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    stay behind Beispielsätze

    stay behind

    1. “Nancy, make sure you stay behind me

    2. “So is there’s sex at this party?” He would be too embarrassed, he would have to stay behind

    3. Jim agreed to stay behind to see to it that the mess was cleaned up

    4. She had even given the avatar memories that it had created her in the same way so it could stay behind and follow its obsession with those signals

    5. bleeding, I was told to stay behind and watch the children

    6. He said he’d stay behind to rescue Uncle Clemon

    7. The lieutenant would stay behind with the bulk of the troops out of pre-caution

    8. “Listen, I want you to keep it cool, alright? Stay behind me, keep me covered and let me take care of everything

    9. “Stay behind me

    10. After Bible study one evening Minster Lyle asked me to stay behind for a few minutes

    11. You either move on or you stay behind according to your choice

    12. “In any case, some should stay behind and help the monastery, at the least

    13. Quarles indicated he would stay behind to make sure that the Boroszkis would be protected until they were able to travel to the United States

    14. Someone had to stay behind

    15. After the coffin has been lowered and the grave covered by the family, anybody can stay behind at the cemetery to “catch-up”

    16. John decided to stay behind and see what he could learn from the local healers

    17. I told Conthagah he could stay behind if he wanted, but he was looking forward to a walk in the forest

    18. “That will be all, could you escort Harry back to his room please and Nurse Sullivan, could you stay behind, I need to speak with you

    19. ―You stay behind and tell them,‖ he said

    20. “We had no choice but to stay behind them,” Moshe continued

    21. stay behind? But this line of reasoning was, of course, wrong

    22. “Cool, I’m only taking one bag, and the rest of my stuff can stay behind

    23. He liked it so much he’d stay behind hours

    24. Jan would stay behind to round off last-minute business, then join us in

    25. “If you stay in this cage forever,” Tara said, “My heart will stay behind these bars with you

    26. While he would be expected to stay behind and probably die like so many others, she had

    27. Two: to stay behind and be entitled to her fair share of water rations so that she could live

    28. expected to stay behind, be the data punchers and paper-pushers in the new government

    29. Someone needed to stay behind, to see to it that those who could

    30. And he couldn’t very well allow that, now could he? He wishes you the best of luck on your exploratory mission, and it does sound fun, but he really must stay behind to maintain the cultural purity of the race within

    31. Or are they the same? The remainder of yourself will stay behind, to continue forever

    32. The weather has been getting warmer over the past few years and still he must stay behind even though the plains are teaming with game

    33. send in first since he was the only qualified climber he had to stay behind

    34. stay behind and continue with the planet’s recovery

    35. stay behind in the world of men

    36. The nuns and some of the civilians had elected to stay behind to greet the Federation personnel when they arrived

    37. I will stay behind to oversee the transition of command

    38. Motioning for the others to stay behind, he took off the remains of his jacket and handed his weapons to Sky

    39. “Just stay behind me

    40. I assumed that he wanted me to stay behind

    41. He read the last one carefully and found out that one of his platoons, along with Sylvie Comeau and four French nurses, was going to stay behind under the protection of forty robots while he and the rest of the force moved on to their next objective, Buchenwald

    42. Having plenty of ammunition with him, he fired short bursts every time a SS guard dared show up, forcing them to stay behind the cover of the hallway corner

    43. want to stay behind, and just hang out forever in form

    44. Max and Carla were pleased to stay behind and watch for a change, in the relative safety of the sub

    45. All of the members of staff were relieved of their duties and only Bernard the head butler and Elaina were allowed to stay behind

    46. Some Sundays, after the mass, Andiette would stay behind in the chapel and ask the pastor if she could do anything to help

    47. She knew, which was why she opted to stay behind at the castle and wait

    48. She lets go of the Dianettes hands and walks towards the front of the stage with the microphone in her hand as the Dianettes stay behind

    49. “Why did she stay behind at the hotel?”

    50. “Who did she stay behind at the hotel with?”

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