had come upon them from the rear

    6. This part of the city is unknown to him but he can see in the distance, maybe five kilometres away a spired building he recognises

    7. spired on the battlefield, where fighters include even those who have

    8. spired truth), the Holy Spirit was present at creation

    1. Daniel could make out the tops of the school spires

    2. Colorful flags adorned large spires at each home; and beyond Duncan could see children running and playing

    3. Dreaming spires come to mind and seem strangely appropriate

    4. Chloe pointed excitedly out towards the sea, “Ooh, look!” There through the late mists rising from the bay, rose what appeared to be the turrets and spires of a fairy tale castle

    5. In Great Malvern near the town square just a ways down College road stood the snow laced gothic spires and frosted wintry windows of Malvern College Main Building

    6. spires, and just enjoyed being out without the

    7. Silver spires rose from the central keep which was a single, thick walled tower that nearly touched the clouds

    8. distance he could see the magnificent towers and spires of

    9. All the while the spires of Cluny

    10. unfinished towers of the façade, but the bristling spires of

    11. Suddenly, as he turned the next bend in the walkway, several church spires of different heights and colors appeared before him

    12. He counted church spires too, fourteen of

    13. They seemed to be tall towers with double spires that seemed to form a roughly crescent shape, their base lost behind the thick foliage of the ever-present trees

    14. Balconies and bright spires that reflected the sun, which sent long, happy rays down upon the town

    15. It was wondrous beautiful with spires, bays, columns and tall arched windows and doors in several stories

    16. coiled spires in the mist, and the endless moors of the Rilfsak

    17. There were five domes each topped with an onion-shaped structure and countless spires on top the building

    18. Frequently, however, tourists rent a helicopter to see the spectacular glaciers, forests and estuaries and to extend their 12-mile panoramic view to the Mendenhall Glacier, flying over deep water-colored crevices, towering and haughty ice spires, knife-edged summits, hanging glaciers and one thousand foot ice falls

    19. appeared to many as gothic spires pointed heavenward in a prayer

    20. The Spires of Guardon, the daemon, stand near us

    21. They set forth on the downward slope into the valley of Guardon’s Spires

    22. They said that I should let no one into The Spires, and that includes you

    23. The Hive Builders will wait outside The Spires

    24. Perhaps we shall lead our own garrison of goblins to conquer The Spires in the volcanic Plane on the behalf of the specters and the Drystyx Monks

    25. “Rauros, how dare you? I did not order you to march on these Spires

    26. The band of fighters passed through the walls outside the courtyard of the towering Spires

    27. Gilead led the group of troll folk and anthromorphs into the structure of Guardon’s Spires

    28. “Let us seek the Leader of the Gorgons and his troll woman accomplice in these Spires

    29. The stairway curled around a great, central pillar that reached up and down into the darkness of Guardon’s Spires

    30. The flickering of the torches and creaking of the chains were the only noises in the central stairway of Guardon’s Spires

    31. “Long trapped in these Spires am I

    32. For the many years I’ve patrolled these Spires that is what I’ve done

    33. The network of vertical tunnels they use, which run throughout these Spires

    34. “Bonded I am with these Spires and over the years have come to know them well

    35. The fighters entered a narrow passage carved through the stone of Guardon’s Spires

    36. “I wonder if Guardon’s Lykanthros and beholders had the courage to venture this deep into the structure of The Spires,” Bjorn pondered aloud

    37. You have kept watch over The Spires long enough

    38. It gives the impression of being the central, vertical passage in Guardon’s Spires

    39. Dweeble Dworx and his Arachnoid relatives looked up from their post at the base of Guardon’s Spires

    40. They communicated with mind-song among themselves as the dragon circled the mountainous Spires and spewed green flame

    41. Gilead heard guttural bellows of victory echoing from above as they retreated to the front courtyard of Guardon’s Spires

    42. The fighters and sorcerers marched through it and found themselves at the base of Guardon’s Spires

    43. The Gaeans followed the advice of their Leader and entered the central courtyard of the Spires

    44. The Watcher led the Citizens of Coermantyr and the other warriors up the red-carpeted steps to the adjoining level of Guardon’s Spires

    45. The floor of the Throne Room in Guardon’s Spires was covered with dead and dying firbolgs and minotaurs, strewn among the lingering remains of the earlier waves of gorgons and Lykanthros

    46. “Let us travel into the lower levels of The Spires while our strength remains

    47. They were accompanied by a number of wood trolls who had joined the fray in the Throne Room of Guardon’s Spires

    48. Weary I grew of the isolated halls of Guardon’s Spires,” said The Watcher

    49. By evening they approached The Wolf’s Fang and the Gothic spires of Coermantyr Castle

    50. Once within The Spires he pushed the seal down again, blocking whoever may follow from entering his domain

    1. spiring fat loss is what you really want, you

    2. Sometimes I rambled to pine groves, standing like temples, or like fleets at sea, full-rigged, with wavy boughs, and rippling with light, so soft and green and shady that the Druids would have forsaken their oaks to worship in them; or to the cedar wood beyond Flint's Pond, where the trees, covered with hoary blue berries, spiring higher and higher, are fit to stand before Valhalla, and the creeping juniper covers the ground with wreaths full of fruit; or to swamps where the usnea lichen hangs in festoons from the white spruce trees, and toadstools, round tables of the swamp gods, cover the ground, and more beautiful fungi adorn the stumps, like butterflies or shells, vegetable winkles; where the swamp-pink and dogwood grow, the red alderberry glows like eyes of imps, the waxwork grooves and crushes the hardest woods in its folds, and the wild holly berries make the beholder forget his home with their beauty, and he is dazzled and tempted by nameless other wild forbidden fruits, too fair for mortal taste

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