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    Verwenden Sie „surprised“ in einem Satz

    surprised Beispielsätze


    1. "I'm surprised you're not with Herndon this sleep

    2. He was surprised she had been interested this sleep, on Dawnsleep she had still been sore

    3. He felt a little hurt, but was not surprised

    4. Sam was surprised at the crowds at the Oodle Festival, held just outside Berlin in the July of that year

    5. Sam was surprised that his ears were suddenly so sensitive to the unfamiliar music

    6. Nancy looked away, trying to appear casual, before acting surprised that the question was directed at her

    7. why should I be surprised … the cup continues on its journey

    8. With time--and patience--you'll be surprised at how much a rebellious grandchild can change

    9. we'd been closer than ever after that, he'd been really surprised that I was still there for him

    10. She was surprised that she was available

    11. ‘Why should she have hated me?’ I asked, surprised at her comment

    12. The Garda was surprised

    13. ‘Is there coal mining in the Bath area?’ I asked surprised

    14. I realised fairly quickly that she is jumpy about seeing Stephen with their disagreement unresolved and this house does looks a little imposing … I know I was surprised when Stephen bought it originally, thought it above our touch

    15. Surprised, he hesitates, hands her the reports

    16. ’ Emma commented, clearly surprised at the speed with which matters have moved

    17. “How could it happen?” they asked, surprised

    18. She was also surprised by the immortal population of New Dallas, that was four times the Pan Solar League's Angel population, even more than Pallas

    19. "I'm surprised there’s nothing on him here

    20. You would be surprised how shocking that can be

    21. Surprised, I look at her reflection in the mirror

    22. Theo was surprised but didn't show it

    23. "I'm surprised Herndon didn't tell you about it

    24. "Really?" Sarah was surprised

    25. He was surprised

    26. ’ Jeremy said looking surprised

    27. The man without faith, surprised by the question of that girl

    28. ---> (Surprised) What does it mean?, Only one of

    29. Jubei ---> (Fascinated) I'm surprised that life put us in the

    30. I was surprised at how quickly I became aware of alternative ways of interpreting my strange new home

    31. I was surprised by this

    32. Vincef was somewhat surprised

    33. She sets the scene and we all walk through the lines, then we have to do it properly … which, in this case, means Andy and I being in a clinch as the curtain goes up so that we can be surprised by other characters walking in on us

    34. “Can I have a cigarette?” I asked, surprised by my sudden boldness, but I was desperate to finish my first meal in days with that final token that would mean release from my futile fasting and a passage to one short moment in heaven

    35. At first Alexander looked surprised to see me in his class after three years of absence -as if he hadn't known I would come tonight

    36. I’m surprised they didn’t send more ships than the one we killed

    37. now why am I not surprised by this? As promised, I send Nick a text message

    38. I surprised by the openness of his thoughts and I get a piece of a conversation between him and ARIES

    39. What he didn't understand was why the person he had surprised was doing this, unless he really didn't know it was Bahkmar that had surprised him

    40. It was on that third day, as evening approached, that he suddenly found himself surrounded by a throng of surprised crewmen, most of them surprised to find themselves clad in formal robes and turbans, all walking along the colonnade of the Haadij toward what could only be the amphitheater

    41. As I turned my head, I was surprised to see that Arion's laser had struck the crystalline sphere above the altar, actually destroying the mystical seal inside

    42. Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you,” 1 John 3:12-13

    43. ‘Iain!’ she said, surprised to see him standing there, awkwardly holding a bunch of flowers

    44. Luray looked a little surprised, but explained

    45. ‘I’m not surprised … it’s a nasty business all told from what I can glean

    46. It surprised him so much he woke

    47. He raised the covers, and was surprised that his clothes had been removed

    48. Before the surprised clowns could reply, Marshall and Didiera

    49. "I'm surprised there hasn't been the way you've been calling them

    50. Unfortunately, Liesse Yare has had to stand down from the management – his health is deteriorating and, strictly between you and me, I should be surprised if he lasts the year

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    Synonyme für "surprised"

    surprised astonished puzzled flabbergasted dumbfounded overwhelmed shocked