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    Verwenden Sie „stopwatch“ in einem Satz

    stopwatch Beispielsätze


    1. He pulled out his stopwatch as Roman ran,

    2. a sweep second hand of a stopwatch as I fed the firebox and

    3. Make use of a stopwatch when you make non-essential telephone calls or when you are interrupted by a call

    4. I imagined a stopwatch in my head

    5. I’ve got a stopwatch somewhere

    6. Zeke found his stopwatch and stepped up to the experiment

    7. was moving on the stopwatch in front and Apollo 918

    8. The stopwatch was on the dresser in

    9. Inside is a human-style wind-up stopwatch

    10. The stopwatch is beginning to pulse with magic

    11. Clutching the stopwatch, he pulls the magic around him

    12. Since Sigyn opened the stopwatch, magic has been creeping into the tower

    13. Eating with a stopwatch, thirtytwo chews to the minute

    14. The examiner peers at his stopwatch

    15. The boys leaned into their oars and took it up, but Bolles didn’t even bother to look at his stopwatch

    16. But when Ulbrickson looked at his stopwatch, he was disappointed

    17. He had put a stopwatch to Ebright’s new pickup boat

    18. One day, with Cynthia standing by, holding a stopwatch, Louie set off to see how fast he could turn two miles

    19. In fact, on her housekeeping cart was a stopwatch she carried for that very purpose

    20. She picked it up as she arrived at room number 1121 and knocked smartly—maid’s knock, loud but gentle—then began the stopwatch

    21. Stopwatch allows you to tap Start, tap Lap for each lap, and then tap Stop to collect a set of times

    22. • Open Timer app Allows you to open the Timer app, which includes the clock, alarm, and stopwatch

    23. He never looked at Natica, nor at the Hartopp; but he tossed me a stopwatch and told me to keep time

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    Synonyme für "stopwatch"

    stop watch stopwatch