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    1. Punka sighed with relief, groveling and thanking Chemall

    2. thanking it for it’s tolerance of a foolish old man

    3. She could ask, but she guessed Ava was mostly thanking her for keeping an eye on her sister's problem and staying out of the way on hers

    4. He woke with a start, hauled himself up on his stout wooden stick, slung his bag back over his shoulder and patted the oak tree, thanking it for it’s tolerance of a foolish old man

    5. and is equally ill at ease, thanking his small God

    6. With a chuckle, he takes me by the hand and, thanking Drens for an excellent party, hauls me off towards our cabins

    7. For a moment she looks as though she’s going to argue then I see her smile to herself and she gives in gracefully, thanking him nicely

    8. He carefully puts Anna in the front and then opens the back door for me, quietly thanking me for being with Anna last night

    9. We should be thanking al the people that annoy us

    10. He was thanking her for leading the conversation this way

    11. Was he just thanking her for summarizing his story for him, or was he thanking her for leading him away from something bigger? Whatever it was, now that he had been lead away from it, he would stonewall returning

    12. He tramped on, skirting pools of stagnant water – thanking his stars that he hadn’t blundered into one of those in the darkness

    13. When the day finally comes, when Jock's liver gives up the ghost, he wants to come home with a sheepish grin all over his face, rattling on about dignity, all the while thanking every bone in his body for the National Health Service

    14. and thanking him with a nod of the head before continuing

    15. prayer to Saint Christopher – thanking him for his safe

    16. Staring down into her eyes he said, "Isn't he taking care of you?" He could’ve meant a hundred things, like watching over her, reminding her to do things, thanking her for doing things, helping her with the house, but he didn't mean any of those

    17. Thanking Emily, Brice bid her to return to her seat

    18. and, thanking his quick reflexes, was able to catch it just

    19. the doctor, thanking them with my eyes

    20. others! Instead of thanking me you say, ‘why all this fuss’

    21. He was honoured to be involved with Zarko’s wedding feast and couldn’t stop thanking her

    22. As she scrambled away, and in between breathlessly thanking Liulfr for his perfectly timed intervention, she told herself that she would forever DRAFT

    23. Major Myers congratulated me thanking me most warmly as did most of the rest of the men including the Lieutenant who had been told just how close he had come to death without him even knowing it

    24. Jesus looked up at him, thanking him with his eyes

    25. I said a silent prayer, thanking God that Jesus hung only a relatively short time on the cross

    26. ” Helen gave her a sip of water to moisten her lips Rosie finished with it thanking Helen and saying

    27. people were out on the streets, dancing and cheering and feeling liberated and thanking God for this moment

    28. The telephone call ended with Carl thanking the Rabbi profusely, enquiring as to what kind of gift would be suitable and how much he was looking forward to the visit and the Bat Mitzvah

    29. I wanted to find some way of thanking her,

    30. He wrote another letter to Longleaf, this one thanking him profusely for his aid in recovering the children and saying that his name would never be forgotten in Thimble Down

    31. say a prayer thanking the spirit for the help received

    32. Norman made some sort of confused noise that sounded as though he was thanking Adrian for passing him the water at a dining table

    33. Raul prayed to his friend’s God, thanking Him for Edgar and pleading for his eternal peace

    34. herself at him kissing him and profusely thanking him

    35. Thomas"s hand and pump it vigorously thanking him for

    36. “The way things turned out I should be thanking you, Ethan

    37. Thanking him for his assistance, Daphnie turned to greet Thomas

    38. He takes my arm and leads me into the building without thanking the driver

    39. You should be thanking us

    40. “Why should I be thanking you?”

    41. “You should be thanking me, not questioning me

    42. trumpets, 13 It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking

    43. He took off without thanking Cinder for porting him out of prison, thinking of

    44. He greeted me warmly, thanking me for allowing him to offer his hospitality

    45. I did not enter the palace, but left a note for the Tlatoani, thanking him for the use of the horse, and to Acapipioltzin, wishing him a safe trip with the Ordu, and then I went straight to the dock

    46. The next morning, I set out at first light as usual after thanking my hosts for all their hospitality and especially for the fruit and the spear

    47. Quickly thanking her once more for her help, he sprang

    48. Together we performed the thanking ritual to the deer spirit and I carried the deer over my shoulders back to the house

    49. After that rather novel expression of thanksgiving, he began with a more predictable line of credits, thanking his mother for cooking the turkey and his father for buying the turkey

    50. Chloe and Nolan were the last to leave the room, smiling and thanking the members of the jury, even Elizabeth for formalities and to be seen as getting on with being civil

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