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    split ends Beispielsätze

    split ends

    1. By doing this, you can prevent your hair from becoming dry and dull, as well as prevent split ends, which all hinder its growth

    2. In other words, the tips are the ones that can get dried out first, which can result to split ends

    3. Then my dentist always wants me to admit that I don’t floss – even while he’s enjoying the pain this is causing me – and the hairdresser has to rub it in that I have split ends

    4. Annie was biting off her split ends again as she read, but at least she was actually reading

    5. Fragile hair splits easily, but split ends can also occur in hair – especially long hair – that is in otherwise good condition

    6. Have your hair trimmed regularly to remove the split ends, as this will prevent the split traveling up the hair

    7. A hairdresser who, by the way, didn’t even have good hair: black roots and split ends

    8. And as the split ends were all broken off, Levin clutched the thick ends in his finger, broke the stick in two, and carefully caught the end as it fell

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