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    1. It is attached to the end of the leader so that the leader’s end taper is preserved

    2. this way, and reached for the flint and taper in his coat

    3. was about to extinguish the taper when his eye fell on a

    4. The snow was to taper off in the late

    5. ” Sheramiv noted, indicating spaces on the ends of the hull where the taper of the ship made the floors curved and slanted

    6. Instead, as the darkness trickled in through Simon’s mind and took its rightful place once more, Johan reached out, took a taper and lit it

    7. After 7-10 days taper your emails off to every other day,

    8. Light the four candles with a burning straw or taper

    9. Love and social activities will be happy and active all month, but will start to taper off after the 22nd

    10. The love situation is still wonderful, but it does taper off a bit this month

    11. handed over the lighted taper which he had been holding,

    12. By the time he made it back to the camp, the rain had started to taper off

    13. Juez raised his hands and the applause began to taper off until the noise of the people shuffling to sit down was all that remained

    14. Though this seemed to taper a little near the edges into heavy forest

    15. Cardiff held a large taper, which he almost dropped

    16. Double taper lines are a certain diameter on each end but are wider in the center

    17. With a cold, symptoms come on fast and taper off fairly quickly, when compared to allergies

    18. To my misfortune I yielded to it, showing her to him one night by the light of a taper at a window where we used to talk to one another

    19. asked Laurie soberly, as Amy laid a bit of red tape, with sealing wax, a taper, and a standish before him

    20. It was drawn by four plodding oxen all covered with black housings; on each horn they had fixed a large lighted wax taper, and on the top of the cart was constructed a raised seat, on which sat a venerable old man with a beard whiter than the very snow, and so long that it fell below his waist; he was dressed in a long robe of black buckram; for as the cart was thickly set with a multitude of candles it was easy to make out everything that was on it

    21. Emma, too weak, could not close her fingers, and the taper, but for Monsieur Bournisien would have fallen to the ground

    22. The knock was answered by Sadie, with a taper in her hand, and the vizir, who

    23. I grasped it in my hand, put out the flame as quickly as I could, lighted my taper in the fire itself, and opened the crumpled paper with inexpressible emotion, recognizing, when I had done so, that these characters had been traced in mysterious and sympathetic ink, only appearing when exposed to the fire; nearly one-third of the paper had been consumed by the flame

    24. The moccoli, or moccoletti, are candles which vary in size from the pascal taper to the rushlight, and which give to each actor in the great final scene of the Carnival two very serious problems to grapple with,—first, how to keep his own moccoletto alight; and secondly, how to extinguish the moccoletti of others

    25. Monte Cristo then drew a lighted taper from a closet, and when the thief was deeply engaged with his lock, silently opened the door, taking care that the light should shine directly on his face

    26. Then the count brought the taper to the window, that it might be seen in the Champs-Elysees that a man was getting out of the window while another held a light

    27. Elsewhere the token of sin, it was the taper of the sick-chamber

    28. Why? What curious principle demands that a candle flame taper always toward the sky?

    29. When he was young his broad shoulders had tapered dramatically to a narrow waist, whereas nowadays the taper was not so sharp nor the waist so slim – but he could still do the work of two men

    30. he was such a bad man!" At this, turning down the clothes, and viewing the field of battle by the glimmer of a dying taper, he saw plainly my thighs, shift, and sheet, all stained with what he readily took for a virgin effusion, proceeding from his last half penetration: convinced, and transported at which, nothing could equal his joy and exultation

    31. The taper was still on the table, and by its light I glanced to see what the paper was which Brunton had taken from the bureau

    32. A bolt was drawn, and an elderly woman with a taper stood in the doorway, shielding the thin flame with her gnarled hand

    33. Will saw clearly enough the pitiable instances of long incubation producing no chick, and but for gratitude would have laughed at Casaubon, whose plodding application, rows of note-books, and small taper of learned theory exploring the tossed ruins of the world, seemed to enforce a moral entirely encouraging to Will's generous reliance on the intentions of the universe with regard to himself

    34. Casaubon did not find his spirits rising; nor did the contemplation of that matrimonial garden scene, where, as all experience showed, the path was to be bordered with flowers, prove persistently more enchanting to him than the accustomed vaults where he walked taper in hand

    35. With his taper stuck before him he forgot the absence of windows, and in bitter manuscript remarks on other men's notions about the solar deities, he had become indifferent to the sunlight

    36. Casaubon was carrying his taper among the tombs of the past, those modern figures came athwart the dim light, and interrupted his diligent exploration

