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    1. to intellectually curious people, while other paths synthesize and employ techniques that combine aspects of

    2. They said it would constitute an unacceptable fire risk and that the labs could synthesize some fuel when we got set up here

    3. was the first to synthesize the symbol with elements of the teachings about the types

    4. synthesize all incoming information into a coherent whole

    5. to synthesize our new learning with what we already think we know, or

    6. Synthesize all the Worlds Religions under the Avatar of Synthesis

    7. From DHEA the adrenal glands can synthesize androstenedione, which is further converted to testosterone

    8. converted into choline within the brain and is used as substrate from which brain cells can synthesize acetylcholine,

    9. synthesize suf icient amounts of taurine, making it an essential nutrient in these cases

    10. The replicator can synthesize proteins and synthetic flesh, but it can not make it living

    11. Approximately 60 mgs of dietary tryptophan can be used to synthesize 1 mg of Niacin in the body

    12. Vitamin B6 is the coenzyme for brain decarboxylation enzymes, helping to synthesize dopamine, GABA, and serotonin which appear to be involved in these disorders

    13. Various types of antibiotics kill off the Bifidobacterium in the large intestine that synthesize Biotin as well as other B-vitamins

    14. “The more experiences you have, the more material you have to synthesize new

    15. Some cartels in North Africa had found a way to synthesize cocaine and caffeine with a small dose of chloroform

    16. They take in a lot of information, synthesize it, and then express it carefully

    17. The best leaders should be able to listen, take in lots of information, synthesize it, and express it freely

    18. Able to take in lots of information and synthesize it

    19. This type of beauty is immortal, because it springs from Ulysses’ emerging ability to continually synthesize pairs of opposites, as well as from his having been able to face death

    20. Up until this point he knows nothing about life as a work of art, which demands a continual effort to synthesize opposites and a continual transformation of oneself

    21. they synthesize, within themselves and outside of themselves, all the energies that exist on earth;

    22. This is the type of human being that can transform and synthesize the energy that exists in nature and that is then capable of creating a type of energy that does not exist in nature

    23. “What is it in blood that you need so bad anyway? Can’t they synthesize something?”

    24. Inertially “displacing” (refocusing) Our UFS along these initially programmed, duvuyllerrtly-changing qualitative states of an infinite number of different-qualitative Forms, We synthesize absolutely nothing, merely choose inertially (choose infinitely according to our rotation Cycles) what already initially is in each scenario

    25. Unique to each individual case, this Experience represents quintessence of everything best and most perfect what all the realization Forms of Collective Intelligences has managed to synthesize in themselves during all dynamics of creative interrelationships with other Forms

    26. But, just as everything else in the One and indivisible Universe, it is simply impossible to synthesize these Aspects in Self-Consciousness in isolation from the Creative Activity of Aspects of the other ten Qualities, which [the Creative Activity] is manifested to a necessary extent in your life creativity

    27. Even if you would simply “go obediently with the stream” and blindly subdue your Life to the circumstances that are formed around you (this can be implemented not really but only in theory, hypothetically), you will nevertheless develop within scenarios of a particular group of Stereo-Types that structure a given rotation Cycle that already exists inherently to synthesize some definite Aspects of Qualities

    28. The following are Forms that synthesize, in structures of their Self-Consciousness, Aspects of such Pure Cosmic Qualities as:

    29. The more you begin to synthesize (cultivate) Aspects of the third (to us) Quality — ALL-Unity — in yourself, the easier and quicker you will be able to focus on specific Levels of Self-Consciousness of any Proto-Forms of GOOLGAMAA-A and consciously study all realities formed by them

    30. On the other hand, VLOOOMOOT of other Formo-Types only allows middle Energy-Plasma diapasons of this type of Reality to synthesize sequentially and deeply between the lowest karmic Channels of AIGLLILLIAA and ORLAAKTOR and the highest DUU-LLI of the two lower Centers

