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    thanks to Beispielsätze

    thanks to

    1. “It was all thanks to you,” he declared

    2. She knew it said, 'Let all who's way is eased give thanks to those who's centuries of toil have joined our basins in peace and brotherhood

    3. It was well known in the village that Haques did not give thanks to the animals that he killed

    4. And thanks to technology, he could do it from anywhere, and at anytime

    5. Several hours later, but miraculously on time, thanks to a personal friend with a pilot license, Theo was in the Phoenix Park Headquarters of the Irish Police Force, An Garda Siochana

    6. Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,

    7. ‘Mother is fine, thanks Tonya

    8. It has nothing to do with intelligence - on the contrary, it is much more manifest in persons of mean or low intelligence, and it is thanks to cunning that the mediocre often supplant the excellent

    9. After the Church gathering was over, everyfolk gave thanks to the

    10. ‘Thanks to you …’ he raised his glass in appreciation

    11. Standing by the rail, gazing at the waters which had swallowed Joris as though embracing him, I’d heard Drens and the other crew members giving their thanks to Berndt; naturally, he’d had a personal word for each of them

    12. (with thanks to George Carlin)

    13. Trying to look gracious, I accept the offering and smile my thanks to the child who rushes back to her family jabbering excitedly

    14. She used her antique phone to dash off a quick note of thanks to the guys at the DOCA, and a longer and more detailed note to Yellelle

    15. Please give my thanks to Tometahin and to the guys in the DOCA for getting the message across, and please give my regards and regrets to Ovrim

    16. “History knows him as Oliver Cromwell,” she replied, “Thanks to

    17. strength and fitness thanks to his years in the army

    18. discarded, and the majority was half blitzed thanks to Brunno’s punch

    19. Friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine

    20. Thanks to the description provided by the Innkeeper, Jean

    21. aching limbs and sending a silent prayer of thanks to

    22. She put down the yandrille, said some words of thanks to Klegnif and stepped off the stage

    23. We were up by four runs thanks to a two out bases loaded triple by yours truly

    24. thanks to Roman, and Sally unzipped her winter coat and took off her gloves

    25. ‘Well, it was thanks to Etienne that I was saved

    26. I never sold any books thanks to CompuServe

    27. And thanks to her, Luray wasn’t here to help him with it

    28. She got back there to find Marcue helping keep Alan warm, and thanks to Larneh, they had a good slice of the baby

    29. All thanks to you good Kyngza

    30. Special thanks to Candy McCracken for helping edit this book

    31. behaved for me, anyway (no doubt thanks to the constant

    32. "Thanks to the Destroyer, I'm not much of anything

    33. quick prayer of thanks to the apothecary’s talents, before

    34. prayer of thanks to Saint Christophe and Saint Jacques,

    35. squeeze and sent a silent prayer of thanks to Saint

    36. That night, Jean said a prayer of thanks to Saint

    37. shrouding the peaks, he said a silent prayer of thanks to

    38. Thanks to his three-knuckled fist, it was badly swollen, discolored to the dark color of rotting meat, beginning to go a sickly yellow

    39. ‘No thanks to you – where in the name of Beelzebub

    40. Thanks to his

    41. He cast a wicked smile at the staff – which, thanks to Anon’s blood, he held in his regenerated right hand

    42. because it had been obtained thanks to the “merits

    43. existed thanks to the church

    44. thanks to their votes

    45. weight lost on the voyage, thanks to constant extra helpings from Thea, the kind-hearted cook’s borrowed garment still was loose

    46. recognised that the top was Kant, thanks to the

    47. greater and greater measure thanks to the evolution of

    48. So, thanks to Homer the

    49. Thanks to the decapitate statues and al sorts

    50. Expensive and useless! Thanks to its

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