    37. Lydgate turned his dark eyes on her and watched her as she delicately handled the tea-service with her taper fingers, and looked at the objects immediately before her with no curve in her face disturbed, and yet with an ineffable protest in her air against all people with unpleasant manners

    38. The child had again got up—this time blowing out the taper, and had again, for some purpose of observation or response, squeezed in behind the blind and was peering out into the night

    39. Taper is one

    40. Taper is not cancelling money printing, it is slowing the rate of growth

    41. Taper slows the growth

    42. The second is the Fed was going to taper

    43. Into the right hand, which was lying palm downwards, a wax taper had been thrust between forefinger and thumb, and an old servant, bending over from behind the chair, held it in position

    44. Prince Vasili in front of the door, near the invalid chair, a wax taper in his left hand, was leaning his left arm on the carved back of a velvet chair he had turned round for the purpose, and was crossing himself with his right hand, turning his eyes upward each time he touched his forehead

    45. Anna Mikhaylovna, with an air of importance that showed that she felt she quite knew what she was about, went across the room to where Pierre was standing and gave him a taper

    46. He lit it and, distracted by observing those around him, began crossing himself with the hand that held the taper

    47. The French doctor held no taper; he was leaning against one of the columns in a respectful attitude implying that he, a foreigner, in spite of all differences of faith, understood the full importance of the rite now being performed and even approved of it

    48. Beside Sister Perpetue, she was the taper beside the candle

    49. opened the curtains a little, and, by the light of the taper, he

    50. broken by steps and gratings, making all sorts of angles, lighted here and there by lanterns similar to the night taper of invalids, the corridor through which he had approached

    1. Then I notice that not only were both his legs horribly scarred with purple and red, burned tissue, but both his feet were missing, his shins just tapered into ragged, pointed stumps

    2. The leader can be identified as a tapered clear piece of monofilament

    3. The curved blade was painted red and the metal head was fitted into a solid wooden handle that tapered into a point at the bottom, making both ends dangerous

    4. Standford pointed a hand-held reader at the console, its tapered electric- blue front flickering as it absorbed the data

    5. rest of his clothes, tapered to boots made of cotton, the same material as the rest of his costume

    6. Surrey, like most other counties, had built-up conurbations, tower blocks that rose to cloud level, their tapered tips sometimes piercing the lower cumulus configurations

    7. He was magnificent and immaculate, as always, dressed in a dark gray suit that molded perfectly to his wide shoulders and tapered down to his hips, his refined features inhumanly perfect under his dark wave of hair

    8. The only thing was, she was Western and taller and her legs were longer and more tapered

    9. Her legs were so full and heavy and fat at the top and they tapered down to the knees and a long slim calf and slim delicate ankles

    10. There were also some small piles of flat copper pieces that were about three inches long and two inches wide at the ends with a tapered midsection (about an inch and a half wide)

    11. As if it wasn’t bad enough, when the snow tapered off the

    12. remove the big nut and the flared tapered ring

    13. Then attach the tapered end of the shower

    14. After it had tapered off and the last coin had settled with a plink, the pile was a meter deep in the center and over two meters wide, spilling down onto the second tier in front of them

    15. Roy had fine, soft hands with tapered fingers that suggested artistic capabilities

    16. The dragonblade was a meter wide and fifteen centimeters thick at the hilt with a diamond-shaped cross-section, and tapered evenly to a point along its twenty meter length

    17. As conversation tapered off during the entree, Mark Linked with Talia, then the two of them Linked with Sheramiv

    18. Then there was another and another, till they were pouring out into a shallow pile that reached two meters wide and fifty centimeters deep before the output tapered off, and ended with a final plink and a blue pulse

    19. As darkness approached, the sounds of daytime activity tapered off around

    20. It was incredibly thin, rectangular, tapered on both sides,

    21. Then there was another and another, till they were pouring out into a shallow pile that reached six feet wide and eighteen inches deep before the output tapered off, and ended with a final plink and a blue pulse

    22. the cliff to the top, essentially creating a ladder of vegetation that disappeared above me, where the steepness of the wall tapered off

    23. Though, as the slope of the cliff tapered off, the crack

    24. rise tapered off, I lost sight of the town, and soon after that, the

    25. It tapered to about

    26. ” His voice tapered off as he choked up

    27. A hundred feet from the door began the broad jade-green steps of a stair that tapered toward the top like the side of a pyramid

    28. For example, the production of steam locomotives increased rapidly during the first century of the ‗Industrial Revolution;‘ then tapered off in the mid-twentieth century as diesel and electric power became more dominant

