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    Verwenden Sie „summarized“ in einem Satz

    summarized Beispielsätze


    1. They both listened as he summarized the classification, evolution and physiology of life on the planet

    2. ” It summarized A history of creating live creatures, including rare Cabalistic texts researching the production of a Golem, and more whimsical tales like that of

    3. I summarized the situation for him

    4. How about a summarized version of the story, if wouldn’t mind?”

    5. "Life brought me here," he summarized his case

    6. The working of karma and the consequences of karmic actions are fittingly summarized below:[148]

    7. In sum, the causal mechanisms taught in the early texts of Buddhism are in five categories, and may be briefly summarized as follows:

    8. She summarized, “So, the extent of the good news is that we no longer have a suspect but that you helped the police with another case

    9. Monroe summarized this type of transformation as the

    10. Stevenson’s book, Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect, summarized 112 of those cases

    11. col eague of mine summarized this approach with the phrase

    12. a few years from now, a senior colleague of mine summarized this approach

    13. The work is summarized by Professor Smith:

    14. His holdings are summarized in Appendix B, Building a Media Empire

    15. It was summarized for him from each property compared to budget

    16. The dozens of awards and citations during his business career are summarized in Appendix C, Memberships and Honors

    17. By the time it was all over, a family member summarized the progress of the meeting by declaring it “a waste of time

    18. And as they are both highly trained, thoroughly educated, and very intelligent professionals, I doubt it will be more than a few days before they have neatly summarized all that is known on the subject

    19. The old adage, summarized is “preview, present, and review”

    20. (CTQ) tree summarized in the tool section is one effective

    21. These findings were summarized and posted on the internal web site, as well as presented and discussed with the Oversight Committee, meaning that the whole agency was getting a vivid picture and agreement on its IT investment

    22. Astray summarized her feelings for her with a mourning roar that carried across the river like a kite with no string

    23. ; Pali: Sakyamuni; English: “sage of the Shakyas”), is the key figure in Buddhism, and accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules were said to have been summarized after his death and memorized by the sangha

    24. He summarized his instructions up to that time regarding these matters, as:

    25. Summarized as follows: Ectomorphic body type - is characterized by long arms and legs and a short upper body, and supposedly have a higher level of nervous tissue

    26. Jesus' instruction to the apostles during these days, regarding prayer and worship, may be summarized and restated in modern phraseology as follows:

    27. The statement which Jesus made at this time may be summarized in modern phraseology as follows:

    28. 1 This memorable discourse on religion, summarized and restated in modern phraseology, gave expression to the following truths:

    29. Summarized and restated in modern phraseology, Jesus taught:

    30. 3 Jesus' answers to their many questions may be summarized as follows:

    31. 1 Having summarized the teachings of Jesus about the kingdom of heaven, we are permitted to narrate certain later ideas which became attached to the concept of the kingdom and to engage in a prophetic forecast of the kingdom as it may evolve in the age to come

    32. This discourse, together with his answers to questions, may be summarized and restated in modern language as follows:

    33. summarized in the two following statements;

    34. “Not like this,” he summarized, warding off the blow she directed at his stomach

    35. Any hesitation after the gripes expected (1 day of gripes) should lead to hound dog ferreting with the staffs of the Chiefs and so on down the line, to get the information summarized nicely in the president’s office on time, in one week

    36. It might be simply summarized as “what goes

    37. “Ok! We are on our way” said Max as he summarized the brief, “Helicopter from here to the airport then in the Lear to Bermuda, private car to Hamilton Harbor, tender to Ocean Raider

    38. works of the flesh as summarized in the book of Galatians

    39. because the Luke account is a highly summarized version of events

    40. And point four (bear in mind the Revelation account is highly summarized):

    41. reign of terror lasting approximately thirty years was summarized by his successor Nikita

    42. Morse continued to make notes from the planisphere and the astrolabe, until he had summarized his notes as follows:

    43. ‘‖ Father du Bois summarized what they had so far:

    44. summarized the details they knew to date

    45. What deliverance on earth have all the modern schools�which scorn dogmatic teaching�what deliverance have they wrought? What overgrown and semi-heathen parishes in the metropolis, in our great seaports, our manufacturing towns, our colliery districts, have they evangelized and civilized? What New Zealand, what Red River, what Sierra-Leone, what Tinnevelly can the high-sounding systems of this latter day point to as a fruit of their system? No! if the question, "What is truth?" is to be solved by reference to results and fruits, the religion of the New Testament, the religion whose principles are summarized, condensed, and embalmed in our Articles, Creeds, and Prayer Book, has no cause to be ashamed

    46. Swift verbally summarized her findings

    47. He summarized his findings in his head:

    48. I think that in short term the main objectives could be summarized as follows: 1

    49. Thereupon Krishn has summarized to Arjun eighty-one manifestations

    50. The latter is summarized by US and Them thinking, culture, economy and global policy in the motto, “U r 4 US or against US

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    Synonyme für "summarized"

    outlined epitomised epitomized generalised generalized