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    thickset Beispielsätze


    1. A large thickset book

    2. He was a man about my own age, not tall, perhaps five six, but thickset, strong and sharp

    3. " He pointed his chin in the direction of a short, thickset man, who appeared to be studying the sky

    4. A thickset, ugly looking man, who informed him, that if he didn’t pay back what he owed to the bookmaker by the end of the month, he wouldn’t have a business, a house, or legs that worked

    5. He had trod on through thickset lush overgrowths, greens and all sorts of wild vegetation using his indispensable knife and had neither complained for the steaming heat nor for the breath-clogging moisture

    6. He turned though once before starting to rummage through the thickset leaves and lush bushes all around, and asked Amonas:

    7. Philo’s thickset body had lost its healthy color; a pallid skin implied he was less than feeble

    8. I’d have you flogged but I’d be wasting the procrastinators’ time on some thickset pachyderm hides

    9. Before Gabriel could respond, a short, thickset man wearing overalls called, “Gabriel, good to see you,” as he weaved his way around random panes of glass propped against shelves throughout the store

    10. ‘Sir?’ said a thickset detective in the front row of chairs, ‘I noticed Detective Superintendent Demery was here earlier on

    11. Alf was tied to a chair near the center of the room and one thickset thug with his back to Max was punching Alf to soften him up

    12. "Craft," said the thickset man by his side

    13. The captain, a thickset man who wore the elbowturbans typical of a Great Nef tribesman, was much travelled and had seen many strange peoples and curious things, many of which he had subsequently enslaved or stolen

    14. It’s a daunting task, but these same thickset Eastern European and West Indian women who can make your life hell if you’re perceived to take a tone with them have got protocols down cold

    15. Then a tall, thickset man in blue presses his palm against my chest Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner and he's pushing me back out through the doors, his wedding band cold on my skin

    16. He was thickset but not fat; I judged him to be between thirty and thirty five years old

    17. He was a man of medium stature, thickset and robust, in the prime of life

    18. And, with an imperious motion, the frail young man of twenty years bent the thickset and sturdy porter like a reed, and brought him to his knees in the mire

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    thickset compact heavyset stocky thick