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    Verwenden Sie „talking“ in einem Satz

    talking Beispielsätze


    1. “He was at the crime scene and he started talking about how I should be on his show, like nothing ever happened, like everything was fine between us

    2. Vera’s talking with the old lady, Ruthie, and a couple I don’t recognize

    3. Avoid talking when food/water is in the mouth

    4. Doing what you said you would do long after the mood you said it in is simple if you follow what we are talking about here, but it’s not easy

    5. That’s not the kind of, you’re more important than they are scenario that I’m talking about here

    6. Never stop taking the medicine without talking with your doctor first

    7. The public door was open and Athnu was talking with someone

    8. Apart from situations of repeated non-compliance or serious misconduct of the patient and when essential but unpleasant activity is required to be performed, rest of the time consultants should be soft spoken as talking is the main ingredient of patient-doctor relationship

    9. "What are you talking about?"

    10. The Lord just shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?"

    11. He stayed calm but let her do the talking, then excused himself to the compost can

    12. The Inspector goes on talking to Mr Merrett

    13. Answer: Dear John, What is that special soil you are talking about? I would be interested in testing it for you and seeing for myself

    14. We must give full attention when the grandchild is proudly displaying or talking about something that he has achieved

    15. Don't do all the talking

    16. I had attacked the housework like a maniac after talking to Ted this morning

    17. The Lord just shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!"

    18. Zitteraal looks at him as if he had no idea what John is talking about

    19. The documentary is still going on, though I have completely lost the thread of what they are talking about now

    20. Add water as needed by spraying (this water is the same liquid seaweed I’ve been talking about)

    21. One advantage to talking with their eyes is they can talk when their mouth is raised and full

    22. ‘Not Barrington Court?’ I suggested, not entirely sure what he is talking about

    23. ‘Why was he talking about it?’ I asked as we move away to stand in front of another portrait

    24. ‘Liz is talking about moving back to Bridgwater

    25. That allowed her to change the subject, she gave up grilling him for fear of doostEr talking of her fetish for virgins in front of Estwig

    26. There is a stone patio next to the building overlooking the pounding waves and a couple of local men sit drinking a beer at a plastic table and talking

    27. "Well, sometimes it's nothing at all but sometimes we're talking tens of thousands at a time

    28. "You talking to me?" Her Eastern European accent was strong

    29. It was always he who did the talking, always him who initiated the conversation and then only very rarely

    30. "Let's avoid them if we can," Tahlmute told him, still talking about the Brazilians he was worried about

    31. "She's not here, so we don't have to keep talking about it," Tahlmute said

    32. It was Estwig who did most of the talking and it was all about Juleel

    33. I wonder what the Inspector has been talking to him about

    34. "What are you talking about?" Glenelle asked

    35. The pilot stops talking, smiles kindly, adds a remark

    36. Russ, John and Khalid stand next to one of the trucks, talking, waiting

    37. shepherds further up the mountain were talking about a white skinned ghost, a raven

    38. And then the talking was done with

    39. I had been talking for so long and intently I lost all track of passing time

    40. Neither was ready to play with a cherub yet, though Ava was talking about it

    41. She could hear that Sarah and Saya were in the kitchen, talking quietly, probably so as not to disturb her

    42. I can see Emma standing, talking with Molly at the kitchen door

    43. Version two had introduced the partial binding, whereby the device and the host's mind could inter-operate without the bother of typing or talking or displaying images on a screen

    44. When I get back with a plate of cheese sandwiches, Stephen is talking to Jeremy and Tonya … he breaks off

    45. " She could have gone into talking about the war, but they were going to have to start walking back pretty soon if she was going to get him into the android on time

    46. Suddenly, grandma sits up and starts talking

    47. I love listening to them talking about how things were when they were younger … some of them have seen tremendous changes in the way even the simplest things are done and their stories about the village are fascinating

    48. Something he said once suggests that Jackie isn’t interested in school life, and he doesn’t bore her by talking about it; at least that is what he said

    49. From having heard the others talking, I am aware that when ‘kissing’ people on stage, one merely pretends and makes it look as real as one can

    50. I often need to run after them and make them hold my hands either they like or or not! Moreover, during the break I can barely endure all that concentrated negativity against me: It is impossible for me to exchange even a word with anyone in there; if I dare approach a group of pupils, they turn their faces the other way, they stop talking and they all split in a second

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    Synonyme für "talking"

    talk talking telling notification communication articulation discussion advisement statement