    31. Yet they only have an initially intrinsic capability to synthesize self-conscious Elements (Fields-Consciousnesses, Aspects) of TWO different-quality states (whether it be Pure Qualities or any third states formed by Them)

    32. But they are more universal only to make it possible for you — through the different-qualitative dynamics of your refocusings in NUU-VVU-Configurations — to “study” and synthesize in depth, sequentially, one after another, in the greatest degree, by the general dynamics of your Self-Consciousness, all possible Aspects only of some two dominant Qualities manifested in this range of Energy-Plasma

    33. For example, animals can easily perceive in the outer Space those Proto-Forms, which are inaccessible to our system of Perception, because they synthesize completely different (from ours) Aspects of Dominants such as ALL-Knowledge-ALL-Informedness and ALL-Mobility-ALL-Presence, or ALL-Abundance-ALL-Fullness and ALL-Primordiality-ALL-Initiality, or ALL-Aspiration and ALL-Integrity, or ALL-Essentiality-ALL-Permeability and ALL-Voidness-ALL-Vacuumness, or ALL-Steadiness-ALL-Stability and ALL-Unity

    34. — Firstly, dear Kseillirgmiya’, everything around those who sit here, near this bonfire at Ayfaar, looks completely in a different way than each of us imagines it, because every one considers “personally” oneself (but not UU-VVU-copies used by one’s Formo-Creators) the main character in this inertial Process, although everything is just to the contrary — UU-VVU-copies exist in their “niches” as if “by themselves”, and we only use their typical qualitative characteristics to integrate them through active Levels of our own Self-Consciousness and be able to synthesize and realize, in the Formo-system of Worlds, a subjective Experience of Our universal relative inertial Existence in this range of Energy-Plasma

    35. But the main point is that without both of These Branches there would be no manifestation of that universal property of Energy-Plasma which I notionally designated as ALL-BETWEENNESS — the ability to penetrate, synthesize necessary states and “fill” with them any type of cosmic creative dynamics in any “point” of the Creation within the range of vibrations up to the ±36th dimension, thus, absolutely excluding in Energy-Plasma any state of “absolute voidness” or complete absence of Energy and Information, which is simply impossible either theoretically or practically on any Level of Existence of the Creation

    36. But the point is that, being in one and the same space-time Continuum, Forms of Self-Consciousnesses of all creatures that synthesize Aspects of the same number of Pure Qualities, nonetheless, really stay in different dimensions of manifestation of their typical dynamics of Creative Activity and, therefore, they perceive the dynamics of chronological time in completely different ways

    37. Depending on the combination (the degree of compatibility) of some Qualities among themselves, there are completely different ways of manifestation of the dimension of Space-Time individually formed (within the range of manifestation of the general creative dynamics of the same Continuum!) by the Forms of Self-Consciousnesses that synthesize their own Dominants of different Qualities

    38. Different peoples or races have a lot of difficulties in mutual understanding not only because the Configurations of NUU-VVU-Forms focused by Them synthesize Aspects of the same two dominant Qualities in completely different degree (and in different Directions of development!), but also because there are very great differences in the dynamics of their Creative Activity on different Levels of Self-Consciousness, which automatically increases the gap between parameters of dimensions in which their NUU-VVU-Forms manifest

    39. If we consider Proto-Forms that synthesize two absolutely different (as compared with “people”) Dominants, then all qualitative characteristics of this imagined “line” will be projected into an infinitely small “point” — its form will not simply exist for our system of Perception — there is nothing joint, mutually synthesized for “our” and “their” Configurations, — we will have nothing to “quantize” from the dynamics of their Self-Consciousness, while they will not be able to distinguish our Creative Activity!

