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    this place

    1. Gen: 20:11: And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake

    2. He couldn't sell this place, he could sell his old one

    3. It had been over fifty Earth years that Kulai had owned this place, but this structure had been completed while Europe was in the dark ages and Third Canal had been the beachfront

    4. “I designed this place,” Ackers jumped in as soon as he could

    5. “I feel Jesus – I feel Jesus - I feel Jesus…, in this place

    6. I feel Jesus, in this place

    7. Into this place the mixture TGC+™ (equal amounts of organic tobacco, garlic powder, compost and the + stands for trace minerals such as rock dust)

    8. On top of this place either a pretty rock or a nice clay pot to cover it, or simply mulch over, remembering where it is

    9. More urgently, where is that going to leave me financially? I was counting on the rent from the house to pay for this place

    10. ‘I really ought to do something with this place

    11. They were the only guests at this place this dusk, dusk of week Kyebenwae his calendar said

    12. "I know my uncle owns this place but really, who else could they put in charge? Draper? Hah!" Benji Draper was the oldest employee in the office

    13. ‘I bought this place when I was offered a partnership in the firm

    14. One thing which attracted me to this place was the fact that it is in the country

    15. My tenancy of this place has weeks to run yet

    16. She was the spider, this place

    17. your story of how they came to this place

    18. ‘What is this place?’

    19. this place is not nothing but this dreadful solitude, I have

    20. ---> Do not be afraid that seizes this place, of the

    21. all love in this place

    22. you, you end up with what most loved, only to leave this place

    23. why follow this place? You lied, you cheated damn month!

    24. Jubei ---> Better tell me how you got to this place and with

    25. I was not alone in writing the history of this place

    26. I’ve become very attached to this place and would hate to have to leave, especially if it was through my own incompetence

    27. They’ve used this place before

    28. So, ask yourself this: would they have made this place just for you? Are you alone?”

    29. The scheduling the staff of this place alone is a nightmare!" As they leave, I stand to embrace Apollo, but he surprises me yet again

    30. "I'd like that, I really wouldn't have the energy to keep this place together by myself for long

    31. She was the spider, this place and time her hunting ground, and with the primeval urge satisfied she would then indulge herself within the joyous pain of bestial desire

    32. ‘Is there a catalogue?’ Kara asked, wondering just how much there was secreted here … why had Joris never mentioned this place?

    33. As they came up the stairs, they stopped, turned towards each other and wondered aloud, when they would be able to return to this place

    34. Do you know this place at all?’

    35. ‘Do they serve lunch in this place?’ Berndt asked, turning to practicalities again

    36. What ails me is the manner of this place, of this confusion

    37. I know the authorities in this place and will kick them into action

    38. As before, I am impressed by the skill of our distant ancestors … I can’t imagine the work and organisation that must have gone into building this place

    39. wait nervously to leave this place

    40. Lmore assured them that the recipes were as authentic as you'd find in this basin and this place would be considered a little touristy but would still draw plenty of business in Trenst itself

    41. Take everything you want with you; you will not be returning to this place

    42. Why on earth would you leave this place for damp old windy Cornwall?'

    43. ‘What is this place?’ I asked, through a mouthful of potato

    44. This place is huge, I had no idea it was here

    45. I don’t want to get things wrong in this place – it would haunt me

    46. That way is more simple and that is why this place is pretty special, I can be myself, no problem

    47. ‘In a way, this place reminds me of the house we grew up in

    48. I think she inherited some money which went towards buying this place

    49. Think about it! With modern technology and a few million Euros this place could knock every other playground into a black hole and my dear little Kaliantikos Foundation will provide the bungs

    50. ‘Jo, how are you going to cope with moving house? I know how attached you are to this place

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