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    stiletto Beispielsätze


    1. Maye handed the stiletto to me

    2. To prevent intended victims getting clear by either of the before-mentioned methods, the executioners sprang on the poor wretch from behind, and thrust a long stiletto through his cheeks and tongue to prevent him speaking

    3. Then this other one… a skinny little asshole, with a cockroach tattoo…” a tear traced a hot trail across her cheek, it fell to the tablecloth, “sliced her face apart with a stiletto

    4. It was him! The wormy little monster with the cockroach tattoo! A stiletto with a twisting blade glimmered in his hand

    5. At the same moment, the stiletto flashed in an arc behind him

    6. He drew a stiletto from a sheath

    7. The Wolf hustled the thin man against the tree where he pinned him with his throat hold, slipped the Mauser into its holster, pulled a stiletto from his left sock, and eased it into the young man's heart through his stomach

    8. The heart's aorta blood pumped furiously inside the chest cavity but could not squeeze out the small stiletto hole as the thin blade was withdrawn

    9. Returning the stiletto to its hiding place, he stared at the slack face for a second, remembering what he had seen in the church

    10. Checked his stiletto, put his Mauser in his pocket

    11. Wolf slung his carbine and pulled out his stiletto

    12. He started stalking him until the next new flare yielded enough light to cup the man�s mouth, pull him backwards onto an upraised knee and reach around to slide the stiletto upwards through his belly into his heart

    13. The VC started firing immediately as the Wolf dropped his stiletto and dove into the closest thicket trying frantically to unsling his carbine

    14. 63mm Mauser and his stiletto were still strapped to his ankles

    15. The Lizard slung his rifle behind his back, and knelt to take the stiletto he knew Wolf carried strapped to his leg, even in the jungle

    16. All that remained was to insert the stiletto that had killed his son into the stomach of the already slain Wolf Lochert

    17. The Lizard wished the stiletto could have been the instrument that caused the actual death of the mui lo, but that evidently was not destined

    18. Ai, none-the-less, he would leave the stiletto in the dead man's stomach

    19. He picked up the stiletto and concealed it in the rotted grass at the base of the fallen tree

    20. She slowly drew her stiletto dagger and begun to trace her fingers up her side under her armour, then cutting the side-straps that secured her leather breastplate

    21. He nods and smiles as he discreetly draws out his Stiletto with his right hand and says, “Congratulations

    22. „Pull a stiletto from your garter and threaten to pick out his eyes while Rory ties him in knots

    23. The little turd flicks out a cheap stiletto blade, sloppily slashing instead of stabbing, as he should

    24. In his father’s workshop Jarek took a twelve millimetre wide steel strip the length of the case, and filed it into a sharply pointed stiletto with two very sharp edges

    25. A stiletto like his should be slid up under the ribs through vital organs to touch the heart, triggering a fatal reaction

    26. ’ Before she completed the sentence the stiletto slid in and up, passing easily through stomach and liver before puncturing her heart, which stopped beating

    27. It was no slender stiletto, selected because of a jeweled hilt or gold guard, fitted only for dainty murder in milady's boudoir; it was a forthright poniard, a warrior's weapon, broad-bladed, fifteen inches in length, tapering to a diamond-sharp point

    28. I now also notice there are shoes with stiletto heels at the bottom of the closet and try them on

    29. He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels

    30. Terence stopped as though the sound of the voice stabbed him in the back like a stiletto that penetrated his very soul

    31. In those stiletto heels and thin,

    32. Her stiletto heels made her taller than she really was but gave her a

    33. 32, and a sheathed stiletto I keep on my thigh – will you still think of me as ‘sweet’?

    34. 38 Special revolver, in an ankle holster, along with five extra rounds and a stiletto knife, which she took as well

    35. from time to time, liked to place her stiletto heel firmly onto his foot

    36. She felt an immense tearing in her chest, like a stiletto plunging deep

    37. He had a stiletto knife hidden

    38. That would keep him in place while I pulled the stiletto from my hip sheath

    39. ” I pulled the stiletto out

    40. I had gotten a lucky shot with my stiletto and it was only because he had already injured me that I managed that

    41. and kept hearing a woman's stiletto heels on a tiled

    42. She was dressed as a dominatrix wearing a spiked dog collar and stiletto boots with her eyes a smoky black and her lips cherry red

    43. stiletto heels with a short leather strap in her right hand

    44. was still wearing those velvet stiletto boots

    45. Although she usually favored a sensible court shoe over a stiletto, he’d never seen her without some sort of a heel

    46. " I pull off my stiletto heels because they hurt my feet

    47. He relished the thought of simply slipping up behind Olin in the midst of the crowd, quickly placing the point of the dirk at the base of his skull and then with one quick and unnoticed hand motion, plunge the stiletto blade up into his brain

    48. Shirt collars were smeared with lipstick, hair was ruffled by wandering fingers, and the occasional dislodged stiletto lay forgotten in the aisle

    49. Maria stepped out of her room poised on top of the stiletto heels that the long plain ordinary trench coat failed to hide

    50. you expect for an instant, that one accustomed, at the word of his commander, to rush fearlessly on the very bayonets of his foe, will scruple more to drive a stiletto into the heart of one he knows to be his personal enemy, than to slaughter his fellow-creatures, merely because bidden to do so by one he is bound to obey? Besides, one requires the excitement of being hateful in the eyes of the accused, in order to lash one's self into a state of sufficient vehemence and power

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