    29. Instantly the croc changed direction, the tapered snout locked on the swimming dog

    30. wand, black and tapered

    31. That hadn’t tapered off much since our first week-end in England

    32. The growl in Wren’s throat grew, held and then tapered off

    33. The blade tapered to a point and was about thirteen inches long

    34. during the time she had known him, and his hands were tapered and beautifully

    35. Finally, with his help, the nightmares had tapered off, gone for good after his death

    36. At first it looked as though he were going to lie down, but then his large claws, as thick as Ben's fingers and tapered into razor sharp points, snaked out of their sheathes and dug into the platform

    37. The left side of the headset bracket was a black cushion that rested on the external ear, while the other side of the head set bracket tapered off, curving elegantly around the ear, but leaving the right ear free

    38. The singing tapered off while still Chugga-lugging

    39. The crowd tapered off as she allowed one inmate to enter

    40. which tapered and flared out over her thighs

    41. The drive section had four wings which tapered off in a rakish way and supported the four warp nacelles

    42. tapered off into a collection of S’s

    43. One end was tapered and the top had a ball on it of some sort

    44. ” Hunter said, pulling the black stab jacket out of the bag and tossing it to James while he retrieved two tapered poles

    45. Sophie ignored James’ lingering hands on her waist and took one of the tapered poles from Hunter, it was about a foot long and made of smooth, solid wood

    46. Sophie lunged forward, driving the tapered point of the pole at Hunter’s chest

    47. It was the fearful ‘Humo Jumo’ himself with his monstrous, elephantine body, and he was armed to the teeth: a revolver, a cudgel with a tapered point which never left his hand, and a dagger which was as long as a short sword

    48. tapered down to a thin lapel on either side

    49. The blood knot is a knot used for attaching two pieces of monofilament together, primarily for rebuilding tapered leaders

    50. An impressively broad pair of shoulders tapered into narrow hips

    1. was no abrupt end; instead, there was a slow tapering off in the amount and size until it

    2. I lost count as the rains continued for about fifty days, building to a peak before slowly tapering off

    3. They seemed as though they were once beautiful hands with long, tapering fingers, but rheumatism had knotted the joints and warped the fingers

    4. Amalrus had sent an emissary imploring aid against Strabonus, who, he said, was ravaging his western domain, which lay like a tapering wedge between the border of Aquilonia and the vast southern kingdom of Koth

    5. It was no slender stiletto, selected because of a jeweled hilt or gold guard, fitted only for dainty murder in milady's boudoir; it was a forthright poniard, a warrior's weapon, broad-bladed, fifteen inches in length, tapering to a diamond-sharp point

    6. This group had made an art of the tapering process

    7. Its key geological features were its tapering mountains that reached an altitude of twelve thousand meters, and being ice cold at the tops

    8. The blade was almost as long as Joey’s forearm, tapering to a point, and the edge was bright silver compared to the rest of the dull colored blade

    9. The train station was situated on the outskirts of the city, just a few hundred yards away from the barren, tapering and cylindrical buildings, most of which had their tops and sides blasted off

    10. Some motorists, who had the money, could afford ethanol fuel being grown from huge farms of algae from one of the many Green-Puff Houses throughout the city; buildings noted for their circular tapering stones roves and chimneys puffing out greenish-tinge smoke

    11. From the 90-95% there should be a tapering off

    12. It was eight inches longer and narrower than the short sword and was only one and a half inches wide at the hilt tapering to a point

    13. No gradual abatement, no tapering off

    14. There was a small thin tapering cone that came out a

    15. tapering the conversation and getting precise answers that will lead you to close

    16. His fingers, long, brown and tapering, brushed hers and

    17. swallow-tailed coat: a man’s fitted coat, cut away over the hips and descending in a pair of tapering skirts behind

    18. · Severe persistent: Requires high-dose inhaled steroids, long-acting β2 agonists and tapering of oral steroids

    19. Electrical rays rebounded from the ground and twisted all around them before tapering off

    20. Her curly hair, her back, her behind, those lovely long legs with the tapering calves and dainty ankles gave me some strange emotions

    21. Those luscious breasts and perfect legs, the tapering calves and thin ankles

    22. They have a grown son in Canada and what will he say? So it is tapering off, our relationship

    23. The walls at the base are fifteen feet thick, tapering to a thickness of eighteen inches at the top

    24. So it isn't quite built on the ten–to– one ratio of your high–speed steamers; but its lines are sufficiently long, and their tapering gradual enough, so that the displaced water easily slips past and poses no obstacle to the ship's movements

    25. Her hands were of finely veined alabaster with tapering fingers and as white as lemonjuice and queen of ointments could make them though it was not true that she used to wear kid gloves in bed or take a milk footbath either

