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    1. It didn't seem a great leap to surmise that it was the smaller body that was seen falling from the asteroid in the null point

    2. “One of the Watchers,” Fred replied evenly, “I surmise that

    3. Had someone noticed something was going on and mentioned it locally? These rural places were rife with gossip – anyone with a juicy bit of surmise would doubtless have passed it on

    4. its safe to surmise you’ve already mastered the essence of this rule

    5. “By the looks of you Agent Johnson, would it be safe to surmise that

    6. “It would be safe to surmise that, yes sir,” the agent responded

    7. In this case, I surmise that it increases adrenalin flow into the body at a geometric rate causing an Adrenergenic storm

    8. All I know is what I heard and what I can surmise by reading very grim Imperial faces

    9. he could only surmise

    10. But when he replayed the sensor recording there was nothing visual or on any other frequency, although he could surmise they’d be able to circumvent the sensors by creating a temporal bubble

    11. ‘Therefore you surmise the discovered object must be that craft, which is precariously near the TE wave zone

    12. Considering he is the only cat we’ve ever known who has run in fear of a dangling length of brightly colored yarn, we can only surmise that someone must have tried to hang him

    13. Gerrid could not surmise what they were currently being fed without an active AI to govern TIAR

    14. Colling guessed that some contained paintings, based on their flat shape, and it was easy to further surmise that the others contained sculpture or similar objects

    15. One could even surmise the machine was trying to look blushed

    16. The surmise was that it had been caused by falling on the rock that they found close by where he was found

    17. ‘I can only surmise that it comes from Aidme

    18. That there is something superior to his present existence that Man is able to sense without being able to measure is a surmise that he is not willing to remove from his attention

    19. “Religion is the platform upon which those things [have been, and] can be contemplated, where surmise can lead to a seemingly logical conclusion, the foundation of which lies far enough beyond current ability to verify as to seem without resolution

    20. There was the way of belief, “a logical surmise about things that seemed to work to Man’s advantage long before any understanding of why could even be contemplated

    21. Man’s ingenious surmise which turned into a theory of evolution that included the vehicle of “natural selection” seems to have answered, to “science’s” satisfaction, how all life-forms have arisen from a relatively common environment

    22. Gossiping surmise, she saw, had put this mistaken idea into Una's mind

    23. One mortal life is hard to surmise in a statement, let alone two hundred and fifty years

    24. I surmise that the crater is roughly hemispherical and is composed of a material that is reflective of the power that you alone are able to use

    25. I would surmise that to be Joseth Narr, recently made Colonel of the newly-formed Hilian Cavalry, and Commander of the Academy of Cavalry of the Hilian University of The Just Alliance, as your First Minister Sheramiv recently informed me when she formally requested my permission for the establishment of that facility within The Empire of Sming

    26. Cristal didn’t want to even surmise what they were saying to each other

    27. And waits; and once in timeless sick surmise

    28. known to man, what would you surmise that to

    29. None of us can surmise how long the forces of the Demigod, Thoth and Titan, Tiamat have waited for this moment to strike at the residents of the Higher Planes

    30. He could only surmise that this must be the

    31. I can only surmise that the planets rotation

    32. can only surmise that it did the same when doctor Cole tried to approach it, and the organisms

    33. They can tell you their story, but I surmise they have had much trouble, and their very presence here in your house testifies how earnestly they crave to know good people, and how willingly they will embrace the opportunity to show all the world -- and even the angels of heaven -- what brave and noble women they can become

    34. But another surmise occurred to the Agha

    35. But there was no time for surmise

    36. Now they lash out at a helpless world, for no reason that our spies can surmise

    37. The scientific explanation of the drug’s prescribing information was way over her head, but she was able to surmise that the drug was primarily used as an anti-inflammatory

    38. I can only surmise what had transpired

    39. I never did surmise what caused the nose deal, and a doctor may not have diagnosed it either

    40. year and sees the waxed windows or missing tires on his SUV, he may surmise that he has been a victim of an October surprise

    41. As you might surmise from the title of Ferriss’ book, there are too many created jobs and too much unnecessary work

    42. He could only surmise that she was both upset by his arrangements

    43. � However, I was able to surmise a few important facts from the British actions against our own weapons programs

    44. yard high, I would surmise

    45. ‘’Then, can I surmise that you agree with his opinions about our military budgets, General Vandenberg?’’

