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    switchboard Beispielsätze


    1. The radio host’s switchboard must have been lit up, because caller after

    2. “The only one that likes me is the switchboard operator, and she always forgets my name, in fact, she asked me if I wanted an application last week

    3. “Oh, hi After! I took your advice and asked the switchboard girl out, and I guess I

    4. bubble gum chewing switchboard running Niki at the Herald, this specimen was a geeky

    5. She was at the switchboard surrounded by four good looking chaps, none of which bore any resemblance to Paul

    6. the plant’s switchboard, but it was also busy

    7. She said even the White House switchboard had come through for him and wasn't that something

    8. The brain merely acts as a mediator or a switchboard between higher energy bodies and its environment — or like a semi-intelligent computer terminal connected to an invisible universal supercomputer which carries out the more advanced mental functions

    9. There was to be a team of six detectives with one clerical worker who would look after the telephone switchboard and do most of the administrative tasks

    10. Not getting an answer he checked his e-mail and the main station switchboard to see if Richard had called in

    11. switchboard job at the police station, looking extremely smart in her

    12. The last door led to a tiny kitchen, and off that was a guardroom, complete with TV monitors, a panel of switches and the electrical switchboard

    13. A heavy-duty cable, its phase wire securely fixed to the cage, the earth and neutral wires taped back, was fed through a hole in the floor and under the house to the switchboard, just outside the back door

    14. She did phone the EA switchboard but they claimed to know nothing about it

    15. She had expected the switchboard or a secretary

    16. ’ During the day, three smart young secretaries manned the reception desk and switchboard

    17. Switchboard said she had a nice, smooth, well educated voice

    18. He told the switchboard operator the situation and, after a short wait while the number was transferred, then transferred again, he was put through to a detective in the main police station at Portmadoc

    19. I called 911 and told the switchboard operator what

    20. The switchboard operator gave me complete instruction to

    21. Tell the switchboard operator, in brief terms, what

    22. I am a qualified air plot specialist and telephone switchboard operator with war experience, plus I speak Japanese

    23. MacArthur thought over what he had just heard, then finally grabbed his telephone receiver and called the headquarters’ switchboard operator

    24. Ziegler led Ingrid to a small room that appeared to be used as the communications center of the camp, with two radios and a telephone switchboard in it

    25. Janey, the switchboard

    26. ����������� ��Uh, yes!� I was one of the camp telephone switchboard operators

    27. � ��Why harass me with questions like this?� I was just a telephone switchboard operator, dammit!��

    28. ����������� ��But,�� protested weakly Lisa Hartmann, ��Helferin Muller told us that she was just a telephone switchboard operator in Neuengamme

    29. Meanwhile, lights started lighting up on the switchboard

    30. After navigating through the electronic system, he was connected to the switchboard attendant and requested to speak with Angelina Lautrec

    31. Let's just pray the person on the switchboard isn't in the john

    32. the switchboard giving a red soft glow in his hands

    33. He was connected through their switchboard to Camp David, where President Stevenson currently was

    34. installed the latest fibre optic switchboard

    35. Depression has nervous reactions and a state of agitation in the brain’s switchboard, missing on incoming and outgoing commands

    36. Marriage has one definition that is between one man and one woman without a switchboard to polygamy, or same sex marriage

    37. Main switchboard and meter should be safe and protected from rain, wind

    38. For example, in the late 1800s, the telephone switchboard was a disruptive technology that enabled business owners to collaborate with each other and their staff in real time over distances of several miles

    39. The call finally connected and she explained her predicament to the switchboard operator

    40. With newfound courage and resolve, she dialed the station and left details of her change of plan with the switchboard operator

    41. While you were talking I got your switchboard operator to connect me with central on another wire

    42. It rang only twice before it was answered by the switchboard operator

    43. "I'm trying to locate one of your models," he told the switchboard operator

    44. I punched in the number for the Parliament switchboard and hoped I could get through to Tony Lawrence before he had spoken to Sir Kenneth Bell

    45. on Thursday, everyone except the receptionist at the switchboard was out to lunch

    46. The only one who had seen Alexandra go into the various offices was Fran, the woman on the switchboard, but she hated her bosses more than she hated Alexandra, so all she would say was, "I didn't see a soul

    47. “Of course the switchboard is operational twenty four seven,” she said, “but it isn’t justified to have the station open all hours

    48. He took out his phone and dialled the central switchboard number for the station

    49. I phoned his office to tell Frank I would be at my sister’s but the woman on the switchboard said that Frank had already left for the day

    50. His hand slid to the switchboard but I stopped it “Don’t

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