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    Verwenden Sie „starling“ in einem Satz

    starling Beispielsätze


    1. Under the wings of solitary thrush and starling

    2. I had heard what I thought was a wide variety of birds, but when I got out of the tent, I saw that most of these different tunes were coming from a single starling

    3. Ahead of all the skeletal remains of the building, he saw an even more starling structure

    4. A gunshot plowed into the ground near them, starling Redbolt

    5. “Would you shut it?” Yeltsa said, starling everyone

    6. For even in my mind, that is my earthly mind, had grasped this new and starling meaning of Life, and even now I see these values thru the dawning of a new day

    7. and our ship, the Starling was seized

    8. The deck was a menagerie this morning; all the perch space at the feeder taken up, Flash Goldplume the only bird eating with gusto as he attacked the feeder hole opposite; Colin Squirrel was there with his girlfriend Sadie; Ziggy Chickadee was in the middle of the thick of birds, given first priority for a feeding slot; Mack Starling was finishing a joke about a human bird hunter who mixed up his mating calls, but Mack was eyeing Silas — Silas knew he was going to say something about his appearance

    9. Mack Starling, Flash, when he moved here a year

    10. All the birds were there on the deck, Mack Starling leading the questions prompting Mitch’s story, whose breast was visibly puffed out, basking in the limelight as he recounted their stunt with the truck

    11. Even Mack Starling and Flash Goldplume, both of whom liked to tell raucous stories, were trying to shush Harvey, who was in the middle of proclaiming he knew something looked odd about the dog and the doghouse, and how it had been the next place he was going to check

    12. ” Mack Starling, who had been laying into the seed as frantically as Flash that morning, was actually wobbling from being so full, saying he was going to sing out his other end pretty soon

    13. Light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling

    14. about the room whistling like a starling

    15. ‘I cannot get out,’ as the starling said

    16. 'I cannot get out,' as the starling said

    17. with Captaine Kirck to deliver or cause to be delivered the Keyes of the severall Warehowsen where the Beaver skins are layde up which have bin brought from Caneda, and sould unto the said Generall de Caen, and for to have possession of the said Beavers upon the conditions mentioned in the order of his Majesties most honorable Privy Counsell, dated the nynth of this month, And in case of refusall and not delivery of the said Keyes and Beavers upon the conditions aforesaid, the said Generall de Caen hath protesteth and doeth protest by theis presents of Exchange & Rechange and all costes dommages and interestes of the some of six thousand poundes starling, which the said Generall de Caen hath taken up here by Exchange for to pay and deposite for the said Beavers in the handes of the right Worshipfull James Cambell, Lord Mayor of this Citty of London, for to recover all the same of the said Adventureres of Caneda here of their goodes in time or place as of right it shall appertaine

    18. "She wailed, poor dear, and then I saw the page from Fedosey Nikolaitch's running up with a note and a bird-cage, and in the cage there was a starling

    19. In the fullness of my heart I had given her the starling

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