    46. His appearance was very intimidating for reasons that one could only surmise to be a result of his air of superiority and his quiet, unyielding eyes that blazed like cold fire

    47. We may thus surmise that the new American aircraft we are starting to see now, including the XC-10, were initiated in late 1948 and are now in their fourth year of design, development and testing

    48. “Typically, do you surmise he was there on business or pleasure?”

    49. Wickland could only surmise that it must be some lover’s quarrel that was exacerbated by the fact that Janet had received a shock that her boss and former lover had been killed

    50. the Federal Reserve raises interest rates as the economy improves, we can surmise that the

    1. He’s a local man; his family have lived here for generations, as I surmised from my walk round the graveyard up at the church

    2. Given that we were held in an old office block we surmised that this must be in or close to a major town or city

    3. displayed several lines which Tom surmised were the names of

    4. From this Alan surmised that native wildlife did not age

    5. What parts of the real data I've glanced at so far show nothing much different than we surmised before we started sending probes to the surface, but you'll have plenty of time to study it in detail

    6. She surmised that while one was her own, she had sleepily grabbed another that lay nearby

    7. The great Buddha has surmised that life as a human being is fraught with suffering

    8. One theoretician surmised that information can never be truly lost, even after temporal eradication

    9. The man didn’t look frightened, he looked serene; a drug overdose, he surmised

    10. A faint hope, she surmised

    11. surmised that the Confederacy would be history

    12. I surmised that she respected me more as an adult because I was acting more like one

    13. So I surmised that these challenges were preparing me for this, and again I gained a sense of peace

    14. ” It was later surmised by government officials that the Miami was in fact the Shenandoah

    15. It has been surmised that the hair covering is to alert the body to invasion of its most important and vulnerable parts

    16. To create an entire world, he surmised, would be beyond current technology unless beginning a process over many years with many thousands of industrial scale imaging units

    17. In any case, things were different now: a shift to more computer oriented feedback, it was surmised

    18. The feedback through the TIAR interface had reduced, the Tech surmised, to the level of simple biofunctions

    19. ‘I'm guessing it's somewhere under the Atlantic Ocean but you don't want me to know in case the real Gerrid sought its destruction,’ he surmised

    20. Jhordel where he had earlier parted company with her, and surmised from the look of her that she’d

    21. Boyd rarely went with me to church when he was home on a weekend pass, and I surmised he was either too tired or wanted to spend as much time with me alone, or with his family or surfing

    22. “Stay right there and shoot everything,” said Bru, as he carefully moved through some tall weeds, trying to walk where Hilier hadn’t, or so Nibbles surmised

    23. Karla had been surprised when Marcia had invited her over, but surmised that the woman probably felt as guilty about her daughter’s death as Frank did, and needed somebody to talk to

    24. He, incorrectly, she insisted, surmised that she was privy to the fact that Mike trafficked in cocaine and he began talking about it in detail

    25. “As surmised, it was a private runabout, again, not much in the way of engine power

    26. To complete the picture, he decided to use a handcart he found standing beside the stairway leading upward to what he surmised was the street

    27. They walked softly towards the sound and found a small group that they surmised was the faculty sitting in a room around a table

    28. An open bottle of clear liquid that Colling surmised was vodka stood in the center of the table

    29. He met no one, and he quickly surmised that the Red Army patrols must be achieving their objective in stopping the movement of refugees in the region

    30. All of that unloading of boxes in the compound, he surmised

    31. “They had a fifth man coming and going,” surmised Clive

    32. He surmised that it would be fairly easy to enter Poland

    33. They slid to a stop in front of a large building that Colling surmised had originally been the residence of a wealthy family

