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    stickler Beispielsätze


    1. I’ve heard he’s a right stickler and wouldn’t approve of his staff sleeping around

    2. This lady was a stickler for protocol!

    3. And he was a stickler for organization

    4. Wendell Grover was known to be a fair judge, but a stickler for details

    5. covered the open source beat, I knew Stallman was a stickler

    6. stickler for tradition, heritage and the status-qua and it was his

    7. Though he knew she was a stickler for proper conduct, especially in public, he thought she would be less severe given the more casual customs and behaviours in this country

    8. He’s most cautious and a stickler for the rules, as I’m sure your justices are as well

    9. errors, presuming she would be a stickler for those things, given her

    10. stickler for the rules

    11. “In all seriousness, the invitation was extended specifically to you two, and the old man can be a stickler for formality sometimes

    12. I was a stickler for detail and enjoyed carefully planning the agendas for every trip I went on, right down to the minute

    13. Considering Celia was a stickler for maintaining the same format for our drawing room séances, I was surprised when she'd produced a new artifact

    14. ‘Oh man, you’re such a stickler for the rules,’ I said, laughing hard with nervous

    15. Stickler that he is about Federal

    16. He had always pegged Friedman as a stickler for time keeping

    17. spite, but the Sister in charge this night was just such a stickler

    18. He must be a stickler for the law

    19. I know not what came over me, that Mr Plan was allowed to be chosen, for I never could abide him; being, as he was, a great stickler for small particularities, more zealous than discreet, and even more intent to carry his own point, than to consider the good that might flow from a more urbane spirit

    20. He wasn’t as much a stickler as some of his fellow merchants about exactly when he closed shop, especially in the winter

    21. Being a stickler for verifying identities, Crowley tested this fact: He first had his car (still covered in jelly) towed to the location mentioned in the email and then started the iPod at the 9 minute and 25 second mark

    22. At first sight you might have supposed him to be of a lax, careless disposition or character, but on studying him more closely you would have found that, on the contrary, the man was decidedly a stickler for the proprieties of this world, and withal brought up in the ways and graces of the very best society

    23. That is the stickler

    24. The same gentleman is occasionally present here at this time, and seems yet to be a stickler for judicial decision, and still thinks the Executive, against an individual, matchless odds

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