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    stay out Beispielsätze

    stay out

    1. She could use this opportunity to set out across the lake and get back to Kulai, it was less than ten hours across to Dromedia wide open, he might stay out that long

    2. And stay out of the video arcade,

    3. He tried to stay out of the thirty square miles where the main canals were closest to each other to the south of the Kassikan

    4. Alan could have swum miles in the river after hiding under a rock to stay out of sight of the IR thru darkness

    5. LUIS: You stay out of this

    6. He wasn’t sure Thom would stay out of the lab long enough for Alan to do anything, but since all the controls he needed were in that lab, he had to try

    7. She had tried her best to stay out of Tarak’s way these past few days

    8. I stay out of that stuff

    9. Jumping from the needleboat and breaking into a sprint behind a tall pile of thesh bales to stay out of her sight, Delurna was able to get to Ishi’s little second-level waterfront bakery before Ava walked in, and almost for sure without her seeing him

    10. Maybe his parents had found that in an ancient crypt and it was what had caused them to stay out there in the wilds

    11. to pay my rent – I let her stay out of simple Christian

    12. The only way winter made itself felt was the speed the temperature dropped on those plains once dark set in and they found they were short of clothing to stay out there

    13. Soon they would hang out on the higher footpaths in an effort to stay out of the thick air

    14. You should probably stay out of sight

    15. And you told me yourself it’s best to stay out of the Master’s sight

    16. Best to stay out of trouble in this remote place

    17. “Why? It does you no good, so stay out of it! You have nothing invested in this

    18. We managed to stay out that time until I was of legal age

    19. I think Glen and Alex should stay out of it for now

    20. agreed to stay out of the way

    21. the whalers were trying to stay out of harm’s way, one way or

    22. concerns, and he was able to stay out of harm’s way, up until

    23. Your little Texas stud had better stay out of my life or I’ll make him wish he’d never set foot in this state

    24. Besides, the Almighty gave Moses only ten rules, so I’m going to stay out of His league

    25. Stay out of trouble, and if something turns up, call us first…got it?”

    26. I decided that any cat who would leave the house on the head of a greaseball deserved a hearty welcome, so I said, “Stay out of my room, and we’ll get along fine

    27. When he hesitated, she added, “You’re welcome to stay out here and regale me with tales of your bedroom exploits, but I assume you want some sleep

    28. It made the fight fascinating as the shorter cadet normally had the speed advantage and could stay out of trouble…until the bigger cadet was able to land a punch

    29. You do what Terry and Dr Mackenzie tell you to and stay out of trouble

    30. Also, by all means – stay out of what goes on in your children’s mother’s house beyond any questions of safety

    31. Hence this message to stay out of Africa with your military unless it is for a very short time as in a pre-emptive strike

    32. Then he was running around the halls with the guys trying to catch him, with all the nurses helping, and a couple of patients running around trying to stay out of the way,” Riley explained

    33. Was the American public isolationist, inclined to stay out of foreign affairs entirely, even to stop preventable atrocities? This did not happen nearly as much as many claim

    34. He knew the plan, so he could stay out of the way

    35. Edgar knew also that Gordon Edward did indeed have a brother, one who was a well known high rolling fool who couldn’t stay out of trouble

    36. “Off you go then, Hartle, and promise you’ll try and stay out of trouble

    37. “Stay out of this! This is between me and the troglodyte

    38. Her guide visually searched its banks in both directions, while signaling her to stay out of sight

    39. He felt that he had made a good case to his father, so now was the time to stay out in front in all the preparations

    40. Later in the morning, Colling was seated in the library where he and Kwonowski had waited for the Countess, reading another Chapter in For Whom the Bell Tolls, when Hermann put his head in the door and told him they had visitors, and to stay out of sight

    41. So he waited patiently, trying to stay out of Saul’s clutches while some other agent arose to do God’s bidding

    42. - For the last time: Stay out of this!

    43. What’s important is that we stay out of their hands

    44. The gift that earlier I had so hesitatingly understood the need to accept the reality of was a kind of insight gained I thought, at an early age, of simply learning about how to stay out of trouble

    45. “Why don’t you stay and come to the 9:30 service, that’s only a 45 minute wait, you can stay out here in the sun, and then you can hear the choir sing,” suggested Nic

    46. Wanted to write to Tyndale and Calvin, but they stay out of reach

    47. The standard practice was to stay out of range of their weapons and simply fire arrows into them until they were all down

    48. You men aren’t any concern to me, so stay out of my way

    49. “Try to stay out of the city, if you can

    50. stay out asking protected

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