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    Verwenden Sie „theoretically“ in einem Satz

    theoretically Beispielsätze


    1. We have no way to tell what fuel reserve it has remaining, theoretically it could have enough for a month's burn, giving it more 61-Cygni relative velocity that we have

    2. Theoretically he was not attending the meeting he was supporting because he was on duty

    3. There were calculations that showed the star could theoretically have two planets that could harbor life

    4. and injustice!” Theoretically, Pelagius had been

    5. Theoretically, it is perfect, at least in his

    6. theoretically, its role is to orientate the readers, the

    7. Worth! Theoretically, your own car would be a

    8. Theoretically, the Greeks are not illiterate, but

    9. Maven was even still a possibility - theoretically, anyway

    10. Theoretically it should only take another four days to get to the beacon as they were almost halfway there already

    11. Theoretically there are no limits here; no physical space

    12. Dark energy in its simplest formulation takes the form of the cosmological constant term in Einstein‘s field equations of general relativity, but its composition and mechanism are unknown and, more generally, the details of its equation of state and relationship with the Standard Model of particle physics continue to be investigated both observationally and theoretically

    13. Theoretically, because there was no guarantee the radiation released by the

    14. Theoretically, nearly all motor units will be recruited, trained and hypertrophied

    15. “It’s theoretically possible to shift with two engines,” he

    16. During a hostage crisis it is theoretically possible for a police sniper (with a high powered telescope) to shoot the firearm out of a suspect’s hand

    17. He is theoretically (on the Nuremberg legal dictums) able to refuse such orders but let us think practically

    18. The idea was to drop patrols clandestinely for the engine never stopped running and theoretically the terrorists would not then know that the patrol was on the ground

    19. It is a highly unlikely scenario but theoretically possible and I know of quite a few submarine commanders who swore they took pictures of your carriers (fat juicy targets in their language) without being detected and one showed it to me when I challenged him

    20. Theoretically voluntary and for their protection, removal was by force

    21. Theoretically, Bru had needed glasses for a long time

    22. Cultural assimilation was the goal, and many missionaries had a poor understanding of the people they were theoretically there to help

    23. McKinley's arrogant and racist actions caused the unnecessary war in the Philippines in the first place, people he theoretically had launched a war to liberate

    24. Theoretically, head-shrinkers have their uses

    25. Theoretically he could fly with only rudder and elevator…right? So that’s why we never made a claim

    26. Theoretically the 0-400 could go about eighty-five, but this newer model was actually rated at ninety-seven, ‘and a half,’ miles per hour

    27. Theoretically, the government had no idea of what went on in there

    28. To put that in real terms, it will theoretically add:

    29. It was situated on the western side above a narrow spot in the valley where they could theoretically stop invasions

    30. The night passed without incident, but it was time for us to move north to intercept the theoretically fleeing enemy

    31. converts, and, although theoretically, anyone could enter there, provided he observed

    32. Theoretically — all approaches are good

    33. Theoretically, when you send out a tweet, everyone can see that tweet

    34. As in physics, the unexpected and theoretically inconsistent empirical observation is a

    35. It discriminates on the basis of class, as in Ukraine, where, theoretically, it was only the “kulak,” or independent peasant, that was exterminated

    36. Although such cruel games are now theoretically banned, they are still

    37. Though he theoretically had a chain of command, he never made an apology for overriding it

    38. Mother and several of her kind are preparing to do a surgical procedure that hasn’t been tried before but is theoretically possible

    39. she theoretically could leave her body--even the natural confines of

    40. In this space the new concepts of humanity and of love are theoretically

    41. It is indeed theoretically possible for a shadow universe to exist

    42. Theoretically, therefore, if there is a way in which the frequency of par-

    43. I was theoretically speaking

    44. traveling into the past is theoretically about

    45. Their radio telescopes could have theoretically detected transmissions from planets at the edge of the galaxy

    46. I should theoretically have been afraid of her, all two hundred pounds of malice and spite, but I wasn’t

    47. Aunt Mary and theoretically, knew quite well, having never been there

    48. and theoretically has no knowledge of my Research but if I write about her

    49. It meant that Gomes theoretically would never be without some sort of power in his quarry

    50. Theoretically they had brought enough food to last the winter, but fresh food was a welcome addition to their diet

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