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    supervision Beispielsätze


    1. supervision in 2005, when I was diagnosed with cancer and nothing spo-

    2. In the thinking time afforded me by slow recovery it became clear that while the casual maltreatment of heathen prisoners might be acceptable as part of the day-to-day routine of hostage supervision, the loss of one of their precious bargaining chips before the cards have been dealt, was unthinkable

    3. Psychiatrists will say I'm bipolar type 1 and I have to trust this because under their care I became better under supervision and medication and my symptoms matched the book to a tee

    4. He was personally under the supervision of a Mr

    5. Over that year, Victoria became so bold without Kelvin's or even Alfred's supervision that she sent a lander down to catch as many mid-sized carnivorous inglethors as possible

    6. usually were under close supervision

    7. If Lady Phyllis wanted someone else to serve, supervision of the household slaves was normally

    8. What about those of us who have never worked out before? In such cases you might need to start off under the personal supervision of an instructor and that may require that you go to a gym

    9. Fletcher gave those who were making the trip a red canvas rucksack each and, under the supervision of Chris and Lucy, the packing began

    10. In the years he’d been supposedly under their supervision, he was learning how to circumvent their security systems

    11. How strange, how messed-up, in fact, that she had yearned to be back under the somewhat obsessive supervision of Dr Heigener

    12. There are no stones in that area, everything being sand and as a special reward we could touch the stone under supervision

    13. blade and Presque checking his gun reassured him that silent supervision was not their intent

    14. Then the models would disappear under supervision to complete the overall look and come out to model the creations

    15. Tragically, those in serious need of treatment and proper medical supervision were summarily discharged and ushered into the streets to fend for themselves

    16. Yet it is also clear that the great majority of torture deaths happened under CIA or Special Forces supervision, if not direct orders

    17. But Phil had been on supervision for a long time, and they had no clear idea of what was going on

    18. went off to, ‘see about dinner,’ yet the servants hardly needed supervision

    19. As CO, I tended to take a few notes and trust the boys to follow along without a lot of supervision

    20. The road he had used to get to Kummersfeld had been plowed clear of snow, but a crew of Germans under supervision of some U

    21. “Hartle has spent days away from supervision by leaving the proximity of the transponder network,” the report began

    22. He had the local experience and knowledge that only comes from growing up as a boy with little parental supervision in an urbanized, industrial setting

    23. There were two new PFC medics who seemed to be doing a decent job, despite Staff Sergeant Purcell’s inept supervision

    24. He had been let out of jail on his cognizance and assurances that he would not interfere with, nor attempt to contact his children without Social Services permission and supervision if granted

    25. It really made him angry that I could visit and talk to the children without supervision

    26. “Fine,” Eric says, “but you are not allowed to leave the compound without supervision again, you hear me?” He turns toward Tobias

    27. c) Monitoring or supervision of the operations and

    28. They will, of course, be obligated to continue to produce and deliver food to the city, but they will be under supervision by one of the leading factions

    29. Unfortunately, such a large company couldn’t run for long without supervision

    30. ture or negligent, and they fail to see the tragic events that can result from lack of supervision and caring

    31. They then insisted on building the two caneys under Amana’s strict supervision, again theirs was built before mine

    32. promise in a particular subject should be encouraged to further his studies on that particular subject under special supervision and a distinct curriculum as done in some western and developed nations

    33. “Nonsense, he’s under close supervision at all times

    34. In addition to their vociferous disapproval of the environment in which their brothers were living, they objected to the fact that the little boys were being left frequently by themselves without adult supervision

    35. Supervision and mentoring of the accounting staff

    36. Secondly, now-Administrative Law Judge Peniel Moed, then Deputy Counsel at OOL, had me assigned temporarily (TDY’d) to the OGC law library, where, under his supervision, I researched the issues and prepared decisions for HIS signature

    37. The lies told to me by DOC precluded my having one last chance to convince Mike to accept a long term rehabilitation stay and attend AA and NA upon discharge, with medical approval and continuing supervision, from said long term facility

    38. should only be used under a doctor's supervision and only

    39. be carried out under anaesthesia only by a veterinarian or under his supervision

    40. supervision, and under anaesthesia if they are likely to cause severe pain to the animal

    41. dogs shall be under the supervision and care of the municipalities, the animal protection

    42. (1) The supervision under this act shall be carried out by the Minister of

    43. (2) The supervision over all wild animal protection measures under Chapter

    44. In addition, the omitted care or supervision about one‘s own animals is a

    45. ” The UP was begun and grew on federal aid, but it then had to endure federal supervision and regulation

    46. Right on time five B-52Hs arrived and under Warren"s supervision they were loaded into the planes

    47. ) That was why every piece of conquered territory had to be treated and seeded under their supervision

    48. All our expectant mothers are encouraged to exercise under supervision and are given very regular checkups to make sure they do not overdo it

    49. In fact as many scientists realised they had an immense opportunity here to conduct further research on the lines that Hamish had been planning and pushed very hard for the research to be continued under supervision of the authorities

    50. Dissatisfaction results from unfavorable assessments of such job-related factors as company policies, supervision, technical problems, salary, interpersonal relations on the job, and working conditions

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    Synonyme für "supervision"

    oversight superintendence supervising supervision observation attention view surveillance notice regard looking