    40. That is, we continuously and in detail AS IF analyze and sequentially synthesize in our Self-Consciousness all possible qualitative variants initially “included” in the only “shift”, simultaneously experiencing it in each of Configurations focused by Us (not only in a LLUU-VVU-Form!) at different “angles of vision”, inertially refocusing in various Directions of possible (for us!) Synthesis of Aspects of Qualities

    41. But it’s not “personally” I who thinks so, these are energy-information interrelations (previously formed by my bio-Creators) with FDR of definite UU-VVU-copies that became active in this very way in their “niches”, because low-frequency VVU-Configurations of the Formo-Creators of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by Me, by means of their typical dynamics of the Focus of Close Attention, now can realize (synthesize) corresponding Aspects of Qualities only on the sublevel of this qualitative ODS range

    42. The bio-Creators and UU-VVU-conglomerates of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by Us ruthlessly, beyond recognition distort it (literally reverse it owing to the absence of more authentic Conceptions) for the purposes of their own low-frequency realization and provide themselves in ODS and in Formo-systems of Worlds (by means of the TEC-dynamics) with a reliable realizational bridgehead that enables them to inertially synthesize, on the Levels of the “unconscious” and “personality” Self-Consciousness, even the most surreal and absurd energy-information interrelations of Aspects of Qualities, which provides the maximum depth and fullness of the inertial implementation of this most important Process for the whole Creation

    43. If, at this moment, you express impatience, then you will get the scenario, where there are all opportunities for the synthesis of all kinds of this Aspect; if you are furious, then, for you, there is an initially ready scenario, where you can deeply “study” (synthesize in your individual ODS) this very Aspect; if you are greedy, then the wide gate of the scenarios immediately “swing open” in front of you, which will allow you to deeply realize that greed is as anachronistic for any human being as a tail, horns and hoofs; and so on, in all Aspects of Qualities synthesized by you

    44. Let me remind you one more time that they synthesize in the 2-3-dimensional diapason Aspects of one dominant Quality with very weak (fluctuation) interactions with Fields-Consciousnesses that represent Aspects of the other 11 Qualities

    45. Imagine 2-3-dimensional Proto-Forms that sequentially synthesize (in the doollttrok subjective realities of their type) 1728 as if discrete Aspects of one Flow (for example, ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom) expressed in one global (for their Reality) phenomenon, which would very remotely resemble to us that which in our Reality is defined as low-frequency magnetic Fields

    46. So, the doolls structure of Self-Consciousness of one Proto-Form (with the help of UU-VVU-copies) first completely synthesize two, then three

    47. In addition, they tend to intensively involve into their narrowly-specific creativity Proto-Forms that synthesize Aspects of another Quality which is compatible with their Self-Consciousness

    48. Synthesize antibodies in the white pulp, and

    49. Humans have the ability to synthesize Vitamin D from

    50. to synthesize or produce within the body itself from other foodstuffs eaten, the essential fatty

    1. "They are convincing him that a whole lifetime of memories can be synthesized

    2. But she couldn’t prove they were not still in that tin shed with the whole expedition to 61 Cygni and back synthesized and fed in

    3. ‘Kowz’ is probably the name of some factory that synthesized milk in that trip

    4. But then he heard a synthesized voice

    5. The masked man, similar to whomever it was that freed him from the jail, leaned in and spoke in a voice so low it must have been synthesized

    6. Voice synthesized as if to convey menace, he said, ‘You know why I'm here; do not try to obstruct me

    7. ‘There is not time for irrelevant questions,’ he said in their standard synthesized voice

    8. America‘s ―expanding‖ middle class is merely an artificial construct synthesized by the fusion of ―easy credit‖ and arbitrarily defined (economic) assumptions

    9. trichloroethane was first synthesized in 1874

    10. visible, as does the way in which they can be synthesized and transcended

    11. By the way, our system used synthesized voice prompts to prompt the motel to configure

    12. When they’re synthesized and mass-

    13. All the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and vitamins required in the human diet are synthesized either by plants or micro-organisms (44), not by animals

    14. ) were synthesized in nuclear fusion reactions that occurred in stars that blew up more than 5 billion years ago (45)

    15. Glucosamine-6-phosphate is the precursor from which all proteoglycans are synthesized

    16. Lysine is an essential amino acid, which implies that it cannot be synthesized by the body

    17. Malic Acid is synthesized in humans as one of the steps in the Kreb’s cycle during the production of ATP, which is the

