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    Verwenden Sie „starboard“ in einem Satz

    starboard Beispielsätze




    1. " The torps had actually passed the alien’s starboard side

    2. on the starboard side next to the cannon

    3. " Zoomed in on the open bay with their helmets they could see that the bulge in the smooth hull offset to the starboard side was a housing for a ship-killer of some kind, probably a warspite torpedo

    4. He ran to the starboard rail and flung that ship's pin from his only previous voyage as far as he could into the river, then ran back to the port side and vaulted over the rail

    5. His was all the way to the starboard end, so he had windows on two sides, the ones at the table looking out over the side and at the distant banks gliding by

    6. He was on the starboard foredeck in a deck chair right near the door

    7. Three weeks later on a Morningday they were sitting on the starboard foredeck in the last of the canals of the interconnect

    8. Bodies only belong in this starboard side container

    9. “All bodies have been placed in the starboard container and the hand luggage in the other

    10. Senta answered, “It's half a light year; that a way,” and she pointed through the starboard bulkhead

    11. the starboard quarter and the other on the port beam

    12. starboard boat and come on board with your papers

    13. On the starboard side, quantities of ice were forming to the southward and eastward

    14. With the Calamity beginning to list dangerously to starboard, Fysto moved in to engage Longleaf, cutlass to cutlass

    15. Over to starboard

    16. The cross-current poured under us from starboard, while the wind drove legions of mounting waves toward us from port

    17. The cat dropped out of the starboard landing gear well

    18. Just aft of where Raul was handcuffed, on the starboard rail, was the after throttle

    19. They were making a hard turn to starboard, relative to his own observation

    20. hired me; our new twin turbo prop plane had a fire in its starboard

    21. Cheever strode aft past the coffer dams, across to the starboard companionway and down toward the compartment at the end

    22. Then, Parker nearly leaped out of his skin when, with a thunderous sharp bang, the starboard 2

    23. when his gaze finally fell on the seas to starboard, his reaction

    24. veering from port to starboard, regardless of the wind, only

    25. rising to starboard, there was nothing I could have said or done

    26. The current duty rotation is port & starboard with sliding weekends


    28. It surged up on our stern, only veering at the last moment, and gradually overtook us, passing to port since our outrigger was to starboard and theirs the opposite

    29. "Fifty degrees starboard

    30. Early one morning I smelled a sweet, heavy scent wafting in over the starboard railing from Egypt’s shores even before we tied up in Port Said

    31. We were listing to starboard, and

    32. Early Monday morning we were about 500 miles from Athens when the starboard engine blew up

    33. Looking round, he spotted to his intense horror, the starboard wing starting to fold back

    34. That one missile struck the shuttle midway out on the starboard wing severing it

    35. Akie had his paws on the starboard gunwale and was barking madly, for no apparent reason

    36. Pacing again around the bridge of his command surface effect ship, his eyes went for a moment on Ship’s Boy Tom Allen, standing besides his 20mm anti-aircraft cannon on the starboard open wing of the bridge

    37. allowed the cutter to sidle to starboard for three beats of her heart, then eased

    38. 'Watch out for rogues off your starboard, we had a small one hit us two

    39. One-handed, Julie spun the helm to full port, then full starboard, and the

    40. stern of the boat – canting the deck violently to port, then starboard

    41. Apparently out of control, it started as well a wide turn to starboard, its forward half hidden by a cloud of black smoke

    42. That possibility materialized in mid morning, when one of the light cruisers of the outer screen was hit by two torpedoes and quickly developed an alarming list to starboard

    43. After a moment, he moved to the muzzles of the four heavy machineguns visible on the starboard side of the central nacelle

    44. Still shaken by that vision, Larsen then concentrated on lining up his plane on a torpedo run against the starboard side of the NAGATO

    45. After locking the container, the man lifted the heavy canister, carried it 50 feet to the starboard railing and tossed it thirty feet below into the dark, endless waters of the Atlantic Ocean

    46. The ship was a stupendous sight, eighty feet in length, the largest boat that had ever been seen in these waters, surely an artefact of the gods, this made it slightly longer than Coatl’s original Raven, the twelve foot high prow was surmounted by a large intricately carved black ravens head, along both sides of the longship decorated shields protected the rowers benches from the splashing sea, the mast was set just forward of the centre and the great steering board was located on the right hand side near the ten foot high stern, Coatl said this side of the boat was called the starboard side and the left hand side not having a board was called the port side because not having a board to foul the pier you tied the boat with the port side to the land, a raised platform allowed the crew to handle the steering board, this raised platform could be also used as a vantage point for ten archers in the event of attack, and it allowed room underneath for the captain and the officers to sleep and maintain control of the steering, a similar platform at the bow allowed the crew the same shared accommodation

    47. � Peter Stilwell turned briefly in his command chair to give a thumbs-up signal to Nancy Laplante, sitting in the starboard corner of the bridge with an excited United States Navy Commander Johnson

    48. � At a range of 2,000 yards, as the submarine had already taken four hits and with its 105mm gun destroyed, a 37mm shell exploded against the guardrail in front of the starboard bow 20mm cannon

    49. I was on night watch out on the starboard side of

    50. � At the last possible moment, the British craft veered slightly off and flashed along the starboard side at high speed, making it nearly impossible to target

    1. "Haul on the main-sheet! Steady, forward, with the jib!" And the pilot starboarded his helm

    1. starboards towards the Gulf of Mexico

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