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    the courts

    1. We tried the courts

    2. When the courts and the assemblies failed them,

    3. change, not the courts of our kind hearted masters”

    4. When the courts and the assemblies failed them, when words and gestures like his own proved futile, the Barcs finally turned on friend and foe alike

    5. These dainty pixies graced the courts of the emperors, kings and chieftains and were never sent as tribute even when his empire was at it's height

    6. kept getting delayed in the courts, so she couldn’t put

    7. Presumably, Tom thought, the path had been laid to access the courts,

    8. other side of the courts, but there was no sign of close pursuit

    9. in the courts of my sanctuary

    10. The courts of justice of their kings seldom intermeddled in it

    11. No wonder she hadn’t been more excited about the courtship games

    12. A positive law may render a shilling a legal tender for a guinea, because it may direct the courts of justice to discharge the debtor who has made that tender ; but no positive law can oblige a person who sells goods, and who is at liberty to sell or not to sell as he pleases, to accept of a shilling as equivalent to a guinea in the price of them

    13. If you except Rouen and Bourdeaux, there is little trade or industry in any of the parliament towns of France; and the inferior ranks of people, being chiefly maintained by the expense of the members of the courts of justice, and of those who come to plead before them, are in general idle and poor

    14. Meanwhile back in the courts of the palace

    15. The present admirable constitution of the courts of justice in England was, perhaps, originally, in a great measure, formed by this emulation, which anciently took place between their respective judges : each judge endeavouring to give, in his own court, the speediest and most effectual remedy which the law would admit, for every sort of injustice

    16. Originally, the courts of law gave damages only for breach of contract

    17. In such cases, therefore, the remedy of the courts of law was sufficient

    18. Such causes, therefore, for some time, went all to the court of chancery, to the no small loss of the courts of law

    19. It was to draw back such causes to themselves, that the courts of law are said to have invented the artificial and fictitious writ of ejectment, the most effectual remedy for an unjust outer or dispossession of land

    20. Upon this question the decisions of the courts of justice were not uniform, but varied with the authority of government, and the humours of the times

    21. In consequence of these alterations, the courts, both of the proprietors and directors, it was expected, would be likely to act with more dignity and steadiness than they had usually done before

    22. The persons, however, who give occasion to this expense, are those who, by their injustice in one way or another, make it necessary to seek redress or protection from the courts of justice

    23. The persons, again, most immediately benefited by this expense, are those whom the courts of justice either restore to their rights, or maintain in their rights

    24. That same laughter had filled the courts that Saturday

    25. If the Congress can"t touch the free exercise of religion, neither can the courts

    26. “Well we must prepare for the Courts Martial and put some kind of defence together but what that is going to be I don’t know yet the thing is at the moment your looking at the death penalty make no mistake about that

    27. ” Lt Howarth now jumped in risking the courts wrath

    28. With respect to the officers and crew…if the facts stated by Captain Waddell are true, there is clearly no case for any persecution on the ground of piracy in the courts of this country, and we presume that her Majesty’s government is not in possession of any evidence which could be produced before any court or magistrate for the purpose of contravening the statement or showing that the crime of piracy has, in fact, been committed…With respect to any persons on the Shenandoah who cannot immediately be proceeded against and

    29. The courtship of your mother and father was approved of and plans were made for your future and your being outcast amid the world of other races

    30. This fact was drilled into us for the courts were very fair in those days (procedurally) and would act when needed

    31. All laws must be upheld until such time as parliament or the courts scrap those laws

    32. Kidnapping that is called in the civilised world, but the courts could do nothing because it was a legal act duly enabled by Parliament

    33. As the Police arrested perpetrators of these laws in order to maintain law and order, the courts had to deal with them accordingly

    34. As said the courts will not easily agree to this unless recklessness and criminal intend was involved

    35. It must be said the courts understood the Roman dictum of “who will protect us against our protectors” even if the Nationalists were too stupid to do so but we spoke about that before

    36. The whole story of his life was one of mismanagement by the courts for he was arrested and sentenced for the same crimes before and he should never have been around to commit these crimes

    37. Many times we swore we will kill the criminal next time because the courts did not deal with them in the way we thought it should

    38. The courts tried to make sense of the Nationalist's silly laws and not one of the parties mentioned succeeded

    39. The courts and police can and will assist you, and he will not get the children

    40. The presiding officer, whether called a Magistrate or Judge depending on the courts status, also don’t have a mallet and used his well-trained evil eye to keep order in his court

    41. He knew the courts and head librarian position waited for him in jail if he could survive his fatherly talking by his sergeant

    42. He cannot really comprehend why the white policemen arrested him, and the courts take this in account with sentencing

    43. …joined together for purposes of price-fixing, unlawful trade practices and restraint of trade…acquiring an unfair (―competitive‖) advantage over its market rivals…resulting in artificially higher prices than the consumer could (otherwise) afford to pay for (certain) products and services…not so a highly successful company that has carefully positioned itself in the open market…(properly) planning, researching, developing, designing, manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing its products and services at a lower cost than its competitors while passing the savings along to its customers…these companies, having legally complied with existing laws and regulations, should not be penalized for their achievements…coerced into sharing their formulae for success with their (underachieving) competitors as the courts oftentimes mandate…

    44. Medically your heart may still beat for a few minutes (usually does) which is why the courts say you will "hang by your neck until you are dead dead dead, may God have mercy on your soul

    45. A ―probable‖ law is probable inasmuch as it remains subject to ―proof;‖ that is to say, until it is validated by common practices and/or legal interpretations by legal authorities consisting of nonelected men and women appointed to our nation‘s highest courts who remain unaccountable to the American People; subject to contingent legalities that directly affect them and whose ―definitive‖ arguments are (oftentimes) subject to change as the ideological alignment of the courts may vary thereby overriding legislative authority vested by the people to sanction laws by rendering elastic, interpretations of (uncertain) legal propositions and subsequent laws of the land, thereby setting themselves up in a uncertain manner as supreme arbiters of the law

    46. Note I am not saying the end result or objective is to arrest him or hand him over to the courts

    47. Sadly, a number of priests are reluctant, it seems, to challenge modernist viewpoints for fear of alienating their parishioners leery of a church presently under indictment by the courts of public opinion

    48. " I like to think that all those years of going to the courts may have helped him

    49. Allow me to quote again from my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police: "Many times we swore we will kill the criminal next time because the courts did not deal with them in the way we thought it should

    50. It also explains the lack of a human rights culture and how the courts were abused into Apartheid legally for the Judges were not necessarily supporters

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