    18. It is synthesized from serotonin,

    19. In the body, SAM is synthesized from methionine and ATP

    20. Significant amounts of Biotin are synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine

    21. Next he synthesized a supply of a light, but strong, metal sheet and was

    22. synthesized food for hundreds of years and his first fillet steak had tasted so

    23. Francis synthesized the feeling of the little group by reflexively offering a summary statement much like he would in group therapy

    24. ‘The dilemma is real and when synthesized, maybe your saga could help

    25. A mind synthesized by the physical element of money makes idealism evaporate

    26. S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) is a substance synthesized in the body that has recently been made available as a supplement

    27. It was this sense, this feeling, this real feeling of not feeling a synthesized or prefabricated emotion that surprised Unitito, which, in turn, was a surprise to one who could not feel surprise, but was designed to express wonder and unexpectedness when properly cued

    28. Al'lah means by the statement "…dwellings of silver roofs…" what we find now of the decorations of the wonderful synthesized ceilings with their charming silvery colors

    29. Only two Dominants (ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence) being synthesized in irkkulligren Realities among the Aspects of the twelve Pure Cosmic Qualities are realized to the maximum extent through specific Configurations of Self-Consciousness of these Formo-Types (NUULL-VVU-Forms)

    30. Becoming more and more spurred on by them in a joint creativity, this Quality from the recessive state gradually becomes “almost” equal to the two already existing, synthesized Dominants

    31. An increase in the existing dominance of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom synthesized according to a slightly different fundamental scheme as compared with “human” LLUU-VVU-Forms results in refocusings into other human UULL-VVU-Forms, not of people, but of allgsses, whose prominent representatives are such races as kakrikonc’es, pravins, e’ldons, and lamits

    32. But you should understand that this subjective “Divinity” is represented only as “physical” Levels of manifestation of Aspects of this Quality, which don’t exceed vibrations of the third synthesized Level of AIGLLILLIAA- and ORLAAKTOR-IISSIIDI

    33. In fact, everything, absolutely everything, is already initially synthesized and all results of these cause-and-effect force interrelations projected from higher-quality Levels of Energy-Plasma onto lower-quality ones simply cannot be perceived by us as anything separate, because they carry ALREADY-synthesized Information which is characteristic of these or those Qualities to one extent or another

    34. Such a life Experience manifests only with quite a high and stable realization of the study (in Configurations of the NUU-VVU-Forms focused by Us) of Aspects of both dominant Qualities deeply synthesized among themselves on lower Levels of ORLAAKTOR and AIGLLILLIAA

    35. With the help of Configurations of focused-by-Me Forms, I can logically “distinguish” from a common multidimensional Flow of Information which I receive from different frequency Levels only that which can be comprehensible or at least somehow typical of our Reality and only that which is associated with Aspects of the two dominant Pure Cosmic Qualities synthesized by us and with dynamics of their specific force combinations with Aspects of the other ten (background) Qualities

    36. We either don’t understand the third Quality’s specific manifestations in our Life which are synthesized with Aspects of the other two Qualities or perceive them very superficially, in a limited and distorted way: our Heart can feel the manifestations at least somehow, but our attempts to explain them in words always fall short

    37. With our more and more stable focusing in Forms whose Configurations approach flakglaass (5-4-dimensional) synthesized Levels of Energy-Plasma, we will “penetrate” even deeper into different states of present “anti-matter”, duvuyllerrtly identifying ourselves with Forms formed by it and we will interact more not with atoms and molecules but with falhats and malsons, klarions and klastirons, bilurins and kruolons, and also with many other “self-conscious Elements of Creators” that structure higher quality Levels

    38. “The geometry” of our outer Space-Time modifies incessantly during active changes of our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states which influence greatly the quality of decisions we make and the length of fixation of our UFS on these or those synthesized Levels of ASTRO- and MENTO-Plasma

