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    sunlit Beispielsätze


    1. I got to the house and walked through into the sunlit room

    2. In no time at all, I was skirting pot-holes and diggers, tearing down the new road past sunlit villages towards the airport

    3. bright sunlit spots that had poked through the top of the forest earlier were gone

    4. back in the sunlit ocean, small droplets of water or sweat on her breast, braying plaintively with the extreme pleasure of existence

    5. He'd seen such colours only once before– in a bright sunlit sky, following a heavy storm

    6. For now, he was more than content to feel a gentle rush of air which was quite a novelty in contrast to the non-existent wind in the sunlit parts of this place

    7. Of nothing, for in my heart's sunlit room

    8. pure and cold and sunlit,

    9. I watch until a shadow shifts over the sunlit wall and count until the next shadow appears

    10. unveiled a sunlit clearing

    11. The sunlit world outside was golden and beautiful, even through the faint serpentine images on the glass, but it offered no comfort

    12. sunlit morning, as the shout went up, “They're gone!” With those words, the covers, having

    13. In the square, Mary and Laura enjoyed the sunlit balm while

    14. He could feel his heart beating a little faster as he gazed out of the aircraft window at the sunlit landscape dotted with the last golden haystacks of a bountiful summer

    15. Man's friends of the flesh cannot survive death; virtue alone walks by man's side as he journeys ever onward toward the gladsome and sunlit fields of Paradise

    16. The garbled warnings of the Zuagir returned to him, seeming somehow less fantastic than they had seemed in the crowded, sunlit streets

    17. A man, in traditional Arab dress, had appeared and was approached the new family from the sunlit side of the room

    18. He gracefully circled his glider into the sunlit valley, drifting westward with the wind, finally touching down in the midst of all his flying friends who all gathered around him, all totally oblivious to his recent personal tragedy, but all very animated in their amazement at the behaviour of the wild eagles

    19. He sketched the options in the curves of the sunlit clouds to the

    20. He met them in the sunlit reception area, then marched them back along the paneled halls to the windowless interrogation room

    21. Those Yogins who have realised the benefits of concentration fully have declared: “In a clear sunlit sky behold with a steady gaze your own reflection; whenever this is seen for a single second in the sky, you behold God at once in the sky

    22. Examples of Yang in the past included sunlit roofs, built areas and an elevation in the front

    23. She often recalled Abbot Francis quoting an age-old Eastern proverb as they spoke together once in his sunlit office: “Confusion precedes enlightenment

    24. ruthless culture of City opportunism into a new sunlit world of honesty and fraternity with

    25. He was following the mahu towards a wider, sunlit

    26. lies in the sunlit silence

    27. High in the sunlit silence

    28. I have settled down, very comfortably I must say, to the preliminary petrifaction of middle age, and middle age, I begin to perceive, is a blessed period in which we walk along mellowly, down pleasant slopes, with nothing gusty and fierce able to pierce our incrustation, no inward volcanoes able to upset the surrounding rockiness, nothing to distract our attention from the mild serenity of the landscape, the little flowers by the way, the beauty of the reddening leaves, the calm and sunlit sky

    29. So that was what I would do--bend down and tear up weeds, and in this way forget the extraordinary sunlit, gaping, empty little house

    30. Anything was better than those shutters, and that hot, sunlit silence

    31. But what was so surprising was that the effect of the crisp, sunlit air on Mrs

    32. We did sit down, and leaning my back against a rock, and pulling my hat over my eyes, I gazed out at the sunlit sea and at the flocks of little white clouds hanging over it to the point where they met the water, while Charlotte talked

    33. We had stood looking down at the village of Thiessow far below us, a cluster of picturesque roofs surrounded on three sides by sunlit water; had gazed across the vast plain to the distant hill and village of Gross Zickow; watched the shadows passing over meadows miles away; seen how the sea to the west had the calm colours of a pearl; how the sea beneath us through the parting stalks of scabious and harebells was quiet but very blue; and how behind us, over the beech-tops, there was the eastern sea where the wind was, as brilliant and busy and foam-flecked as before

    34. " Velvet took his arm and they strolled the sunlit property, the king listening intently as Velvet outlined the improvements that she and Sir Gordie had made to the

    35. It was a brilliant, sunlit place, with a lot of almond trees in full blossom,--an orchard of them, apparently, standing in grass that was full of little flowers, very gay little flowers, of kinds she didn't know

    36. The natural energy that she’d absorbed from the sunlit fields on the way to the caverns had started to wane, slowly affecting her usually spritely demeanor

    37. But in us, the seekers, there is a constantly burning lamp which illumines our path until we see that it has become sunlit and quite safe

    38. First, by reflectively reversing sunlit images into blackness; turning blackness into transparent whiteness… and then re-reversing the process: so what was artificially blackened, was turned back into whiteness, and what was artificially whitened, was blackened again

    39. Most of us are much too famous with our own families ever to imagine that the obscurity of forever, the dark of a grave, could be a better thing than the sunlit earth and the love of our families

    40. Those of the open atmosphere, coarse, sunlit, fresh, nutritious,

    41. and the sunlit part on the other side,

    42. Look'd at the fine centrifugal spokes of light round the shape of my head in the sunlit water,

    43. one's head, in the sunlit water!

    44. A sunlit pasture field with cattle and horses feeding,

    45. Rincewind could see past Twoflower's head to the sunlit cloud sea and the impossible

    46. LATER IN THE morning, when the fog had lifted and the battlefield looked like a sunlit slaughterhouse, Earl William took Caris and Mair to see King Edward

    47. Yesterday they had spent a mild spring afternoon making love in a sunlit forest glade, while the horses grazed nearby, oblivious to their passion

    48. In the whole sunlit range of empty balconies along the street only one white figure would be visible high up above the clear pavement—the wife of the Senor Administrador—leaning over to see the escort go by to the harbour, a mass of heavy, fair hair twisted up negligently on her little head, and a lot of lace about the neck of her muslin wrapper

    49. nosed through the sidecanals and the boatman uttered his plaintive musical bird-cry of warning; on other days with the speed-boat bouncing over the lagoon in a stream of sunlit foam; it left a confused memory of fierce sunlight on the sands and cool, marble interiors; of water everywhere, lapping on smooth stone, reflected in a dapple of light

    50. By the blue waters and rustling palms of his own mind he was happy and harmless as a Polynesian; only when the big ship dropped anchor beyond the coral reef, and the cutter beached in the lagoon, and, up the slope that had never known the print of a boot, there trod the grim invasion of trader, administrator, missionary, and tourist - only then was it time to disinter the archaic weapons of the tribe and -sound the drums in the hills; or, more easily, to turn from the sunlit door and lie alone in the darkness, , where the impotent, painted deities paraded the walls in vain and cough his heart out among the rum bottles

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    sunlit sunstruck