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    spline Beispielsätze


    1. The following program will interpolate any missing values in our data by fitting a cubic spline function through the existing data before converting the data from a month frequency to a quarter frequency

    2. PROC EXPAND will read the values supplied in the ID variable and will fit a spline function through the available data points

    3. It then fills in the missing values based on that fitted spline

    4. By default, the interpolation is performed by fitting the points to a cubic spline curve

    5. DERIVATIVE Only valid as the 'to' value when the cubic spline function is the conversion method

    6. The BEGINNING,END combination takes the original value as the value at the beginning of the MONTH interval, and then (using, in this case, the default SPLINE method) returns the value from that curve at the end of the WEEK interval

    7. Similarly, the AVERAGE,TOTAL combination considers the original value to be the monthly average and calculates a weekly total based on the default SPLINE method

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    Synonyme für "spline"

    slat spline