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stranger Beispielsätze
1. Gen: 17:8: And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of
2. He looks at me with the eyes of a stranger, terrified of even the noonday sun
3. He decided to open up the copy of Stranger in a Strange Land he had brought for the flight
4. The way I see it, every stranger we meet could potentially be the beginning of a relationship
5. It’s only that one stranger in a million that becomes a best friend or a lover
6. For a moment he felt extreme nausea and could see only the burning eyes of the tall stranger, surrounded by a swirl of moving facial scars
7. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of
8. Eventually, the stranger reveals his true identity
9. So, I suddenly found myself in a small, green flivver, which could hardly speed at 40 klm per hour, together with a stranger
10. Whenever I confide in her I like some stranger on the road, she says scornfully: “Only silly women fancy such men!”
11. This is also why Abraham is mentioned in the New Testament as being a pilgrim and stranger in the land
12. What if this story is actually a lot closer to truth? What if truth is stranger than fiction? Is it possible that heaven will have light for all to see, but not everyone can bear that light? Those who can bear it will remain in the city
13. I had expected the house to be empty but now here I was, having to explain to this simple, unsophisticated stranger that his whole life was about to change because we were going to sell the place he called his home
14. ” She held out her hand and he shook it smiling back at her, “Welcome to Dragons Hill stranger,” she said sweetly, staring at the handsome stranger and blushing
15. are approached by a stranger
16. Keep in mind this person is a complete stranger
17. “In destroying this work of art, this marriage of the Muses with technology, this stranger has, indeed, shown himself to be the most astounding of all things
18. But, even if it were true, most of the general population agreed with the judges and so within the hour the stranger came to stand beside the princess in London’s great abbey at Westminster
19. Beside her the stranger, her husband to be, swaggered and gloated over the princess, with his head held high, sure and certain in the winning of his prize
20. The famous movie star was no stranger to the palpitations of the
21. amazement as the stranger stood firm and roared, “I did that
22. and so within the hour the stranger came to stand beside the
23. Beside her the stranger, her husband
24. princess and the lofty stranger
25. character appeared in turn, making the stranger quake with terror
26. 38When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? Or naked, and clothed thee?
27. 43I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in
28. 5And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice
29. The stranger was the best thing Joseph had seen in a long time
30. A stranger appeared at the main door of the college
31. The Guardians needed to be careful that some stranger did not slip
32. ” He’d told about transporting the coma victims from the starship, but he never talked about the aluminums to a stranger
33. Andy poked around in his memory trying to recall if there had been any event, however minor, which hinted at the presence of a stranger … he couldn’t remember anything at all
34. True to his promise, on the third morning the stranger was again sitting on his porch when he came out of the house that morning
35. The young man has that same cornered animal smell that Billy tried to wash away in the shower, something maleficent, somewhere between terror and desperate fury, only this stranger seems to be able to control of his emotions, to subjugate the primal
36. Reaching the stranger, Billy takes a moment to catch his breath before speaking
37. The other drinkers in the bar, mostly solitary males, are all drawn to the stranger entering their domain
38. Ted raises his glass to the stranger
39. To the stranger he says, "Pay no attention to him
40. The stranger stopped and appeared to look around, presumably trying
41. The stranger sitting next to him in the silver Ford is confirming his worst nightmare, but all he can think about is a hot shower
42. 'You’re not taking me seriously,' said the stranger
43. 'That was never part of the deal!’ said the stranger
44. 'You’ll have to wait,' said the stranger eventually
45. The stranger gave no indication that he knew of my plan
46. The stranger ducked and the ball crashed into the wall
47. The stranger shot up the staircase and without a second’s notice my father
48. “Aha!” Said the third fat-cat boisterously, “Come on, lads, let’s go off into the forest and prove this complete stranger wrong!