    26. They cussed Jim considerble, though, and give him a cuff or two side the head once in a while, but Jim never said nothing, and he never let on to know me, and they took him to the same cabin, and put his own clothes on him, and chained him again, and not to no bed-leg this time, but to a big staple drove into the bottom log, and chained his hands, too, and both legs, and said he warn't to have nothing but bread and water to eat after this till his owner come, or he was sold at auction because he didn't come in a certain length of time, and filled up our hole, and said a couple of farmers with guns must stand watch around about the cabin every night, and a bulldog tied to the door in the daytime; and about this time they was through with the job and was tapering off with a kind of generl good-bye cussing, and then the old doctor comes and takes a look, and says:

    27. Maria noticed automatically that he was exceptionally fit, with well-defined shoulders tapering down to narrow hips

    28. The idea was to load a paper cartridge through the well at an angle, using the tapering chamber to guide it, then push it fully home with a thrust of the thumb

    29. His severe black suit, with fine ruffled shirt and trousers smartly near him, bulky in the shoulders but tapering to a small waist and absurdly small feet in strapped beneath high insteps, was oddly at variance with his physique and face, for he was foppishly groomed, the clothes of a dandy on a body that was powerful and latently and closely clipped, almost foreign looking compared with the dashing, swooping dangerous in its lazy grace

    30. The snow was tapering off beyond the breath-fogged glass

    31. US tapering has started and against many pundits’ bearish predictions the market rallied

    32. The ceiling was cathedral-style, but low, only eight feet high under the peak, tapering to about three feet high at the side walls

    33. I remember she had the most delicate hands with tapering fingers, her nails painted red

    34. Meat eaters, such as wild cats and foxes, produce long tapering ones

    35. 1 Weeverfishes (Trachinidae) tapering, dull-coloured, about 30cm (1ft) long, lie buried in sand off the coasts of Europe south to West Africa and the Mediterranean

    36. Under that was the straight, slightly tapering column with its red to purple to blue

    37. The body of the one-man air craft is about sixteen feet long, two feet wide and three inches thick, tapering to a point at each end

    38. Bees visit these flowers, like those of the Coryanthes, in order to gnaw the labellum; in doing this they inevitably touch a long, tapering, sensitive projection, or, as I have called it, the antenna

    39. It looks more like the tapering tail of an anaconda, than the broad palms of the true whale's majestic flukes

    40. Slowly wading through the meadows of brit, the Pequod still held on her way north-eastward towards the island of Java; a gentle air impelling her keel, so that in the surrounding serenity her three tall tapering masts mildly waved to that languid breeze, as three mild palms on a plain

    41. Besides, such is the breadth of the upper part of the front of his head, and such the tapering cut-water formation of the lower part, that by obliquely elevating his head, he thereby may be said to transform himself from a bluff-bowed sluggish galliot into a sharppointed New York pilot-boat

    42. A quoin is a solid which differs from a wedge in having its sharp end formed by the steep inclination of one side, instead of the mutual tapering of both sides

    43. So that when at last the jerking harpoon drew out, and the towing whale sideways vanished; then, with the tapering force of his parting momentum, we glided between two whales into the innermost heart of the shoal, as if from some mountain torrent we had slid into a serene valley lake

    44. First comes white-horse, so called, which is obtained from the tapering part of the fish, and also from the thicker portions of his flukes

    45. Glancing upwards, he cried: "See! see!" and once more the high tapering flames were beheld with what seemed redoubled supernaturalness in their pallor

    46. The tails tapering down that way, serve to carry off the water, d'ye see

    47. Tail short, tapering gradually, about four inches long, cylindrical, brown, without spots, with 45 plates underneath, and having at the end a small, obtuse, horn claw, of an oblong, compressed, obtuse shape, and carinated underneath

    1. blaze of tapers, mamma, like a Fate, advances with her scissors to give

    2. tapers on all the branches, burst upon our view, the blaze was

    3. The room was warm with candlelight, tapers flickering from the dresser and the delicate writing table under the window and the carved walnut mantel of the little marble-faced fireplace I’d always loved

    4. "Then this fame, these favours, these privileges, or whatever you call it," said Sancho, "belong to the bodies and relics of the saints who, with the approbation and permission of our holy mother Church, have lamps, tapers, winding-sheets, crutches, pictures, eyes and legs, by means of which they increase devotion and add to their own Christian reputation

    5. While Laurie listlessly watched the procession of priests under their canopies, white-veiled nuns bearing lighted tapers, and some brotherhood in blue chanting as they walked, Amy watched him, and felt a new sort of shyness steal over her, for he was changed, and she could not find the merry-faced boy she left in the moody-looking man beside her

