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    start again

    1. He had gone to his knees and said a prayer of thanks for the opportunity to start again

    2. We start again but in the same place I’m still getting it wrong

    3. "If I can start again with you in any way, I will try it

    4. sleep chained to the post for five hours at best, and start again at dawn

    5. No one knew if things could just start again

    6. Each time we stopped I wondered if I would have the energy to start again

    7. ‘And then the experiment will start again

    8. Jonathan was a self-starter who had made it to the top in the whaling profession, now it was time to start again and make it to the top in the business world

    9. It had stopped snowing, but it looked like it could start again any minute

    10. Note: If it turns back into sugar while being pulled, put it back in the pot with another cup of boiling water and start again at step 2

    11. " my throat constricted and I had to start again

    12. Be warned that you then run the risk of the development destroyed and to restart again

    13. Now, start again from the beginning and tell me what this is all about

    14. Let’s start again

    15. No wonder, then, that the minute I finish cutting the hedged bamboo I am preparing to go back to the other end and start again

    16. It would only make it all start again

    17. ” And the head-bobbing wild singing would start again

    18. over and start again as needed,” Isabelle had said--demanded almost--earlier that

    19. Similarly, when Josie asked him “Why don’t we start again?” Roger failed to ask her: “Do you mean it?”

    20. This was the background Roger had to consider when, upon her return from China, Josie showed an almost convincing overture of her willingness “to start again” with him

    21. ” He was about to start again but before he started

    22. give up my job, our lives and to start again

    23. He would start again, use other words, but the time for it is fast vanishing

    24. Yngvild said to Halfdan, "Be calm! If you move around too much, the bleeding will start again

    25. whole cycle would start again

    26. Anointed and the whole cycle would start again

    27. I would have to start again

    28. ‘I hope you realise you are being let off lightly, Ms Nimffo? We are giving you a chance to start again and reform your ways instead of being prosecuted and spending years in a women’s prison where tonight’s little dalliance would be nothing compared to what some of those hardened women can dream up

    29. But I have too, to start again

    30. Then give it up and start again

    31. And have to start again

    32. Ellen pushed it in a hill start slightly hurting her wrist and scorning Matthew, but it did start again and remained a mystery as to why it didn’t in the first instance

    33. He now had the opportunity to leave his old world behind and start again in a completely new direction, one that he would never have considered a few months ago

    34. Never tire the bird out by petting him after he has lost interest; let him relax, and then start again in an hour or later that day

    35. I could start again

    36. so in theory I would have to start again

    37. principle one by one, and when completed, start again

    38. and ordered his men to start again

    39. When he came home to live with me, I tried to pick up the threads of his life and start again

    40. life in the universe (life meaning: all atoms and energies ever created); eventually this cycle will re-initiate and start again, as it is an, never-ending cycle that is governed solely by God

    41. Now, I’m nearly afraid to use the cafeteria or mess because I am not sure that the abuse and taunting will not start again during the absence of your people

    42. It wasn’t easy to compare that amount with that which had slipped through his fingers, but a million would allow him to start again under another new identity which was lying in wait for him in an envelope in one of those safe deposit boxes

    43. would start again in the afternoon, and that it would depend on me, and the answers I gave, whether or not they continued to torture

    44. "So we could start again?"

    45. "Yeah, really start again this time, not just move house, or swap cars, or change jobs or or even hairstyles, although the last one was a real doozy and took years off us; none of that - a proper new start”

    46. Where would he get the energy to start again?

    47. Things would be okay for a couple of days or a week, then the old bullshit would start again and I’d break up with her again

    48. She hadn’t gone down for ninety four years, and it was too late to start again now

    49. reinvigorated with a new idea and start again

    50. If God gave you lots, you get to the end of it and say, now how did that start again? So if He only gives you a couple of lines or a little bit of a picture - okay, so here we go, that'll be it

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