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    stand up to

    1. This means at times Christians must stand up to rebuke the bullies who try to take

    2. Men and women stand up to be counted

    3. need to find an issue and stand up to him - prove your

    4. prepared to stand up to Philippe

    5. "You have to stand up to him

    6. He recalled that his idea for staircase bowling to break in the new Temple had been hastily dismissed, though he still mused that the old oak craftsmanship would stand up to a few bowling balls just fine

    7. Lee was still confident that he had the advantage and would be able to ultimately stand up to and

    8. She knew she could never stand up to her, could do nothing to hurt her, and would be crushed in the blink of an eye if they were ever to meet in conflict

    9. Frankly, I don’t think either of us can stand up to this kind of pressure

    10. Right or wrong I had decided to stand up to her and not submit to her parental control

    11. People (your family in particular) will respect you and follow you if you lead by example and you stand up to scrutiny

    12. Other justifications for dropping the A-bombs do not stand up to critical scrutiny either:

    13. was one of the few major Republican figures to stand up to the hard right, but after leaving office

    14. A little old country doctor simply couldn’t stand up to him

    15. He was the only president between Jefferson and Lincoln to stand up to the power of slave owning elites and prevent an expansion of slavery

    16. It was an argument that did not stand up to the lobbying power of the US, which had as leverage the threat of withholding aid dollars

    17. “So it’s on for tonight,” grunted Black, seeking firm, final approval as the men began to stand up to leave

    18. Every now and then one would stand up to stress a point and spoke louder

    19. One by one, they had to stand up to his glare

    20. But I strongly doubt you can stand up to me when all comes to all

    21. It doesn’t quite stand up to her castle in the ‘burbs where weight training and swimming pools are the sports of choice for the Adonites of their own appointment, but there is a dignity to the squalor of an arthole

    22. also has laid the foundation of the Earth, and my right hand has spanned the heavens: when I call to them, they stand up together

    23. I do not think he expected me to stand up to him and say no

    24. He probably surrounds himself with tough men who will stand up to them

    25. She pauses and then continues, ‘I sense you have very strong morals and you can stand up to anything that gets in your way

    26. unimpeded fountain of true facts from those past lives that could stand up to intense scrutiny

    27. If they are willing to stand up to the evil that runs this country

    28. rather take our chances on running rather than trying to stand up to them

    29. having the skills to stand up to you; because you were afraid we’d

    30. They can't stand up to us, and he knows it

    31. Listen to the questions that people ask when they stand up to ask the experts

    32. stand up to my standards of belief was the hardest journey I had ever set out on

    33.  They can't stand up to negative (jealous) friends and well-intentioned family concerns

    34. Farmers were overjoyed to see someone stand up to the British and who would also listen to their complaints

    35. Bella was the first one brave enough to stand up to Hoyle’s weapons

    36. Would that thou couldst stand up to fear and feel that thrill of victory, which yields a good life lived with Love, beyond a hard one squeezed by fear

    37. ” Chris shuddered, he knew he couldn’t because the version that Steve had just heard was not the true one and would never stand up to serious investigation

    38. You know I would not stand up to being investigated

    39. Nothing can stand up to me

    40. I’ll stand up to that son-of-a-bitch when the time comes,” he said between his teeth

    41. But would their standard of evolution thus erected on the land of religion stand up to logic? After all, the three millennia or more of anthropological data that modern man is in possession fails to indicate an iota of variation in the existing species not to speak of the evolution of the new! That being the case, could it be then the world came into being on its own, as it were! Well if it were so, the question that arises is, wouldn’t have the first men made their progeny privy to that story? But that didn’t happen either, as we don’t even have hearsay to go by about our origins

    42. I could walk fine as long as I took it slow and didn’t stand up to stretch my belly muscles

    43. When she does that, it is best if you stand up together with her

    44. As his grandfather‘s training took root and his potentcy blossomed, Joe Billie‘s challenges came less and less and by age 14 no Miccosukee youth would stand up to him

    45. The door flies open, the moment he wants to stand up to escape

    46. ’ I stand up to throw the waste of the sprouts in the appropriate litterbin

    47. The evening twilight falls in and I stand up to close the curtains

    48. He told her that some day someone would have to stand up to the Swordsmen

    49. After nearly two hours of questioning the two police officers finally stand up to leave

    50. It is often necessary to interrupt in order to stand up to him or

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