Verwenden Sie „sublunar“ in einem Satz
sublunar Beispielsätze
1. At night, holding each other in bed, they were not fright-ened by the sublunary explosions of the ants or the noise of the moths or the constant and clean whistle of the growth of the weeds in the neighboring rooms
2. How mingled and imperfect are all our sublunary joys
3. Mr Bloom thoroughly acquiesced in the general gist of this though the mystical finesse involved was a bit out of his sublunary depth still he felt bound to enter a demurrer on the head of simple, promptly rejoining:
4. Why, e’en the English Cows who graze ’neath the Rain-drench’d Trees are more beauteous than Cows of any other Nationality! Whene’er the Mutability of Sublunary Things makes me melancholick, I rest my Mind upon an English Landscape, and once again am peaceful and content
5. Lancelot Robinson concludes his astonishing History, showing that a Man may be wise in all Things, both sublunary and divine, yet still be a Ninny where Women are concern’d
6. Let this admonish you to reflect on the constant Revolution in all Sublunary Affairs, for the greater be your Glory, the nearer you are to your Declension! We are taught by all we behold in Nature that Life is nought but continual Movement