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    stonewall Beispielsätze


    1. If they got to the reunification she was going to stonewall

    2. Was he just thanking her for summarizing his story for him, or was he thanking her for leading him away from something bigger? Whatever it was, now that he had been lead away from it, he would stonewall returning

    3. construction of the two ironclad rams CSS Stonewall and CSS

    4. It was apparent they were going to stonewall us until Nigel showed up with the legal team

    5. now cemented into the two story tall stonewall

    6. Beyond the fields a very tall stonewall

    7. buildings but still inside the protection of the vast stonewall that

    8. I put them on the stonewall we shared with the

    9. Xavier knew he had broken the stonewall Wisdom had put up

    10. sought to soothe the skittish Stonewall, but the horse only whinnied

    11. the stirrup that was pinned under Stonewall who was struggling to regain

    12. Barron sadly turned Stonewall toward the canyon and gazed warily

    13. two and one-half metre high stonewall, with a large double-

    14. controlled Congress – let’s stonewall everything

    15. concepts aligning heat and cold to gravity I ran into the biggest stonewall formed by resistance

    16. They meet a stonewall of united superiority and superior knowledge… and superior moral power and authority… that is completely false

    17. Stonewall or fivebarred gate put her mount to it

    18. She was a registered American Saddlebred, her official name spelled out in grandiose glory on the breeder’s association certificate that came with her: Stonewall’s Highland Nancy, sired by Stonewall Sensation and foaled by Mack’s Golden Queen

    19. Don’t stonewall me

    20. They lie and cheat and cover up, and they hire huge law firms like yours to stonewall anyone with a claim

    21. Stonewall Jackson’s triumphs in the Valley and the defeat of the Yankees in the Seven Days’ Battle around Richmond showed that clearly

    22. What if Stonewall Jackson had worn one in preference to a slouch felt? That

    23. I started to reel off the songs that The Attractions and I had already rehearsed back in London: numbers originally recorded by Stonewall Jackson, Janis Martin, Webb Pierce, and Conway Twitty, along with better-known hits by George Jones and Charlie Rich

    24. He says to stonewall Casselli, to give him nothing

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