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    Verwenden Sie „square with“ in einem Satz

    square with Beispielsätze

    square with

    1. Now, the square with this name is an

    2. But nobody dared interfere 'cause old Tom was such a reprobate he'd have been sure to get square with 'em some way

    3. Folks say Ellen has jilted him just to get square with him for jilting her ages ago

    4. Their houses were large and square with a nearly flat roof and all made of thatch

    5. That is his nickname, as he can always be found on the wonderful downtown Tyler square with all his junk that he carries in his cart

    6. square with the house and ready to place your

    7. Claydon Square with the Vinary Heights Strip

    8. middle area of the square with their tables and chairs when

    9. "Oooh!" said the crowd in dismay, as the bird flew away over the square with Giuseppe

    10. The hand that pulled back the curtain was square with neatly trimmed nails, wearing a large signet ring and French cuffs in the delicate gray pin stripe with lime sherbet shirt

    11. In gusts of blood-lust he festooned the gallows in the market square with dangling corpses, glutted the axes of the headsmen and sent his Nemedian horsemen thundering through the land pillaging and burning

    12. asked, forming a square with her thumbs and pointer fingers and

    13. The track was too square with the toes tucked too tight to have been put there by a splay footed hounddog

    14. She found the inn easily enough, as it bordered a wide square with an old palace to its right and a city gate across the open space

    15. Philippe was shown into the Duke’s office, a room about six meters square with beech paneling on three walls

    16. Nine metres square with safety surround of 0ne metre

    17. “If you could will the heart of your dreams,” his hollered offer stilled the square with every space awaiting her response

    18. a square with the word "Port" engraved on it

    19. The room is large and square with three floral couches placed in the shape of a U around an almond-colored ottoman

    20. But just to show you that I'm on the square with you, I don't mind telling you that I got her away

    21. When the stop command has been taught well, you can teach the rest square without food rewards

    22. was a square with entrances at the corners and open to the north and

    23. The windows ran in a long row, all of them square with the sun still shining through them even though it was now sinking in the sky

    24. Daniel was playing in the square with some other children while their parents sat at the bar

    25. possible, square with the rule of the greatest good to the greatest number and your life cannot be a failure

    26. The church was open and operating now in the square with cement block

    27. divide that square with the product of the mass of the earth and your mass you have

    28. Not so in the case of Π, because Π in the true sense only indicate that the circle is a square without corners and therefore Π dictates form and not size

    29. A circle is a square without corners implementing Π and a half circle is therefore a triangle without corners

    30. Take the mass of the earth and your mass you have and then divide that with ther2 square of the distance there is between your feet and the earth by the square thereof then divide that square with the product of the mass of the earth and your mass you have

    31. Past the ancient Sultan Hassan and El Rifai mosques and on to an open square with the Citadel, splendidly lit up, right in front

    32. It started at the Opera Square, a square with the Cairo opera, with the shopping centres, with the big department stores, crossed into a poorer section of workshops and souks and a few remaining, authentic, inhabited though decrepit buildings of Arab-Islamic

    33. "Square without Shapes" (Stanza 4

    34. Square without Shapes – is a classification of the Souls of the elements

    35. He was standing in the Square with a book under his arm looking vacantly about him

    36. Retreating they had form'd in a hollow square with their baggage for breastworks,

    37. "But, Captain, you have a tremendous speed of movement that doesn't square with the strength of electricity

    38. A wooden square with a rope attached to it

    39. But Toad knew his man, so he sat down and made the best breakfast he could, merely observing to himself that he would get square with the others sooner or later

    40. It's been all on the square with me; I'm as open as the day

    41. Hobbits delighted in such things, if they were accurate: they liked to have books filled with things that they already knew, set out fair and square with no contradictions

    42. What is his trading strategy, and does it square with your investment goals?

    43. Why else would a bright young woman with a big future and a small child commit a felony? But if Fish had threatened her, how did that square with him saying that he loved her?

    44. You’ll see a smaller yellow square with a sunburst or brightness setting appear where you touched the screen, and face detection will be turned off

    45. In Moscow as soon as he entered his huge house in which the faded and fading princesses still lived, with its enormous retinue; as soon as, driving through the town, he saw the Iberian shrine with innumerable tapers burning before the golden covers of the icons, the Kremlin Square with its snow undisturbed by vehicles, the sleigh drivers and hovels of the Sivtsev Vrazhok, those old Moscovites who desired nothing, hurried nowhere, and were ending their days leisurely; when he saw those old Moscow ladies, the Moscow balls, and the English Club, he felt himself at home in a quiet haven

    46. There is a sort of village square with wood and palm- leaf native shops grouped round about it; behind this stands a go- down for the rice beside the river bank

    47. He laid his hand on Gavroche's shoulder, and said to him, emphasizing his words: "Listen to what I tell you, boy! if I were on the square with my dog, my knife, and my wife, and if you were to squander ten sous on me, I wouldn't refuse to work, but this isn't Shrove Tuesday

    48. I sat in the courthouse square with dogs and old men until the sun had set and Green Town was dark

    49. The room was approximately thirty feet square with a rest-room at the back

    50. I stayed alone on the square with Saveliitch, who held in his hand the bill and considered it with deep regret

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