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taking into account Beispielsätze
taking into account
1. I suppose it was some kind of narcotic – taking into account that Zisis often provides Aphrodite with hashish, and who knows what else
2. That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman's commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other ''services'', instead of books
3. I should add though that this has little relevance to our lives nowadays, taking into account the dramatic differences found in the levels of development of the huge amount of species that are living on our planet
4. Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?
5. Uar, taking into account all that was
6. where m – degree of homogeneity of material, taking into account the character of defects distributing; A – constant value
7. Where А is a coefficient, taking into account additional influence on the i
8. Taking into account the number of prophecies in the Bible and the odds of having all of them fulfilled 100% by pure chance, we have odds of smaller than that of 1 in 102000
9. If we compare the same information in Isaiah 53 to other scriptures, prophecies and to the events as they unfolded during Jesus’ crucifixion from a Christian point of view (also taking into account the information provided in the New Testament and the fact that Jesus himself declared that the Jews would be blinded to not recognise who He was) it fits the scenario described in here even better
10. clear, over a certain issue, taking into account the stage of the research
11. Rosh: If Isobel has taken control over the soldiers in that Realm, and taking into account the number of forces we have and the number we have taken into captivity, I estimate they have a legion of at least forty thousand
12. • Be fair, taking into account any mitigating factors
13. What to do? Bismarck invites Lassalle for a series of chats! Taking into account the rigid social structure of Prussia, it is hard to imagine a Prussian Junker (nobleman) inviting a Jew for a series of chats, but it happened
14. Taking into account that the number of stray dogs is 0
15. I'd say that, USAF-wide, taking into account SAC, recce, air lift, and training, the close air support mission only accounts for about fifteen or twenty percent of all sorties flown
16. goals are, taking into account what goals we have accomplished so far
17. permanently) can be identified approximately – by taking into account that
18. It was nearly four times what the gold had been worth! Even taking into account the commission he was claiming
19. Even taking into account that
20. Taking into account that the warmed expressions of the magician were directed only and exclusively to my person, I concluded:
21. takes up to 65% of the retail price in royalties and will send in one-off orders, which often means that, after taking into account the cost of postage and
22. Without further ado, I took the helpless creature and climbing the stairs I shed it in the orange patio; but after that I had my regrets, considering the storm which had unleashed on the outskirts and portentous rays and sparks that gave light to the night face; but at the end I was happy thinking that the frog would not be obstructed for these small inconveniences; taking into account that had saved his life and still retained all of his limbs
23. The concoction was turning thick, watery and the yellow coloring became gray, it was at that moment when I began to worry about how I would swallow that potion, taking into account its unpleasant appearance its taste should be really horrible
24. The number is always arbitrarily high because the scientists are taking into account all the species 28
25. However, no one dared to defame him or denounce him, taking into account that the few that tried, ended up buried six feet under in the depths of the Death Valley or missing from the face of the Earth
26. averaged taking into account the previous price information of the underlying currency
27. and taking into account that there was only a dozen of incidents in the last seven years that he had been
28. can only be determined by the dreamer, taking into account his feelings during
29. It measures how fast a horse can run, taking into account how fast the surface was on a given day
30. This is not even taking into account the news programs
31. All of them have the major drawback of not taking into account the information available in the ATHENA files brought from the future by Nancy Laplante
32. Taking into account all the money and effort that went into building this super powerful weapon, then only to leave on the shelf as American troops die by the thousands, would, from a political standpoint, have been unthinkable
33. This was unlikely he thought, taking into account how flat Kent is in this area
34. he should have been, taking into account the extent of his injuries
35. That was however without taking into account the enormous range of the B-50 CONDOR
36. What you're not taking into account is that a balanced mind can
37. That’s what I was doing yesterday, I was reflecting on whether I had correctly formulated my goals for the future or whether I had to adjust them, taking into account the new information
38. This can be traced if one exactly measures the weight of an infant starting from the seventh day, taking into account the nutrients he ingests and expels
39. These factors were taken into consideration taking into account the impact weather conditions may have on the overall project rather than its effect on individual work activities
40. Still, even taking into account the recent events, sometimes paranoia can be taken too far, he thought
41. But if all factors are the same and the person is still unique then there is something that science isn’t taking into account
42. For example, if someone is searching for "hiking in Norhter Nevada" a literal search would only match the words used without taking into account words such as "hike", "hiked"
43. It was strange, but she assumed the two men – even taking into account their inflamed animosity to one another – would have had some kind of brotherly kinship in their adventures
44. That is why I want to warn you that I interpreted Cosmic Codes of all Qualities, not by taking into account your habitual and extremely limited Conceptions of the words that express definite properties and types of experiences (Love, Wisdom, Will, Intelligence, Steadiness, Stability, Voidness, Vacuumness, Essentiality, Permeability, Integrity, Aspiration, Knowledge, Informedness, Unity), but in THEIR deeply internal meaning, which has absolutely nothing in common with what you may mean in your daily use of these words
45. It is because you already have a higher-qualitative Experience which allows you to consider this event from a higher-qualitative point of view without taking into account any of your previous opinions that are typical of SFUURMM-Forms of this Formo-copy, that is, not acting the way you did before, when you didn’t have this Experience
46. Thus, in taking into account not merely his own needs, but also those of the trees, and
47. When “unpacking-unfolding” the VVU-Information from the TEC-dynamics of its Self-Consciousness, a situation is projected into ODS, where there is a child that perceives a hero of the cartoon as “a living creature”, but not as a painted character, and this unilateral energy-information connection between the child and the hero of “the cartoon” (in accordance with the cartoon scenario) exists as if “directly”, without taking into account the TV screen
48. But still, the extent of participation of each of you in each of particular manifestations of this Experience is purely individual, is based on the decisions you make for yourself, taking into account what exactly this Experience may mean to you, and what is your “personal” attitude to it
49. On the other hand, acceptance and a deep, analytical consideration of anything that happens from the point of view of its purposeful manifestation in your Life and the meaningfulness which you cannot yet discern allows you to control any situation, make most conscious, considered and reasonable decisions, taking into account the possibility of some hidden meaning in everything that happens
50. In this respect, let’s try to consider one more time the physical phenomenon, which you subjectively interpret as waves, taking into account the newest cosmological Conceptions of the Qualities and Their Aspects stated in IISSIIDIOLOGY