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    splits Beispielsätze


    1. "This is going to be what splits us isn't it? You really need public sex

    2. It was a unique experience, that underground river which splits up into numerous passageways and underground cavities full of impressive stalagmites and stalactites that glitter in shading-off tints

    3. I was in splits

    4. Under his tuition, I cautiously hit the rock which obligingly splits in two to reveal the twin of the ammonite he discovered only moments ago

    5. Whoever splits wood may be endangered thereby

    6. Davie and his brother try again, together this time, and the frame splits as the door judders on its hinges and then smacks into the hallway wall

    7. The lane splits at the start of the village and Billy takes the left fork, manoeuvring slowly through the narrow streets

    8. There are insufficient officers at the scene to perform a detailed search, so the Inspector in charge splits the uniforms up and sends them off in different directions to check on the basic lie of the land

    9. Yet this prophet did not consider the irony of his youth About to contemplate the immaturity of his elders: 4t: The Zen Ship Splits into Reality

    10. These church splits should be

    11. It's also worth noting, both were elected as flukes, Lincoln because of electoral splits and Carter because of public disgust over recent scandals

    12. Banana splits would have to wait until the mess hall would be able to supply their main ingredient

    13. In recent times, even the smaller strict Presbyterian traditions, the Free Church and the Free Presbyterian Church (who, to outsiders seemed as alike as Tweedledum and Tweddledee) have had their splits, including spats and lawsuits over property

    14. Nebraska, in particular, has but one house, reducing the potential for splits among house, senate, and executive branch

    15. The merchant road splits in the lands of the Saturiwa, one fork heading south into the Timacua Peninsula and the other turning west

    16. It easily appears from the reading of Romans that there were already factions or splits in the

    17. Harry’s face was swollen with black and purple bruises and splits to his lips and nose

    18. Seconds later a scream splits the silence

    19. Portsmouth NSY in Kittery, ME, with which EB still splits overhauls and

    20. We burn with the desire to find a firm and constant base, upon which to build a tower to the heavens, but our very foundation cracks, and the earth splits open beneath us

    21. With that, she takes the cypress leaves remaining in the hand as yet untorn by the wolf, gazes at Sloth with such a look of love and acceptance that it splits him open and then plunges her fingers and the leaves into the animal’s mouth

    22. And reveals a tongue that splits

    23. The road splits it's tongue into a fork

    24. tion in different directions This splits light into two components – which

    25. As much as we would love to enjoy this game with a friend, local coop splits the screen into two very small parts

    26. It splits the glass and rockets out into the street

    27. In the end the plunamic splits would have come to assume male-female dimension with the stronger qunams tending to be male plunams and the weaker, their female counterparts

    28. Sometimes the family as a whole splits up

    29. For example, if you have become more consistent in scoring splits and spares, then you should aim for higher goals, such as hitting more strikes

    30. There were, in the beginning, only one source or type of life, throughout the ages there have been many splits or fracturing of existence and therefore many have evolved in different ways from those who were originally directly part of their life group

    31. The presidential elections of the twenty-first century weren’t the only ones that were manipulated, and this theft is not limited to nations that provide an essential component for banana splits

    32. The grooved structure of peacock feathers splits light in the same way as a diffraction

    33. Those two scientists cautiously explored that Timeline ‘B’ from which our history split, finding there indications of what caused all those splits in time

    34. By default, CodeIgniter splits a URL into several different parts

    35. The top part was pushed in, with large flaps of skin and white edged skull bone sticking out through the splits

    36. The polythene holds it together in the box, in case it splits

    37. When the atom splits, it releases both energy and more neutrons which in turn cause more atoms to split

    38. Or, if the relationship is really promising and we get past that, then he splits at six months

    39. In Extremis, these fractures or splits are one of the reasons for

    40. splits and integrate the separated selves

    41. healed all his splits into the Integrated Soul personality was he

    42. manage more trauma and more splits without giving the game away

    43. It contains no splits

    44. covered by the manifestation of Splits usually called Multiple

    45. However, the cure to all the above is integration of the splits by

    46. which sustains the splits

    47. All bad luck comes from these Soul Splits

    48. These many Hurt Inner Children splits flow in and out of your

    49. Also these splits within yourself are like idiot children which have abilities above the normal like Dustin Hoffman in "The Rain Man"

    50. Children splits! Which use the Strategies are the Poor Me, The

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