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throw back Beispielsätze
throw back
1. the mountain, to throw back in their trace all the stones
2. ? Why had she kept them? Why hadn't she thrown them away? But no amount of 'whys' could throw back that moment of opening
3. He tried to throw back his head and laugh, but the pillory restricted the movement
4. Occasionally, she would throw back her head and stare lovingly into her master’s face, yet, in truth, no person was her master
5. The chart recorder in use was a throw back from the days when both production lines were in operation
6. you could say at the dinner table that he couldn't throw back at
7. An almost throw back from the sixties in style, with cigarette burns in the armrests to boot
8. probably a tail, throw backs to earlier genetic paths
9. “They’d throw back worse than stones
10. Desembozarse is to throw back the cloakand leave the face
11. Simon saw him throw back his head and laugh long and hard
12. “She certainly is that,” said Madeline, and had managed not to throw back her head and cackle like a hysterical witch
13. Half the catch of oysters they throw back in the sea to keep up the price
14. Then he saw beneath a thick clump of linden-trees, which were nearly divested of foliage, Madame de Villefort sitting with a book in her hand, the perusal of which she frequently interrupted to smile upon her son, or to throw back his elastic ball, which he obstinately threw from the drawing-room into the garden
15. I throw back the imputation with scorn
16. Why didn’t he have one of his usual wisecracks to throw back at her?
17. The whole family, drawn out into the sunlight, gathered around the stranger with the wicker basket, waiting for Father to arrive to throw back the coverlet on the small carrier so they could all dip their hands in
18. I coasted off the road and pulled to within fifty feet of the godlike thing, so close that I had to throw back my head and raise my eyes to vertical to see its branches
19. In spite of her exceptional stoutness, which caused her to protrude her chest and stomach and throw back her head, this woman (who was “Uncle’s” housekeeper) trod very lightly
20. Between mount Tom and the mountains west, there is a secondary plain of sufficient height to throw back the water over the supposed bed of the lake, before a passage was worn between Holyoke and Tom
21. Sir, humanity to that people, as well as the irresistible claims we have to protection, require that a force should be stationed on the Mobile and Mississippi sufficient to prevent the effect of British and Spanish machination, or to throw back on themselves the evils of hostility