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    the devil

    1. by the devil who does not want to see you growing in the

    2. ‘Paul and I had the devil of a job stopping her mounting an assault on the police station where they were holding you

    3. It was something dreamed up by the Devils of this world

    4. the devil, for God was with Him

    5. resist the devil with strong faith

    6. out of the hands of men and also the devil and place yourself into

    7. can exorcise the devil and the diseases he brings, is a prayer in tongues

    8. Unlike you, who prefer a broad brush, I see the intricate beauty of the devil in the

    9. We defeat the devil when we are rooted in the foundation of the Word of

    10. but it was the devil who tried to steal our health, we began to use our

    11. the devil will not steal

    12. Eve was deceived by the Devil's lie

    13. It is the voice of the devil to accuse, blame, manipulate, and slander

    14. It is also within this passage that Paul explains the freedom we have in Christ and the way in which the cross overcomes the power of the devil

    15. Unlike you, who prefer a broad brush, I see the intricate beauty of the devil in the detail

    16. That nation, though it was called Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome at other times, is the very nation that the devil rules

    17. The teaching of the early Church fathers was that Jesus died to destroy the power of the devil

    18. Christ was victorious over the power of the devil

    19. And what is the devil’s power? We’ve expressed it over and over again

    20. The power of the devil lies solely in manipulation, force, intimidation, lies, etc

    21. The devil thought that he had victory

    22. Enraged, Ichor went for the devil and fired a large blast as Sarah let loose with her crossbow

    23. The mist was so thick that the devils could barely see thru it

    24. I carry it back into the kitchen and rinse it under the tap, popping the Devil’s Ivy into it and taking it upstairs

    25. 'I'm being the devil's advocate that's all

    26. During the raging some had yelled and cursed and some threw rocks to ward off the devils in that boat but most had stood in fear

    27. spending the rest of his days in the Devil’s living room as part of

    28. God and the Devil: the only two without need of medication

    29. It is the devil’s earth

    30. He had a wild look on his face, like a man trying to keep a step ahead of the devil

    31. everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

    32. It’s Jock’s call, not his, and if she wants to play with the Devil, then that’s up to her

    33. "…yeah, Jock's fine love, like your Dad, set in his ways and a pain in the backside, but better the Devil you know

    34. Chrissie had been inclined to stay, taking the tack that the devil of a boss she knew was better than the devil of unemployment, but her opinion changed when Masa had a go at her after the last show of the day

    35. of the devil himself

    36. It was the devil’s own luck that he’d managed to spot

    37. is of the devil, for the devil has been

    38. was to destroy the works of the devil

    39. called the devil and Satan, the

    40. Resist the devil, and he will flee from

    41. And the devil who had deceived them

    42. earth and sea, for the devil has come

    43. and the devil who had deceived them

    44. And said, “You son of the devil, you

    45. 2He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan,

    46. The Devil And Demons In Visions And

    47. The Devil always tries to enslave

    48. The Devil is in the Details

    49. Will let me tell you, I think a lot of them were the devil's servants and not God's servants as they were evil, rotten people regardless of whether they were black clothes with a collar and call themselves a priest or nun

    50. Scripture says the Devil appears as an angel of light

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