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    subjectivity Beispielsätze


    1. One limitation of experiential mystical knowledge is its increased subjectivity, since, most of this knowledge is axiomatic

    2. There is also a movement towards experience (and experiential knowledge) and greater subjectivity (a movement from theorems to axioms)

    3. The subjectivity of 3d experiential knowledge means that the mystic cannot share his experiences with linear analysts in a direct way

    4. From another point of view this subjectivity can be considered a prejudice generated by linear analysts-scientists

    5. take the subjectivity out of interpreting a price chart and enable the trader to objectively analyze the price action and predict the future movement of the markets

    6. Yet, because his goals are subjective, and the goal here is to lead him towards achieving that subjectivity, failure diminishes

    7. It signifies the whole of the subjectivity of the individual engaged in a meaningful and intelligent response to total objectivity -- the universe and its Maker

    8. He didn’t gain objectivity with this distance, but rather became entrenched in subjectivity through serving self-indulgence and self-interest

    9. Hunter Davies was inside the Beatles circle – obviously there’s still subjectivity – and wrote about them in 1968, with revisions in 1985 and 2002

    10. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that the slower speed of the physical self created subjectivity

    11. You could say that the slower speed of the physical self is what created subjectivity

    12. This ancient wisdom talks about objectivity and subjectivity

    13. The apple is shared in halves between man and woman supporting Adam’s subjectivity by Eve to share it at his spirit

    14. I can feel when subjectivity is necessary and I can step away from clouding emotions and objectively calculate their influence upon whatever decision needs to be made

    15. We are no longer able to be completely immersed in our subjectivity without some objective recording of it

    16. The only drawback of being in this level of reason is that they are unable to separate the subjectivity of the study from the objectivity

    17. greater subjectivity and freedom of expressionrendered their appeal more vigorous

    18. mind there can be some subjectivity involved, as some slopes with

    19. In fact we can call such objective (however, with some aspect of subjectivity) noo-time factors of our life creativity as Formo-copies “more important” than the biological NUU-VVU-Forms inertially manifested in this type of irkkulligren reality through Your simultaneous subjective focusings

    20. mentioned characteristics, even those that have to do morenaturally with lyric poetry, subjectivity and

    21. However, since any “personality’s” individual perception of the qualitative dynamics of Time Flows depends directly on the state of its Self-Consciousness (just like the state of dimension of the Forms focused by Us depends on the quality of VVU-Information which we use), the degree of subjectivity of perception of this dynamics by representatives (Proto-Forms) of Collective Intelligences of different types also depends on Configurations of SFUURMM-Forms used by different Forms of Self-Consciousness: “people”, ants, butterflies, dogs

    22. " As man opens his mind to subjectivity, he becomes a

    23. until her sight was blurred by her subjectivity

    24. Spiritual Contemplation is not thinking of an object; it is transference of consciousness from the subjectivity of yours and from the objectivity of the object to a central point which is transcendent to both

    25. All the subjectivity now stands dropped

    26. When soul transcends the plane of lower intelligence, the consciousness merges with the realm of pure subjectivity, leaving the human ego behind

    27. � Even the way in which the definition of "white" may vary can lead a highly trained "Fair Witness" into some level of subjectivity

    28. � Granting we cannot see absolutely objectively, we become aware of our subjectivity

    29. standing its imperfection and subjectivity, the empiric approach is one

    30. But for subjectivity, there are a number of other shortcomings of

    31. subjectivity of the “I”, dialectic method of Hegel and Schel ing’s tran-

    32. From this mentioned subjectivity there comes another particularly

    33. There is no subjectivity in stop location and little subjectivity in managing losing trades—if the market makes a new extreme, then you are wrong and must exit the trade

    34. Because of their subjectivity, I've grown increasingly skeptical of claims regarding classical formations, such as pennants, head-and-shoulders, etc

    35. With computers there is no way to handle the subjectivity that classic chart reading offers

    36. Subjectivity is involved no matter how many rules are applied

    37. Subjectivity and reduction: An introduction to the mind-body problem

    38. Some, by inertia, continue the mystical æsthetics of Baumgarten and Hegel with sundry variations; others transfer the question to the region of subjectivity, and seek for the foundation of the beautiful in questions of taste; others—the æstheticians of the very latest formation—seek the origin of beauty in the laws of physiology; and finally, others again investigate the question quite independently of the conception of beauty

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    Synonyme für "subjectivity"

    subjectiveness subjectivity