    39. A Cycle change takes place when you try to consciously choose such a Configuration with a combination of synthesized Aspects of Qualities and Forms of expression that are simply not initially designed for the rotation Cycle in which you focus at this moment

    40. For example, the “we” who focus in Forms whose Self-Consciousness is organized according to the principle of dominance of Aspects of the Qualities YIU’-ULLU-YIU’ (ALL-Love) and NYU’U’IFF-FLL-AA (ALL-Integrity) can form, by their specific thinking, Realities so incompatible with “our present ones” (and also with Realities of the “us” who focus in Configurations of Forms synthesized in essentially different ways) that these Realities should be referred to as different types

    41. Energy-information Levels of the Protoconsciousness become accessible only in Forms whose Configurations are formed by completely synthesized, self-conscious Elements of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence with Aspects of the Quality ALL-Unity

    42. Its Configuration is determined by a specific combination of Aspects of Qualities of definite Energy-Plasma Levels synthesized by the Collective Intelligence of the Continuum

    43. However, there are also many NUU-VVU-Forms whose NNAASSMM is designed for processing and synthesizing very high-quality energy-information Flows resulting in duvuyllerrt reprojection into Stereo-Types of high-quality transitional bio-virtual Forms, and then further into 4-5-dimensional Forms with synthesized Aspects of three Pure Qualities

    44. Therefore, the nearest possible perspective of your continued natural (but as though “postmortal”) existence as subjectively “one and the same personality” is only in those rotation Cycles of Worlds whose development scenarios are closest to each other and are potentially different only within the nearest-in-frequency ranges of skrruullerrt systems, that is they are more synthesized either on slightly higher-quality or lower-quality Levels

    45. However, “karmonations” are synthesized regardless of “the frequency” of the UU-VVU-copies used by us

    46. And what do these Levels represent? Completely synthesized creative states of ASTRO- and MENTO-Plasma

    47. Thus, the TEC, even of the most undeveloped “human personality” manifested by a LLUU-VVU-Form, is structured by Stereo-Type Configurations in which the creativity characteristic of a higher-quality UU-VVU (that is, synthesized to a greater degree) dominates over the destructive tendencies of parrgs, mmuunds, argorrs, alls, mimms or ogguls

    48. That is, there are already partially synthesizing, unsteady “karmonations” “there”, but there are still no synthesized Creators — initiators of any creative activity

    49. I would like to note that it is considerably harder to make these refocusings in higher-quality diapasons of the 4th-5th and 5th-6th dimensions, because, in much more complex Configurations of FLAKS-Forms and VUOLDS-Forms, the individual differences are synthesized to such an extent that they make it very difficult for Forms to make such reprojections, even though there is a much lesser Energy-Plasma inertia in these diapasons

    50. Everything in the Universe consists of This United, absolutely synthesized and energy-informationally structured (in different ways) Superintelligent Substance, Which cannot be particularly defined anyhow either as an Entity (a Form), as Energy, or as Information, because It represents “ALL-IN-ALL” — all the three and an infinite set of that, of the existence of which we are completely unaware

    1. But he’s putting it thru a thirty four copper block that synthesizes a lot of it back

    2. but it synthesizes his older ideas, even if it was written

    3. Knowledge is incomplete unless conditioned by Faith, or until the whys and the whats are understood as well as the hows in a manner that, understood in their entirety, synthesizes Knowledge and Faith

    4. That inconceivably atrocious reality that tainted history with the blood of thousands of innocent people synthesizes the most malevolent perfidy that most deeply affected Roger’s feelings and, without doubt, the entire world in the earlier years of the 21st century

    5. The human body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed

    6. This synthesizes the Supraconsciousness until it reaches the state of THE ULTRACONSCIOUSNESS (the “Creative Cosmic COOPERATION”, which is the combination of the “Creative Cosmic SOLIDARITY” and the ALL-Integrity

