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    1. unwelcome and chilling realisation hit her squarely in the chest

    2. Robbie stood firmly and squarely in the centre of the room, hands on hips

    3. put down his quill and looked his colleague squarely in the

    4. As she entered the room, she noticed a large box, setting squarely in the middle of the desk

    5. "Besides-" he added dropping to his knees, to look her squarely in the face

    6. She hadn't finished the statement, before he forcefully lifted her off the rock and swung her about to look him squarely in the eye, her toes dangling inches above the ground "I told you before, you’re the only one –” He stopped abruptly, and lowered her to the ground

    7. He was driving squarely down the centerline

    8. Before he could finish his greeting, or offer an explanation, her fist landed squarely on his face

    9. The butt of the staff struck him squarely in the forehead

    10. Kendal’s fist landed squarely on Mila’s head, collapsing half her skull, snapping her neck and folding her head back behind her shoulders

    11. The Guild had always required detachment and squarely focused business acumen

    12. Once again the spike strikes him squarely in the testicles

    13. Darshi clarified, “What mother isn't adding is that we are just now in the heart of a single moment of time,” she looked the Elf squarely in the eyes, “You do recall being told that?”

    14. ’ She then looked at him squarely

    15. ” he ordered calmly, pulling out a pistol and pointing it squarely at her head

    16. managing to hit him squarely on the Achilles

    17. ” Jill looked squarely at her mother

    18. “We would appear to be seriously outnumbered,” he said, his gaze fixed squarely on

    19. She looked slowly around the table at her command officers, then settled her gaze squarely on him

    20. “Except that the future of the Empire rests squarely on their shoulders, sir

    21. The cat, caught squarely in the blast, slammed against the wall, leaving a long smear of blood on the wallpaper as it slid to the floor

    22. Using Brokin as a springboard, one of his fighters had managed to jump clear over his head, landing squarely on top of the boar in the tunnel

    23. It was now burning away merrily and in less time than it takes to tell, the rope had parted, dropping me squarely across the ostrich's back

    24. The blame for that falls squarely on John Kerry

    25. Geoff had put out his hand at the last minute to keep his weight from landing squarely on me, but I’d hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of me

    26. It had gotten worse when the big party for her grandmother’s eightieth birthday had devolved into a shouting match between her sister Christina and her cousin—and worse still when the cops arrived just as Harper stepped between the two and was rewarded for her efforts with her sister’s punch, which missed their cousin by a mile to land squarely against Harper’s cheek with enough force to leave her with a tender eye

    27. “Okay,” Langdon said looking squarely at Mia

    28. He was certain that he’d forgiven Truman long ago and put the blame where it belonged: squarely on the shoulders of the American CIA

    29. The Great White Owl swiveled her head, fixing Ruby squarely within the gaze of her large yellow eyes

    30. She could see more than a hundred men standing with maybe a dozen of them to a separate side from the others, forming somewhat of a circle around a brazier that seemed to stand squarely in the middle of the cave

    31. This time he felt the weight behind the words, and he felt them squarely on his mind

    32. She shook her head and looked him squarely in the eye

    33. Nicole placed her sights squarely against him, a couple of feet away from his forehead, while Ethan turned slowly around, trying to edge himself closer to her

    34. Even the white elephant will rot away and leave only his tusks behind,” he said as he pointed the gun squarely at Ethan’s head, ready to take a final, murderous shot

    35. Concentrated beams of extinction struck the hedgehog squarely

    36. Chi’s other friend with the “I know I’m hot eyes” was wrestling her tight coat off when she looked at me and uttered, “Hi, I’m Sabrina,” and then she stared at me squarely which kind of made me nervous; the kind of nervous where I almost forgot to say hi back to her

    37. The fault for Dad’s creeping fell squarely on his own shoulders

    38. He didn’t look at the man, his eyes squarely focused on the urn’s dull reflection below

    39. He turned and faced him squarely

    40. The legitimacy of the American Constitution is based squarely on the consent of the people whom it is to govern

    41. She hurried to catch up and step squarely in his path

    42. ” Lieutenant Rymson stood squarely in front of Colonel Geist and resumed his questioning

    43. Could questioning of political theory be far behind? The next chapter faces the issue squarely

    44. The chair rose up immediately and was shot with astonishing speed toward him by an invisible force, hitting him the squarely in the head

    45. Being squarely struck by a bolt of natural lightning is devastating indeed, and if you don’t notice the field of anti-lightning building up on you before the bolt strikes, or if you lack the ability to counter the spell or negate the field, the strike is almost completely instantaneous and unavoidable

    46. My mother felt it put me squarely in the environmental category

    47. " Bannister exhaled a strong puff of smoke, looking squarely at Russell

    48. It landed squarely in the middle of the path below him

    49. It landed squarely in the middle of the path below

    50. “you've hit it squarely, Senator

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