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    sternum Beispielsätze


    1. somewhere through the lower end of them and then exiting out the neck, sternum,

    2. X’ander proceeded to finish him off with a powerful double palm strike to the man’s sternum, causing the man to collapse in a helpless heap

    3. His heart beat a yammering tattoo up against his sternum, threatening to burst its way out

    4. “What other kind of bullet is there?” asked Trent, which was like a kick in the sternum to Sim

    5. the sternum, continuing the incision from the

    6. The radiation at Uncas on Thames, a former sanitarium off Route 32 in Norwich, directed at the sternum, wound up giving her third degree burns of the esophagus so that she could not swallow at all

    7. sternum turned into lead and crushed my insides

    8. You feel your sternum crack as she hammers down with all her weight onto your chest

    9. From her sternum up, the colours

    10. of the blade to hit his sternum and slide up

    11. exposing the white bone of his sternum

    12. Drills have a scent gland on their sternum which they

    13. the floor then stood up on her sternum

    14. When she woke up the sun was shining in the window and she had a barbarous stitch in the shape of an arc that began at her crotch and ended at her sternum

    15. the sternum or abdominal area

    16. Linda hoisted Corey up onto her sternum

    17. the sternum toward the ceiling as the top thighs descend

    18. of your torso between the pubis and top sternum

    19. floor to help anchor the pose and lift the top sternum

    20. Lift your chin slightly away from the sternum and, firming the shoulder

    21. blades against your back, press the top of the sternum toward the chin

    22. lifting diagonally into your back toward the top of the sternum

    23. between the pubis and top sternum

    24. pubis to the top of the sternum

    25. wouldn’t stop pounding into his sternum

    26. push into his sternum

    27. Carter felt his heart pound against his sternum and he

    28. Even though Demon don’t actually have hearts, the center of the sternum is were the magic that is holding them to this dimension congregates

    29. Now you’re in the hospital with a crushed sternum, and heaven knows what else,” Tim added as Ellen quietly reentered her son’s room

    30. “According to a number of sources, not only did Butch verbally threaten to kill his victim; he schemed for several hours how he would corner him in the school’s gymnasium and crush his sternum

    31. “Besides the normal contusions medical staff would expect to see from an incident like this, the center of our patient’s sternum was crushed – leaving multiple bone fragments within the heart, lungs, and all surrounding organs and tissues

    32. To all aware of the horrifying incident, it appeared that Butch’s repeated stomping on the center of Paul’s sternum created multiple blood clots

    33. The man sliced down Jack’s sternum with power, spilling his innards and blood all over the old porch

    34. sternum toward the ceiling as the top thighs descend

    35. to help anchor the pose and lift the top sternum

    36. against your back, press the top of the sternum toward the chin

    37. the pubis and top sternum

    38. “Screw this,” the doctor said defeated and stabbed the knife in the sternum leaving it standing upright

    39. His mouth moved lower, down her sternum and sideways, to capture one of her hard, rosy nipples

    40. High on adrenalin she took the opportunity to launch a front kick towards his head as fast and as hard as she could, and as the man landed with his back flat on the ground, she quickly jumped forward and landed on his sternum then proceeded to stomp his head several times, until he stopped moving

    41. Ali was still fighting off the other man, seeing that she was standing there, he pierced the man's sternum with his four fingers, twisted his hand and banged his head against the wall

    42. ” as Chance kicked him off, the dagger still protruding from his stomach, just below the sternum

    43. Mary reached over and grabbed the saw and held it up for Amy to see, “The sternum is a hard bone to cut

    44. Once the sternum was in two, Mary reached over and grabbed the rib spreader

    45. A direct jab to his sternum through breastplate armor found flesh and gouged the prince

    46. Casually, he turned back to face the others in the room, the medal he always wore now dangling plainly visible over his sternum: a circle with five raised lines radiating out from the center point

    47. Emily didn't even come to his sternum

    48. He swirls the tip of his nose around it then begins a very leisurely cruise with his mouth, heading south, following the path of his hands, down my sternum to my breasts

    49. He swirls it slowly there and then continues to drag the tip down my body, along my sternum, between my breasts, over my torso down to my navel

    50. “The second gunshot wound,” Claire said, tapping the chart with a pointer, “was through the sternum, five inches below the left shoulder

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