    6. Don Quixote and Sancho obeyed him and went to where the show was already put up and uncovered, set all around with lighted wax tapers which made it look splendid and bright

    7. The curtains of the alcove floated gently round her like clouds, and the rays of the two tapers burning on the night-table seemed to shine like dazzling halos

    8. In the middle of the court was a catafalque, raised about two yards above the ground and covered completely by an immense canopy of black velvet, and on the steps all round it white wax tapers burned in more than a hundred silver candlesticks

    9. In the moonlight-flooded silence of the old town of glorious tombs and tragic memories, I could see again the small boy of that day following a hearse; a space kept clear in which I walked alone, conscious of an enormous following, the clumsy swaying of the tall black machine, the chanting of the surpliced clergy at the head, the flames of tapers passing under the low archway of the gate, the rows of bared heads on the pavements with fixed, serious eyes

    10. with such a prodigious quantity of tapers that even day could hardly have been

    11. by tapers, scented with aloes and ambergris, standing in golden candle-sticks,

    12. and snatching up some of the tapers which lighted the room, conducted the

    13. A brotherhood of penitents, clothed from head to foot in robes of gray sackcloth, with holes for the eyes, and holding in their hands lighted tapers, appeared first; the chief marched at the head

    14. Thereat mirth grew in them the more and they rehearsed to him his curious rite of wedlock for the disrobing and deflowering of spouses, as the priests use in Madagascar island, she to be in guise of white and saffron, her groom in white and grain, with burning of nard and tapers, on a bridebed while clerks sung kyries and the anthem Ut novetur sexus omnis corporis mysterium till she was there unmaided

    15. pocket, and lit its ancient tapers

    16. By the chair stood the priests, their long hair falling over their magnificent glittering vestments, with lighted tapers in their hands, slowly and solemnly conducting the service

    17. In Moscow as soon as he entered his huge house in which the faded and fading princesses still lived, with its enormous retinue; as soon as, driving through the town, he saw the Iberian shrine with innumerable tapers burning before the golden covers of the icons, the Kremlin Square with its snow undisturbed by vehicles, the sleigh drivers and hovels of the Sivtsev Vrazhok, those old Moscovites who desired nothing, hurried nowhere, and were ending their days leisurely; when he saw those old Moscow ladies, the Moscow balls, and the English Club, he felt himself at home in a quiet haven

    18. But, though the world scouts at us whale hunters, yet does it unwittingly pay us the profoundest homage; yea, an all-abounding adoration! for almost all the tapers, lamps, and candles that burn round the globe, burn, as before so many shrines, to our glory!

    19. As it passes through the remaining vertebrae the canal tapers in size, but for a considerable distance remains of large capacity

    20. Reckoning the largest sized Sperm Whale's tail to begin at that point of the trunk where it tapers to about the girth of a man, it comprises upon its upper surface alone, an area of at least fifty square feet

    21. The smallest, where the spine tapers away into the tail, is only two inches in width, and looks something like a white billiard-ball

    22. Thus we see how that the spine of even the hugest of living things tapers off at last into simple child's play

    23. A respectable-looking old man, bald-headed, with thick gray hair, dressed in a fur coat with a new white patch on one-half of his back, stepping evenly with his out-toeing bast shoes, went up to the altar, bowed low to him, tossed his hair, and went beyond the altar to place some tapers

    24. Before reaching the elder, who, standing at the little safe, was kneading over the remnants of some tapers into one piece of wax, Iván Petróvich stopped to take a look at the praying woman

    25. I have no children, and how should I live if it were not for these girls? How can I help loving them? They are all the wax of my tapers that I have

    26. In Moscow as soon as he entered his huge house in which the faded and fading princesses still lived, with its enormous retinue; as soon as, driving through the town, he saw the Iberian shrine with innumerable tapers burning before the golden covers of the icons, the Krémlin Square with its snow undisturbed by vehicles, the sleigh drivers and hovels of the Sívtsev Vrazhók, those old Moscovites who desired nothing, hurried nowhere, and were ending their days leisurely; when he saw those old Moscow ladies, the Moscow balls, and the English Club, he felt himself at home in a quiet haven

    27. * The tapers were not lit yet, as the deacon had not yet arrived

    28. All the doors were open en suite, and straight in front of her, in the center of the fourth, shone the coffin of her husband, covered with cloth of gold and lit up by the tall tapers standing round the bier

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    Synonyme für "taper"

    candle taper wax light wick point sharpen decrease diminish lower lessen depreciate disparage degrade