49. There couldn’t have been a stranger sight
50. To close, for a complete stranger, but that was not how she thought of him any longer
1. We were just strangers
2. The natives of the world ahead of them live lives of ease and sloth, constantly intoxicated, constantly indulging in indiscriminate intercourse with strangers
3. Kara turned to see the young - twenty-something? - woman standing there, her pleasant face flushed as if the owner was uncertain about approaching strangers
4. It is during as far as offering fruit and energy drinks in between and in some of the after-run socialising that I get some of the best addition, had cooling points that sprinkled you with cold water advice from strangers that I see on the running trail as they droplets as you ran through a tunnel
5. 7 behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations:
6. As it says in Isaiah 14:1-2, “For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob
7. “11 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; 12 that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: 13 but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ
8. 19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God
9. ‘They know you’re not on your own now and the cottage at Blue Anchor is pretty easy to watch … strangers stick out around there
10. relying on the kindness of strangers
11. laying down in the arms of strangers
12. who have long become strangers to us
13. I had been talking with complete strangers like we were old friends and it felt great
14. As well as stuffing themselves with food and drink, they had to introduce themselves since there were no strangers among the dozen and a half people here
15. He asked them if they were waiting for someone, but both of the children stuck fast to their promise not to talk to strangers
16. Total strangers came and hugged us or squeezed our shoulders and offered us tissues
17. We were there, together, late that night in a mountain kafeneion, half of us strangers, seduced by plaintive melodies and angry clashes of Arabic, Turkish and Slavic themes until it fired our blood and led us deeper into ourselves than anything had before
18. catalyst for relationship and finding common ground with strangers
19. So, surrounded by a huge crowd of curious strangers and attentive townsfolk, new and old, I staggered to my feet as my mind went blank
20. She turned a corner and, even as she passed strangers on the night
21. of the children stuck fast to their promise not to talk to strangers
22. strangers here; that “trailing clouds of glory do we
23. He told them they were free to explore as they wished, but he pointed out, they would be a point of curiosity for the people and the presence of his warriors would avert any undo fear of the strangers
24. valley to inform me if any strangers approach the mountain
25. “The young strangers both held the rank of lieutenant,” the older
26. received as strangers and the telling of tales around the fire late into
27. And, you need to look out for strangers in the area
28. As far as he could tell, the occupants of the Lexus were strangers to him, which means that Jock has to be on the premises somewhere
29. intimidated by the presence of the strangers
30. " she answered the strangers statement a bit sarcastically
31. But no, this stop had been booked at the last minute, so she was playing for strangers again
32. The Bailli smiled as the three strangers later related
33. inspect the strangers, their cheeks streaked with sweat
34. wouldn’t open their gates to strangers, even in the middle
35. the jealousy of strangers, the aversion to take apprentices, or to communicate the secret of
36. "Granny specifically told us its not a place for strangers to visit
37. She had not thought this far when she had started walking and decided to throw herself on the mercy of strangers
38. than not - their open hostility towards strangers
39. disputes only with strangers, while the Christians, in
40. Its inhabitants’ hostility to strangers was the fiercest yet
41. He said that it was necessary to stay away from strangers, but Nerissa doubted this was his chief concern
42. He surely didn’t deserve to be treated that way by strangers for whom he had gone out of his way to make their stay as comfortable as possible
43. In some ways, it is harder to have compassion for friends and family than for strangers
44. It would be absolutely impossible to distribute among all the leading members of all the colony assemblies such a share, either of the offices, or of the disposal of the offices, arising from the general government of the British empire, as to dispose them to give up their popularity at home, and to tax their constituents for the support of that general government, of which almost the whole emoluments were to be divided among people who were strangers to them
45. “No strangers left in the area
46. Such nations are always strangers to every sort of luxury, and great wealth can scarce ever be dissipated among them by improvident profusion
47. Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer no strangers to possess any fortified place within their territory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, minister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen, and, in their disputes with the natives, may by means of his public character, interfere with more authority and afford them a more powerful protection than they could expect from any private man
48. I was in the midst of strangers
49. They were good, kind and compassionate strangers, but strangers, none-the-less
50. The trip to Elizabeth"s was one of pleasure amongst strangers who became friends