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    1. ) One day when we were having an erudite-type conversation (he much more than I on the oozing stuff), he suddenly took off on a tangent and blurted out, “You do know that we Homo sapiens evolved from ape-like creatures over the course of millions of years, don’t you?”

    2. The three of them in her absence had constructed a convivial triangle and she was now at a tangent

    3. “Okay, fuck ya!” Hartle roared, as he took the ship on another tangent

    4. On a tangent to this, I must recommend the App ‘World Lens’

    5. chimed in to put an end to that tangent and went

    6. " Calvin could tell Miles really wanted to know why he'd taken their ship on such a tangent and gone aboard the station alone

    7. forward, you can count on her to veer sideways on some ADHD tangent of

    8. Rather went off on a tangent there

    9. But relating all of my accomplishments there is a tangent to the purpose of this book

    10. There is not a rant or tangent which we want to undertake to drag people to the conclusion that we are overly concerned with the Earth and nature, these things will survive no matter your input, but for your time here they can produce beneficially or be a hazard and detriment as you see it

    11. His focused stayed with the Riker tangent

    12. himself to let go of that tangent

    13. So, if this is a time to vote or add suggestion, I say we either delay in this tangent until we can spare the full resources to do the job correctly, or we increase the Away Team by at least one member

    14. Garcia’s ideas about Gene having access to a parallel universe didn’t pan out as he had hoped, leaving his investigation into how this planet turned onto its weird tangent wide open

    15. understood his torment and was even willing to entice him along that tangent

    16. Riker tangent, but mostly because there was nothing he could do to make this right with Kelly

    17. miles away from resolving that conflict, with every new interruption and tangent bringing him closer to despair

    18. mantra to stay focus on the moment instead of becoming lost in his memory tangent

    19. inundated her with twentieth century media trying to create a certain mind set in her that they believed would influence me along a certain sociological tangent, instilling a

    20. Seven nearly lost herself in the tangent of rescuing plants and animals

    21. given up on her tangent to save samples of all Earth life

    22. gods had cloned him, but that was another tangent the Queen probably wasn’t interested in

    23. “That is a philosophical tangent with which I agree,” Harmonia said, but she

    24. looked him right in the eyes, touched his face softly, and said: “The Riker tangent is a waste of your time

    25. This tangent that Captain Palmer is taking us on has been

    26. More a distraction, a tangent away from why I am really here

    27. Something that Spock may have done, Garcia remembered, for he seemed to recall a tangent where Spock had sired a son on that planet

    28. His mind splintered with another tangent, and he heard a voice say, “Pay no mind to that man behind the curtain

    29. sending the arrow off at a tangent from its flight-path

    30. Tammas realized his tangent was carrying him too far a field, and he was finding

    31. It was such fun that he forgot his tangent about the Picard Crusher connection,

    32. ” Then he remembered his tangent about her, blushed and looked away

    33. Always going off on some tangent, you know

    34. Simone realized again that she had just gone on a tangent, something she hadn’t

    35. realized getting lost in such a tangent at this moment was too dangerous

    36. My mind went off on a brief tangent to the possibility of haunted houses and the spirit world

    37. After this cognitive tangent I returned to prayer, smiling at the simple gifts of life

    38. ‘Was he not a victim of human dishonesty as well, including mine and the inequity of life in general? Are not the Prasads of the world having the cake and eating it too? Do they really, in a way? Why, for all that, I’m no less a beneficiary of deceit, although by default, is it not so? Is it possible that Tara’s life is the radical answer to make it equal to all? But is it really? Well, it appears that life tends to manifest itself only in ironies, doesn’t it? Oh, while I married Sathyam in the hope of becoming a doctor, didn’t he bequeath me a fortune to build a clinic! How fate has taken off at a tangent in my life

    39. This expression is projected on the tangent and normal lines drawn at the point of contact between the bodies and the following two expressions result form this: m u + m u = m v + m v , (Eq

    40. He moved off at a tangent, walking along the line of

    41. Something happens and your job is to follow it through with new angles, further and deeper probing, or move off at a tangent to get an extended take on it

    42. Apologies Fruitloopmum Fans, this is a bit of a rant that goes off on a tangent about pelicans and crap

    43. Educators need to inspire students to give at least 6/87ths* of a fuck about shit like lines tangent to curves

    44. first appears–because you should always plan for tangent time

    45. So with your prior investment in tangent time material (stories,

    46. Though that halfbaked Lyons ran off at a tangent in his impetuosity to get left

    47. What sound accompanied the union of their tangent, the disunion of their

    48. This line, drawn from the base of the pitchfork tangent to the break-off point for the tines, is the key to trade entry

    49. How do you draw a straight line through two points if they are in the same place? You can probably guess by imagining what happens when you consider adding two points, A and B, that are very close together: The line that passes through A and B will resemble the tangent to the curve near those points

    50. So when we add A + A (or equivalently, multiply A by 2), we draw a tangent to the curve at point A and find where else it intersects

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    Synonyme für "tangent"

    tan tangent