    34. Thomas surmised that this was a test to see if they

    35. He had broken his neck, some surmised, from a misstep in the dark

    36. brought it up that she and her husband surmised that I might be the real Frank 106

    37. Vera surmised some naïve camper must have wandered between a mother and her cubs

    38. He noted that the Volvo was also gone and surmised they all had gone to the showers and washrooms

    39. She surmised Bruce, as an unattached, attractive, even

    40. He discovered similarities while talking to the locals and surmised that some of his people must have migrated in the past, although he knew of no legends about such a migration

    41. As I’m sure you've surmised by now, in my culture, not only is the spoken word

    42. From his conversations with Josie, Roger surmised that by May of 1982, Josie and Agatha had decided to leave their husbands and live together with all the children in one house, and give as a public excuse that the economy was very bad

    43. “Could it be possible that she was not permitted to remarry because of her professed lesbianism?”, surmised Roger

    44. the Indian that she soon surmised was the spirit of her great

    45. some of the plants in a cold frame, but they had surmised as much

    46. As Selma had surmised the news had pre-empted all other

    47. to be up and running again, but as Nyla had surmised, it was taking

    48. Lucy surmised it was the price she paid, though,

    49. about the entire property, and Lucy surmised that her

    50. the lobby without their seeing it, she surmised

    1. Many of these at first glance seemed at variance with centuries’ old surmises

    2. “How convenient”, surmises Roger

    3. He surmises so because during his stay in China he made some errors that are not accepted in Communist countries

    4. Thus, information about the leader is gathered from open sources, formal and informal, by deduction, induction and inference, through contextual surmises, historical puzzle-work and indirect associations

    5. to further divert any surmises that she might have

    6. “You want to Read again?” he surmises

    7. The triumphant sense of security, of deliverance from overwhelming danger, that was what filled his whole soul that moment without thought for the future, without analysis, without suppositions or surmises, without doubts and without questioning

    8. His heart beat, and he racked his brain with surmises

    9. surmises were correct; that Kitty’s misery, her inconsolable misery, was due precisely to the fact that Levin had made her an offer and she had refused him, and Vronsky had deceived her, and that she was fully prepared to love Levin and to detest Vronsky

    10. Lots of thoughts, surmises, hints of caution, and so on, crowded his head to distraction

    11. On the whole his surmises, in addition to what he knew of the fact, increased his friendliness and tolerance towards Ladislaw, and made him understand the vacillation which kept him at Middlemarch after he had said that he should go away

    12. But he had just heard something from Standish which, while it justified these surmises about Will, offered a means of nullifying all danger with regard to Dorothea

    13. Cadwallader's painfully graphic report of gossip—her effort, nay, her strongest impulsive prompting, had been towards the vindication of Will from any sullying surmises; and when, in her meeting with him afterwards, she had at first interpreted his words as a probable allusion to a feeling towards Mrs

    14. and he racked his brain with surmises

    15. Looking back at the photograph, Jong surmises that her mellow expression means she was likely drunk for the first time

    16. For it all prove to him how right he was at the first in his surmises

    17. As soon as he had seen a visitor off he returned to one of those who were still in the drawing room, drew a chair toward him or her, and jauntily spreading out his legs and putting his hands on his knees with the air of a man who enjoys life and knows how to live, he swayed to and fro with dignity, offered surmises about the weather, or touched on questions of health, sometimes in Russian and sometimes in very bad but self-confident French; then again, like a man weary but unflinching in the fulfillment of duty, he rose to see

    18. Prince Andrew, listening to this polyglot talk and to these surmises, plans, refutations, and shouts, felt nothing but amazement at what they were saying

    19. To them the words of Miloradovich seem very interesting, and so do their surmises and the rewards this or that general received; but the question of those fifty thousand men who were left in hospitals and in graves does not even interest them, for it does not come within the range of their investigation

    20. Who needs it most? And perhaps they are both impostors?’ In the old days he had been unable to find a way out of all these surmises and had given to all who asked as long as he had anything to give