    7. Now, imagine that a hundred thousand years “ago”, “a human being” observes a certain phenomenon or action (VVU-Information individually “unpacked” in the information space of his Self-Consciousness), perceives it only in his own way, and has a certain individual emotion, that is, in a definite manner inertially synthesizes in his Self-Consciousness a particular VVU-Configuration of a Formo-copy — SFUURMM-Form that unites in one action or psychological state a certain Form of Thought and a certain Form of Feeling

    8. It processes the toxins that we intake and it also synthesizes enzymes that regulate digestion and metabolism

    1. synthesizing the sensory information (visual, auditory, and

    2. Somehow managing to corral the swirl of wine in her glass, she said, “You are unstoppable energy perpetuating and synthesizing knowledge to the degree that you can imagine any illusion you want, become mesmerized by experiencing it as a reality that’s devoid of any conflicts you do not want, and have what is essentially a pure experience within it: you are a conscious co-creator of your own reality in general

    3. She pitched forward; somehow managing to corral the swirl of wine in her glass, she said, “You are unstoppable energy perpetuating and synthesizing knowledge to the degree that you can imagine any illusion you want, become mesmerized by experiencing it as a reality that’s devoid of any conflicts you do not want, and have what is essentially a pure experience within it: you are a conscious co-creator of your own reality in general, but maybe the best trick,” she said, again capturing her wine without looking, “is that examining your experiences creates a pause at the intersection of infinity and eternity, wherein you can contemplate the minutiae of your every thought and act, even as they continue on their own path—forever learning, forever yearning, and forever loved because you are not surrounded by it—you are made of it

    4. While the music didn’t have the level of sophisticated sound mixing and synthesizing customary to 24th Century songs, it was still quite nice and catchy and the singers had truly first rate, sensuous voices

    5. Harris, who, after synthesizing the theories of many a psychologist, had come out with a psychological connectivity of the Parent, Child and Adult in human beings in that famous book as under:

    6. These organizational systems can interact with other organizational systems, either of greater or lesser complexity, by cooperating, integrating, conflicting, annihilating, synthesizing, mutating, hybridizing or transcending together into higher inter-intra-organizations

    7. In short, it denotes that the dissimilarity among the natural phenomenon is quantitative one, that is, they are only an action of assembling and synthesizing for the bodies but their quality does not change

    8. However, there are also many NUU-VVU-Forms whose NNAASSMM is designed for processing and synthesizing very high-quality energy-information Flows resulting in duvuyllerrt reprojection into Stereo-Types of high-quality transitional bio-virtual Forms, and then further into 4-5-dimensional Forms with synthesized Aspects of three Pure Qualities

    9. And, during the transformation and processing of this Information in structures of our “personality’s” Self-Consciousness, which is manifested through reactions of biological systems of the organism (the peripheral and central nervous systems, the endocrine system, the effector system and others), we gain Experience synthesizing it due to our focus in all Forms within structures of the Collective Intelligence of GOOLGAMAA-A

    10. That is, there are already partially synthesizing, unsteady “karmonations” “there”, but there are still no synthesized Creators — initiators of any creative activity

    11. For example, each ribosome realizes only that Information which is included in its RNA strand, synthesizing on its basis VVU-Configurations of the Formo-Creators of a strictly defined protein molecule

    12. By actively and purposefully synthesizing in your Self-Consciousness at least all low-qualitative SFUURMM-Forms of the UU-VVU-conglomerates that typically manifest through the 1st-10th karmic Channels of the first two IISSIIDI-Centers, one day, each of you will begin to introduce (into the dynamics of your refocusings) high-qualitative VVU-Information from more harmonious and perfect Configurations that structure bioplasmic and plasmic-ray analogs of the NUU-VVU-Formo-Types that provide the dynamics of higher-qualitative Principles of Your infinite Existence

    13. It is the bacteria in the guts that are very important as it is responsible for synthesizing vitamins B-7 (biotin), B-12, and K

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    Synonyme für "synthesize"

    synthesise synthesize fuse admix alloy integrate merge mix coalesce