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tea party
1. Watch in amazement as the chimps’ tea party and finally, our
2. And as far as the Tea Party has become slandered by „Progressives" to the point of characterizing them as a bunch of uneducated, know-nothing, racist bigots, such is always the fallback position of progressive/liberal know-it-alls who can"t compete with opposing ideas
3. Is the Tea Party racist, as characterized by most of the major media? I don"t believe so
4. We need to be aware that Camp Obama has sent thugs masquerading as Tea Partiers to various events where those same thugs hurl racial epithets in order to demonize everything about the Tea Party
5. Therefore, the typical Tea Party member is not two holes in a white sheet shy of being a Klansman
6. The Tea Party movement featured rallies with heavily armed members demanding Obama leave office or be overthrown, and engineered several government shutdowns
7. Her base remains discontented populists within the party, some Fox News viewers, what would shortly become the Tea Party, and male sexists who support her simply for finding her physically attractive
8. From the Boston Tea Party to George Washington, future presidents would influence the course of history, drawing on their connection to the craft
9. Is any of this possible? The reason we are in this situation is because of our Congress It is impractical to think of starting a new party but there is hope from the tea party group
10. At the Nevada, Search Light Tea Party this year (2010), it was Union Leftists who threw eggs and turned street signs around, and yelled obscenities at the passer-byes
11. “You think you come to tea party?” Darette said
12. Isodor simply invited himself to the tea party and Ianosh went to his horse as he was in the mood to ride to the Emerald River
13. A Tea Party at the next local school board election might provide an incentive
14. ” Fast-forward to Tea Party protests about Obama’s policies and spending binges
15. Then it was as though an image of the Boston Tea Party crossed his mind
16. “tea party” to protest the horrific budget deficits already rolled up by the new Obama administration, with more to come
17. As it happened the Drudge Report was linked to the Chicago Exchange floor and from there to YouTube where, within hours, the tea party idea had awakened a national sensation
18. During the 2009 summer recess of Congress the Tea Party Express was organized
19. Many other groups, sharing the Tea Parties’ growing horror of what was going on in Washington, associated with the Tea Party movement and supported the Tea Party Express
20. Quin Hillyer, who writes for Washington Times and The American Spectator, quotes Ned Ryun of the Tea Party Patriots on the need for active participation at all levels
21. Ryun calls for “at least 10 percent” of Tea Party participants nationwide to “at least think about running for office,” or at any rate
22. The climax of the 35-city Tea Party Express was a taxpayer rally in Washington, D
23. It was evident that the Tea Party Express and the Washington rally had touched nerves of raw fear that this government was being exposed for what it is, and for the sociofascistic goals it has in mind
24. As though to certify these attempts to smother democratic debate as the official policy of his administration, the President of the United States accuses the Tea Party people of “fear mongering
25. There is plenty for the Tea Party and its supporters to fear from what is going on in Washington today
26. The Tea Party response is a counter-strike
27. ” The Tea Party people are sickened at the arrogance of such messianic blasphemy
28. The massive chords of sympathy and support being struck by the Tea Party protests reawaken awe and respect for the miracle of the late eighteenth century: the unique revolution won after bullets and battlefields had faded away that is the American Constitution
29. The Tea Party demonstrator whose placard read “Grandma’s Not Shovel Ready” gets the point exactly
30. It’s time for the “sniffy” conservatives to follow the Tea Party lead on this and similar life and death battles against “transformative” Change
31. The Tea Party movement understands this
32. At least one commentator has called the Tea Party the only check on government excess that remains
33. The Democrats are in a state of panic because the loss of their filibuster proof Senate majority means they may no longer be allowed by a Tea Party aroused public to pay off the public employee unions as their part of JFK’s Faustian bargain
34. This is exactly where the millions of the Tea Party “process,” as the The Daily Bell calls it, can energise public awareness regarding the corruption of both parties in Washington
35. The Civil War is not over, and the Tea Party millions are in position to wield the most deadly weapon that can be deployed against the enemy in battles to come: information
36. The Internet is changing all that, just as it did on the day Rick Santelli’s rant about the need for a new tea party was picked up by the Drudge Report, and YouTube made it into a national sensation all in the same day
37. The Tea Party idea struck a chord of inchoate, unconscious, deeply felt counter-rebellion
38. Newsmax magazine presents a more comprehensive picture of the vitality and reach of the growing Tea Party movement, including previously established anti-big government organizations, with varying emphasis on specific policies or programs
39. The Tea Party Patriots work at establishing PACs and backing political candidates
40. The Tea Party Express sponsors bus trips across the nation to inform people how to be effective in establishing or reinforcing traditional American values in their communities
41. The Nationwide Tea Party Coalition hosts leadership conferences to identify and train prospective future leaders in the movement
42. Polls show that only approximately half of Tea Party people call themselves Republicans
43. That augurs well for the Tea Party process to continue to develop as an independent force
44. The Republican Tea Party contingent is in a strong position to ridicule the tendency of “moderate” Republicans to wander “across the aisle,” lured by a “spirit of bi-partisanship
45. If there is to be any future “crossing the aisle” it must be based on the principles of the Constitution and on the three core principles laid out on the website of the Tea Party Patriots: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets
46. In time, as what is happening to them slowly seeps ever more deeply into their consciousness, the great majority of the American public (even some liberals), once informed will become as outraged as the original Tea Party people are
47. The liberalism of yesterday, as it inexorably mutated from campus riots to Civil War and betrayal of America, has itself set the table for the Tea Party sociofascistic firestorm that now lowers upon it, massive and unrelenting
48. To avoid that fate the Obama regime launches massive, vicious, and unrelenting cannonades of smears, calumny, and personal attacks to destroy the character of Tea Party people
49. Officials of the regime fabricate lies and attempt disruptions regarding Tea Party events
50. They are in a state of panic that Tea Party protests will expose them for the anti-American betrayers they are