    21. Just the same is done by a concourse of people, allowing those who do not take a direct part in the activity to devise considerations, justifications, and surmises concerning their collective activity

    22. " The old woman went to get the bill changed, and mentioned her surmises

    23. These surmises, which so closely resembled proofs, whirled suddenly, like a handful of dust caught up by an unexpected gust of wind, through Jean Valjean's mournful brain

    24. It is not possible but that you must have had some thoughts on the subject, some surmises as to what might be

    25. But you cannot prove either of these surmises to be correct

    26. She felt certain that her surmises were correct; that Kitty's misery, her inconsolable misery, was due precisely to the fact that Levin had made her an offer and she had refused him, and Vronsky had deceived her, and that she was fully prepared to love Levin and to detest Vronsky

    27. And now as she made surmises as to who people were, what were their relations to one another, and what they were like, Kitty endowed them with the most marvelous and noble characters, and found confirmation of her idea in her observations

    28. At all events, she had been unable to obtain any definite news from the Epanchin girls—the most she could get out of them being hints and surmises, and so on

    29. The thought of her lay like a stone on her heart, a nightmare, she was tortured by strange misgivings and surmises, and all this at the same time as she dreamed of Count K

    30. I kept feeling that she would at once read in my eyes all the reflections, the doubts, the surmises, that had arisen in my mind since the previous day

    31. Then the horrid recollection of the scene with his wife came to him; their surmises and their suspicions, which became a certainty

    32. As soon as he had seen a visitor off he returned to one of those who were still in the drawing room, drew a chair toward him or her, and jauntily spreading out his legs and putting his hands on his knees with the air of a man who enjoys life and knows how to live, he swayed to and fro with dignity, offered surmises about the weather, or touched on questions of health, sometimes in Russian and sometimes in very bad but self-confident French; then again, like a man weary but unflinching in the fulfillment of duty, he rose to see some visitors off and, stroking his scanty gray hairs over his bald patch, also asked them to dinner

    33. To them the words of Milorádovich seem very interesting, and so do their surmises and the rewards this or that general received; but the question of those fifty thousand men who were left in hospitals and in graves does not even interest them, for it does not come within the range of their investigation

    34. Who needs it most? And perhaps they are both impostors?” In the old days he had been unable to find a way out of all these surmises and had given to all who asked as long as he had anything to give

    1. “These aren’t all to the same scale, of course, as there’s an extreme variety in size among them, and the view of the volcano is mostly a surmising based on it’s description and the appearance of similar peaks

    2. Seeing his predicament and surmising the reason for it, she enjoyed their engagement of hopeful anticipation

    3. And as she pictured his enamored face, she began surmising how she might have appeared to his eyes

    4. “I must admit that this whole case is a rather unpleasant affair,” Wickland commented, surmising about what the two had been conversing

    5. Isn’t his carnal bother troubling his brotherly candor? What hypocrisy, worse still, is it his strategy to hide his designs on me? Am I indulging in his character assassination by merely surmising? But then, isn’t his want for me crystal clear to me

    6. Candy grinned widely surmising past is past, Byron did not argue, his face remained still and sullen

    7. repeatedly apologized to the girl she kept brutally criticizing him in her intellect, surmising that

    8. We all chatted amongst ourselves surmising what had caused the explosion

    9. Then Newton’s surmising was one of corruption making that which all physics are based on fools thought

    10. I was surmising it

    11. You would be correct in surmising that the patterns in X would have been much more tradable, and that they probably offered better opportunity for most trend traders

    12. Fanny's heart beat quick, and she felt quite unequal to surmising or soliciting anything more

    13. Knowing Ostafyev’s weak spot and surmising that after his brief, unavoidable absence he would probably be greedier than ever for tips, our hero made up his mind not to be sparing of them, and immediately darted up the steps, and then into the entry after him, called to him and, with a mysterious are, drew him aside into a convenient corner, behind a huge iron stove

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    Synonyme für "surmise"

    conjecture guess hypothesis speculation supposition surmisal surmise suspect assume infer imagine suppose think theory idea thought suspicion