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    split open

    1. His skin was translucent and stretched over his skull so severely that Emily believed a single cut on his cheek would be enough to split open his entire face

    2. Even so, with his hands split open and blackened, Adros didn’t release his grip on the King’s Wood – not even when the fires of the Magi were extinguished altogether

    3. I once saw a terrorist whose head was split open like an over ripe melon after being shot by an R1 slug

    4. The chief engineer was hurled against his engines, his head split open by an ungrateful piston…”

    5. This remains then is, wait for it – BONES! The bones are not reduced to ash; let me say that again – The bones are not reduced to ash, lime or dust! The bones are dried out, some have split open due the enormous heat, but it does not turn into “ash”

    6. One corpse has his head split open, holding his brains in his hands

    7. split open a new trench

    8. He split open several ice packs and let them begin to

    9. After seeing one of them split open, and that it was dripping with

    10. The floor split open at Sarah Jacobi’s feet, and

    11. Warm and shaky, he held me as I took tentative steps towards the wall and it split open to reveal another room where there was a table, chairs and a couch, a small balcony protected by a railing made of living tree branches

    12. going to split open and a small child will clamber out

    13. She split open the skin on her forehead

    14. The two enemy ships split open like a can opener had run down their sides

    15. He could still see the muskrat traps they set down by the dam, smell the pungent smell of blood when he split open their bellies, and feel the warm entrails as they seeped out onto his hands

    16. the Acme bag four times then split open the largest of the

    17. Stilwell winced when he saw Ingrid Weiss in her bed: her face was puffy, with one eye black and shut, both lips split open and with bruises all over her face

    18. The skin split open, bleeding profusely

    19. There will also be a political price for defeating the Communists, as part of the solution will be to split open the Vietminh into its communist and purely nationalist factions

    20. With his nose broken and lips split open, the lieutenant saw with horror that his helmet’s visor was cracked

    21. ‘’Nil, unfortunately, sir! The antimatter weapons of the Morgs with literally split open your planet, especially now that they have lost any hope of occupying it

    22. The planetary crust split open under the pressure of the titanic underground explosions, letting out masses of molten magma

    23. been split open, and when I looked at his hands I noticed that they were full of maggots

    24. ing my forehead into the glass, hoping that my head would split open and the ridiculousness would pour out

    25. blows and the barrel would split open, leaving the pair of them at its mercy

    26. was under them split open; and the earth opened its mouth and

    27. The gap split open in an instant

    28. The earth cracked and split open

    29. the earth split open, revealing vehement streams of darkness; it was like a violent tornado and it withered all the trees and grass within reach

    30. The same mark that couldn’t stretch, and split open

    31. The surgeon readied his scalpel for the first incision when Melvin’s chest split open on its own exposing his beating heart

    32. But when she imagined her body hitting hard against the crashing waves, being thrust against the sharp rocks, bones crunching and skin being split open, she cringed

    33. Amos smiled as he hauled his arm rearward, and then with all his might swung it forward so that the whip in his hand split open the skin on the back of the slave

    34. Ben’s skull had split open and his brains were scattered everywhere

    35. ground that was under them split opened; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed

    36. words, that the ground that was under them split opened; and the earth opened its mouth

    37. under them split opened; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, and

    38. Then it came about as he finished speaking all these words, that the ground that was under them split opened; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men who belonged to Korah, with their possession, So they (people, not soul) and all that belonged to them went down alive to sheol (sheol-grave-pit in King James Version); and they perished from the midst of the assembly" New American Standard Bible

    39. Then it came about as he finished speaking all these words, that the ground that was under them split opened; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men who belonged to Korah, with their possession, So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to SHEOL [sheol-grave-pit in King James Version]; and they perished from the midst of the assembly" New American Standard Bible

    40. The wall split open when I stepped out of the corridor

    41. But although it could neither sink nor split open, it was in serious danger of being permanently attached to these reefs, and that would have been the finish of Captain Nemo's submersible

    42. Great gashes had split open in places across it and streams of melting snow flowed in wide gaping gullies along its sides

    43. They knew nothing of the tendrils of blood that had billowed in the waters of the river Spree and the Langer See in June of 1933, when SA storm troopers rounded up hundreds of Köpenick’s Jews, Social Democrats, and Catholics and tortured ninety-one of them to death—beating some until their kidneys ruptured or their skin split open, and then pouring hot tar into the wounds before dumping the mutilated bodies into the town’s tranquil waterways

    44. After years of taking my punishing blows, many of the planks have split open

    45. I tried to baby my injured palm, but it split open

    46. I checked out the storage room, cases of powdered milk, some split open, powder on the floor, footprints, cans of condensed milk, empties in a pile

    47. The sky gave one almighty shake and split open

    48. In the meantime, the passengers in their boredom held swimming contests, organized hunting expeditions, and returned with live iguanas that they split open from top to bottom and sewed up again with baling needles after removing the clusters of soft, translucent eggs that they strung over the railings to dry

    49. Cut along the back towards the head and split open

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